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Help with Arduino

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Hi people, 

I have some questions for a small program i'm started to make in Arduino.

The program's overall picture is that when using the serial monitoring, u will be able to write "New User" or "List". If u type "New User" u will be able to write different user information down such as name and age, after where you can store the user. if u on the other hand type "List" u will be able to see the entire list of users there are stored. 

I'm not the best to Arduino, but I know the basic as string, arrays, loops and structs. 

Can anyone help me ?


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The serial works pretty much like an TERMINAL, but the functions are a little bit different


Since serial is a port used for communication, its latency is a bit high, and it probably doesn't raise an interrupt on the microcontroller. Therefore, the arduino can't listen to it constantly, like in a computer. So, you can't simply scanf() for a variable, but you can print(), since print is a output stream. Idk if I made myself clear, but whenever you are trying to read values from the serial, you will have to use other functions, rather than scanf(), from C.


Take a look: 

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You have some functions, like read()parseInt(), etc. Take a look! There are all the functions and working examples there. The documentation is always a great way to start.


Lemme know if you need further help

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