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Style's forum moderator application

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Style's CodeMplosion forum moderator application:

Age: I am currently 17 years old.

Region of residence(EU, USA, Asia etc): I live In USA but sometimes I travel to EU and to Asia.

Language skills(Do you speak english good?): Yes, I speak English fluently, I would also rate my English grammar 9.6/10 oh and I also speak Arabic and French!

Moderator experience(Have you moderated on other sites?): I've moderated several websites/forums that aimed for WoW/Game cheats, WoW private servers, Minecraft private servers and also Runescape private servers, and the only reason I left these forums Is because they were either shut down, or the owner did not want to continue the project.

Forum experience(Are you familiar with modcp on IPB, vB etc): I've worked on several forums, and alot of them we're vBulletin and IPB, phpBB.. I would rate my forum experience about 9/10 !

Why should we pick you: I have alot of forum experience, and I am a very active person, and especially on these types of forums, and I believe that this community Is my second family, and I would like to make It a better place for all the members and new people, as I like to assist people In there problems.

Any other skills worth mentioning?: I have alot of experience In HonorBuddy and DemonBuddy, and I also been playing World of Warcraft from the start, so my World of Warcraft experience Is probably 10/10, I'm also good at doing 2D and 3D pictures and I am really good at designing forums, I also know alot of tweaks and so on..!

Anything else you would like to add: I hope my application gets In consideration because as I said before, CodeMplosion's community Is my second family and I think Its a very successful project, and I just want to help Improve It.

Thanks for reading my application, you may leave a reply or just like the thread!

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