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Heroes-Wow hack

3 posts in this topic

Is there a hack that is undectected on this server?


Besides admin panel.

Like donation/vote hack, or dmg hack.


Thanks in advance





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Hey feel free to ignore my advice, but you are playing on one of the worst MoP servers. It's at an earlier patch, has less content, smaller population, dead forum, and little development. If you are going to play non-retail I'd highly suggest one of the following:



Warlords of Draenor


Growing nicely, relatively little bugs, Draneor content already available with more promised soon. This is the future, might as well get in on the newest expansion. Only two months old or so, versus heroes-wow's multiple year lead and it's already "better".



Mists of Pandaria


This is the best MoP server, in that no other MoP server has less bugs, more content, a bigger community, and a store where voting is 100% equal to paying for points. Massive community, always tons of people on, rarely much of a que. Development is fast, content available is great, with virtually all pre MoP raids/dungeons working. one issue is its only about half english speakers, but even so you still have thousands of english speakers to play with at any time.



Mists of Pandaria


Behind PandaWoW in patch, content, pvp options. plus is its almost all english speaking players.


I've played on "almost every" MoP server out there and I can tell you that Heroes is dead and well behind the other big names.


Honorable Mention: WoW Circle (Very similiar too PandaWoW, they collaborate together.)

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I like the 255 server heroes wow have. But I doesnt really play private wow. I Just want to "hack" the server!  :giggle:

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