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Honorbuddy down?

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Hey guys, 

So i just got back on WoW today and thought i'd try out the new honorbuddy. 

I know that it was down earlier because something was suspected i couldn't remember what but I also read that it was up again dude to false alarm.

Anyone know if it's still down or is it just my HB?

But as I downloaded it and started it off, it gave me this :


Honorbuddy v2.5.6929.555 started.
Logging in...
You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #16769
You are currently on build #0

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I like this 5Ofx9DF.png <- Guide. But I don't find it informing enough to give you a Like. By the way, when writing guides you're supposed to inform the viewers of something but right now it looks like you're asking a question...? Or am I wrong?

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I apologize for making a new thread on the wrong section. But i could only relate WoW to one of these.

Didn't mean to cause any problems of some sort. Apologies if I have.

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Haha, no problem. The bot is currently not working for you due to an hotfix patch applied to the client and therefor HonorBuddy cannot connect to WoW.

A BETA release have been made but it's VIP exclusive. Hopefully a normal version will be released tomorrow.


Anyhow, I'm locking this thread since it's answered.



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