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★★★ Looking4Group 2.4.3 TBC | Hellfire PvP | ★★★ - Horde Mage 70lvl

1 post in this topic

Troll male Mage 70 lvl 

Enchanting - 351/375
Tailoring - 375/375
Riding - 225
Talent Specialization: 7/43/11 (fire)
Gold: 500g

TBC Reputations:
Thrallmar - Revered
Cenarion Expedition - Exalted
Lower City - Revered
The Scryers - Friendly
The Sha'tar - Revered
Keeper's of Time - Revered
The Violet Eye - Revered

Keys & Attunes:
[Key to the Arcatraz]
[Shattered Halls Key]

Karazhan attun - Done
SSK attun - Done
TK attun - in progress

crafted gears: 
[Spellstrike Hood]
[Spellfire Robe]

[Spellfire Gloves]
[Spellfire Belt]
[Spellstrike Pants]

stats (unbuffed):
Bonus damage - 839 (fire)
Hit rating - 118 (9.35%)
Crit chance - 202 (23.88%)

payment via paypal
original mail
my skype: mover1e

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