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4.3.4 - TidyBags

3 posts in this topic

What does it do:

It unpacks clams, crates, scrolls, bags and chests that are in your bags.
It also turns your motes and crystallized into primals and eternals.
It combines your borean scraps into leathers.
And lastly it destroys items you do not desire to keep (according to a pre-set list)

What does it NOT do:

It doesn't mow your lawn, nor does it do the dishes or cook for you.
It might be able to keep the missis happier however (as you need to spend less time on the bot again wink.png)

When will it Tidy your Bags:

It will check for items to unpack/combine when you are again in a "Resting" state, after combat is finished and the corpse is looted.
Please be aware that it will perform the action AFTER your next looting event.
To be clear: You kill a mob -> You loot a TidyBags listed item -> You kill another mob -> You loot -> Tidybags performs it's trick on the PREVIOUSLY LOOTED item.
TidyBags will always do it's trick 1 lootevent after the item is actually looted. This is to prevent the skinning bug that was present in earlier versions (pre v3.1.6.8).

When will it NOT Tidy your Bags:

If you are in Combat, in a Battleground, Mounted (travelling), or if you don't have anything to unpack/combine, this plugin won't do anything.

Additional Information:

It will try to do it's job regardless. However this plugin might not work in combination with other plugins.
I've tested it with AutoAngler and it worked fine, however not with a 1 spot fishing profile.
Why I was not able to figure out (but with fishing in pools, moving around it worked for me).

How to use:

Download and drop in your plug-in folder of HonorBuddy.
Each plugin needs to be in it's own folder for HonorBuddy and the Plugins to work.
Start up HonorBuddy (or recompile if you have HonorBuddy running).
Then on the Plug-in tab you will find TidyBags 3.
Tick the plug-in and it will tidy your bags during your botting session.

User Defined Settings:

If you open the file in Notepad or any other favorite text editor you will find a part with items to be tidied or destroyed.
If you feel something is missing from the lists, just add it there with item ID (which you can find on WoWhead for example).



Credits to Ryns, MaiN, erenion, TIA, ShamWOW, Gilderoy, Samrick and Pasterke for their contributions in the past and possible future.

Final Thoughts:

If you don't like it, don't use it.
If you have any idea's on how to improve it, code it and post it.
The better it works, the better for all of us.
I would appreciate it if you don't take code without asking first.
Some do this and use it for profit (ask for money), while I do it for the community.
Doesn't seem right to earn on someone else's codebase.
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Be sure it's not in a doubled folder.

Dose it show up in your plug-ins?

Are you on a private serve?

This is only for 4.3.4 srrvers.

What Hb are you using. This is one of the reasons i uploaded the one i use.

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