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Lord of The Rings: Conquest!

3 posts in this topic

What up guys, I was just wondering if anyone remembers a game that came out a while ago called Lord of The Rings: Conquest? It's made by EA, but its supposed to be exactly like Star Wars: Battlefront 2 except its LOTR. I have the installed and cracked version of the game, and it turns out that there are these guys who are trying to "reboot" the game (the actual EA multiplayer servers were taken down due to lack of a playerbase) through the vLan program called tunngle. Check these guys out, there is usually a lobby (normally boring ol' hero team deathmatch) going but you are free  to create your own lobby.

Conquest Reboot: 

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I've played this game on and off for years, and I must say I'm pretty fucking pro at it. If anyone needs help getting the game up and running or wants to just fuck around and play or wants to challenge me, post here or inbox me. I'd be glad to play with some people other than the usual people in the Hero Team Deathmatch room, because that shit gets old haha.


*Edit: Due to several requests, there is now a possibility of a weekly organized tournament that I will organize and execute. We will need as many people willing to join as possible, so post here even if you're just interested!

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Hey man i used to love this game to got it on the dl atm so ill most probably see you on there tomoz if your about !

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Sweet dude sounds good, make sure you get Tunngle downloaded and installed though.

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