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How to ask for "Help and Support"


Because I see people not properly posting in this section I'd like to make it easier for the ones that are trying to help.  

When posting in this section please follow this template

Program:  (HB, DB, WB, ECT)Version:  IE: HB757, DB787Issue:  Describe your issue with as much detail as you can.Log:  Provide the latest log from "(Buddy product folder)/Logs"  upload to 

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Routine: This does matter some timesBotbase: This is something needed with the combat routine some don't work togetherPlugins ENABLED: This can also cause issues.Location: Just incase.Screen Shot: Optional (Sometimes you get a windows error or something extra that pops up, this can be helpful to us)

By using this template it should be much easier to get help and a lot less sarcastic posts like "Nice log" 

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