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Does a limit exist for profiles?

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Ive enabled several more profiels than I usually run via the cdstore as I got sick of enabling and disabling as i use them and figured convenience > cleanliness I guess.

Either way, many, id even argue most didnt even show up now.  Is there a hard limit on how many you can stream simultaneously or something? 

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Not that i know of, but if you enable something that does not currently work with this version of HB, it can prevent several others/all from appearing

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hmm.. looks like ill have some digging to do.  I spent a TON of time goping through everything and checking only the things i would use across plugins, routines, profiles, botbases, all of it.  Looks like Ill hvae to go back through, remove everything.. and try again with minimal stufff lol.


Something in there is preventing "some" stuff from showing up.  Lots does, but lots doesnt.  Not sure how or why it selects what it does but the few most important things were things that were just added to the cdstore so i know those werent hte culprit, yet theyre part of what isnt showing up :(

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