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Found 11 results

  1. I have seen old threads where people have posted leaks of his PQR profiles but all the links are broken , so i figured i would ask. If anyone has a link to a Cokx PQR profile it would be greatly appreciated ! im sure lots of people are looking for it . Thanks again in advance. -Oya.
  2. Hey guys. I'm sharing my collection of pqr profiles for MoP 5.4.7 and 5.4.8. Some of the profiles might not work properly on different servers. Tested on: and frostwolf server It contains both pvp and pve profiles and expect way better performance on well made profiles than what you had with HB or any other bots especially in pvp. (spell reflect instant spells, druid form switch on last milisecond of polymorph cast etc) Most of the profiles are requires for you to do the general rotation it will only do the non standard stuff like perfect bursting or cc etc. This is generally true for pvp profiles. I havent created any of these profiles but i made modifications in some of them but i do not intend to take credit for any of them. How to use? Preparation: From the packed file copy the contents of the AddOns folder to your wow client/interface/AddOns folder Start you wow client. Log in Press addons and make sure you have selected PQinterface addon and load out of date addons are ticked enter world with your character Start PQR.exe Select the wow instance you would like it to attach to. (Only works with WoW MoP,, Press attach Select the rotation you would like to use in the dropdown menu and press the hotkey next to it ingame to load the rotation You are ready to pwn. (I highly recommend testing out on a friend or a dummy before giving it a go in raids, arenas, bgs) Download:!KkNlSYKa!QyUsqlWXZg3aVGI1Xq7EdE6T6Po6IHiHzP3J1-FwxCk None of it is my creation i just collected them. Have fun!
  3. Hi there. What would be the safest option for rotation botting? I want to create a cheap boosting service, and a rotation bot would help a lot. First I wanted to buy a grinder bot, but the recent ban waves are scary and I don't want to waste money. First I wanted to buy soapbox rotation, but they got hit recently. Can you guys give me your opinion, and experience on these rotation bots? Please, and thank you.
  4. Greetings Everyone, After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community. As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Paladins. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy. This plugin is fully functional but still needs a bit of tweaking. Plugin Preview: Installation: 1. Download the Plugin from here : Download Link 2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image : FOLDER PATH <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed Setup: The interface is simple. If any explanation needed, post under. Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found.... Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Paladin For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. Regards, Deathburn
  5. Greetings Everyone, After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community. As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Warlock. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy. This plugin is in beta stage so some errors are expected. Plugin Preview: Installation: 1. Download the Plugin from here : Download Link 2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image : FOLDER PATH <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed Setup: Still in beta stage. Update coming soon. Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found.... Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Warlock For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. Regards, Deathburn
  6. Greetings Everyone, After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community. As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Rogues. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy. This plugin is fully working except it needs a bit tweaking. Plugin Preview: Installation: 1. Download the Plugin from here : Download Link 2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image : FOLDER PATH <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed Setup: Uses all 3 specs.Full use of poisons; user definable for main and off hands.Pick Pocket.PVE crowd control; Blind, Sap.If there are suitable mobs within range of our pull target it will sap it. If the sap target walks out of range (25 yards) it won't try to sap it.Blind when you have adds of cause.When choosing an add to retarget, it will leave Blind and Sapped targets until last. No point attacking a Sap/Blind target when other adds are a better option.Vanish when health is low; there is nothing wrong with running away scared Distract during pull; makes for great openers with Ambush.Option to pull with Ranged or Stealth.Stealth pulling (behing the target) options are: Ambush or GarotteFantastic against casters, make perfect use of Kick, Kidney Shot and Gouge. Known issues: HB does not "see" sapped target as being in combat (rightly so as they are not). Sometimes it will go off and pull another target. Deal with it. Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found.... Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Rogue For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. Regards, Deathburn
  7. Hello! I've made a Ret Paladin rotation that is comparable to any premium paladin rotation out there. This is a very early preview of my release, and an important keybind is Alt + Q Which will activate or deactivate AoE abilites. The rotation assumes you are speced into executions sentence and NOT into final verdict. I'm just looking for an opinion on the rotation and maybe some bug reports. You can download the zip file here. KNOWN ISSUES Will not attack certain targets even within melee range - Fix in the works. Will not pop cooldowns - intended for right now, pop wings yourself
  8. Greetings Everyone, After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community. As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Priests. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy. This plugin is fully working except it needs a bit tweaking. Plugin Preview: Installation: 1. Download the Plugin from here : Download Link 2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image : FOLDER PATH <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed Setup: The interface is simple. If any explanation needed, post under. Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found.... Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Priest For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. Regards, Deathburn
  9. Greetings Everyone, After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community. As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Mages. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy. This plugin is fully working except it needs a bit tweaking. Plugin Preview: Installation: 1. Download the Plugin from here : Download Link 2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image : FOLDER PATH <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed Setup: The interface is simple. If any explanation needed, post under. Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found.... Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Mage For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. Regards, Deathburn
  10. Greetings Everyone, After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community. As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Death Knights. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy. This Plugin has been only tested in PVE. Plugin Preview: Installation: 1. Download the Plugin from here : Download Link 2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image : FOLDER PATH Setup: Quick spec setup: At the bottom of the UI form there is a drop down field that will quickly change the settings based on the option you select from the drop down; Frost spec, Blood spec and Unholy spec. These are not perfect and are meant to be used as a base only. To clarify, your settings are not saved per spec. This will only populate the settings suitable for the chosen spec. Advanced setup: Play with the options and find the one that suits You. Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found.... Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Death KnightFor Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. Regards,Deathburn
  11. Greetings Everyone, After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community. As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Hunters. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy. This plugin is fully working except it needs a bit tweaking. Plugin Preview: Installation: 1. Download the Plugin from here : Download Link 2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image : FOLDER PATH <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed Setup: Focus Shot: This is the focus level at which you will start using Steady Shot or Cobra Shot. Pet Slot: Rather obvious, but this is the pet slot you will use. Make sure you actually have a valid pet in the slot. Pet Attack Delay: If enabled the hunter will wait until the Pet and target are in combat before opening fire. Focus Fire: Use Focus Fire when you have X stacks of Frenzy Effect on your pet. NB: There is also a setting on the Advanced tab; Consume Frenzy Effect (on by default) that will use Focus Fire if the Pet's Frenzy Effect is about to expire. Best to keep this up as frequently as possible.Widow Venom: Really only useful in BGs.Disengage: If not in a BG will attempt to cast Wing Clip before using Disengage, if you don't have enough focus it will just use Disengage. If you are in a BG it will not use Disengage if you can't cast Wing Clip.Trap in Combat: Will only lay down the chosen trap if they target is within interact range.Trap on Adds: Will lay down the chosen trap as soon as you have adds regardless of range.Trap Launcher: Will cast the trap as soon as possible when you enter combat.Continuous Pulling: Located on the Advanced Tab,(off by default) this will send your pet to attack the closest most suitable target (and cast Hunter's Mark is your options allow) while you are moving to loot your last mob. The conditions of this are: you & your pet don't need healing, the mob is within your pull range and you have mobs to loot. The following issues will happen if this is turned on; you will occasionally skip looting a mob, you will constantly be in combat. It is strongly recommended this setting only be used if you are GRINDING, if you are questing this will cause problems. NB: This feature is NOT multi-mob pulling! The default settings make some assumptions:1. You have Glyph of Mend Pet. If you do not them simply change the Pet Happiness setting on the Advanced tab, select ignore from the list. 2. The settings are optimized for the Beast Mastery spec. If you are using any other spec you WILL need to tweak the settings to be more efficient with your spec. Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found.... Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Hunter For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. Regards, Deathburn