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About likon69

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  1. A new update is coming soon. The biggest one since the beginning of this project.
  2. 4 dislike, I don't understand why. It's a good video. So I agree it doesn't show honorbuddy in action. But carl why put a dislike
  3. Best bot and version! I modify the addon idTip so that it displays the ids of the npc. In addition to displaying the ids you can press Alt and aim at a npc it will write the id in the game chat. If you do the same for ctrl it will write the npc name to you. Ideal when you create profiles to quickly complete the id or name without going into developper tools.
  4. I think it was closed before MoP. Sorry man
  5. if wow.exe is not too modified things should work. It's a Beta version,
  6. I don't think anyone. Why doesn't it work?
  7. Normally we have to activate your key.
  8. look in WOTLK or legion or tbc file it is mixed
  9. sorry but it doesn't exist for this version
  10. With twitch I can play the last beta 6 days ago. So good! Too bad it was so short