
HB 4.3 herb gathering bug

6 posts in this topic


Something went wrong with my HB, when I'm running it to farm herbs and it finds a herb next to an npc, it is only trying to get the herb instead of fighting the npcfirst, my character always die because of this.
I had this bug 2-3 months before, but there were no problems till monday.

Here's my log: 

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Anyone has/had the same problem?

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Is it with that specific profile or has it happened with other profiles?

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Is it with that specific profile or has it happened with other profiles?

I there were no npcs when I tested the other profiles, but I think it's a global problem.

When I tested it with my default profile, the bot ignored all the npcs near the node, I had to kill them manually.

Before, it killed all the npcs those caused the first gathering process interrupt.

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Re-install HB. it solves 99% of problems for me. Make sure you backup things you have downloaded like CC's, profiles, plugins.... Do you have any plugins that may be causing it to do it? Any CC? Try activating "Kill between hotspots"


Send me a link to the profile you're using.

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the bot ignored all the npcs near the node, I had to kill them manually.




This reminds me of when I was running FireHack

~ If you are using it, it interferes with HB and youll have to exit wow and re open.

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Tried with frest HB install, but the problem's still there.
I only use the basic Singular custom class and the Kill between hotspot option is checked.
Tested with combat bot, it works, but Gatherbuddy doesn't realise the combat.
Tried with CM druid profile and with others, but still nothing.

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