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☼ Nostalrius • Elysium • Lordaeron • any Private Server PowerLeveling service ☼

28 posts in this topic

I provide the PowerLeveling service on any Private servers, in the shortest time and low price.
I provide 100% Security Account. Characters are leveled only by hands, without exploits, hacks, bots or other programs.
You get FREE 60% mount for your character if you order 1-60 or 30-60 leveling.
All looted items and gold stay on your character.
Discount for professions when ordering 1-max level.

- I make quickly
- I make myself
- 100% quests
- Low price, high quality

I will provide pictures everyday.
Payment Method: Paypal, Skrill,WebMoney
You pay in front or every 5-10 level

Pricelist Powerleveling:
Nostalrius - Elysium • x1 Vanilla servers

1-30 80$ 2-3 days
1-40 125$ 4-5 days
1-60 199$ 9-12 days

• x1 Burning crusade servers

1-60 99$ 6-7 days
60-70 70$ 3-4 days

LORDAERON WARMANE • x1 Wotlk servers

1-60 90$ 3-5 days
1-70 130$ 5-7 days
1-80 169$ 9-12 days

Poverleveling available any complexity, which will be offered at a fair price.

Additional services: 
Driving character (personal player for any gaming services)
You can use the time driver at their discretion. For example: farm gold, walk in raids and dungeons, farm honor and reputations. Many and many other tasks.
Price: 20$ per one day = 14hours. 
If you are interested or you need more information you can get write here or in my skype:

E-mail: [email protected]



Here are a few of my other threads confirming my honesty: 

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I will be glad to your feedback.

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