i was grinding some sumptuous fur and it looks like honorbuddy just doesen't want to work for more than 4 minutes . Then i have to close wow and start it up again, i've disabled my antivirus ( avira ) and i've disabled my firewall too.
I'm from Spain
[22:07:15.200 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.15160.823 started.
[22:07:16.134 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Initializing bots
[22:07:16.255 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<CombatRoutine> - Initializing routines
[22:07:16.877 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - Initializing plugins
[22:08:27.035 N] Logging in...
[22:08:27.167 D] Logging in to Europe (
[22:08:27.560 N] T: 5247670303498608657 H: 661261307
[22:08:28.202 N] We couldn't find a free WoW process to attach. Please make certain your toon is standing in game world and you are running latest version of Honorbuddy.
[22:10:05.585 N] Attaching to D3D11
[22:10:06.262 N] Attached to WoW with ID 6676
[22:10:06.499 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.15160.823 started!
[22:10:06.499 D] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[22:10:06.499 D] Executable Path: C:\Users\Leonardo\Documents\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
[22:10:06.499 D] 0.1 days since Windows was restarted
[22:10:06.504 N] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[22:10:06.505 D] Activity: Initializing
[22:10:06.505 D] Activity: Checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while
[22:10:07.922 N] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
[22:10:07.923 N] New bot added!: BGBuddy
[22:10:07.927 N] New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
[22:10:07.990 N] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
[22:10:07.992 N] New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
[22:10:07.992 N] New bot added!: Grind Bot
[22:10:07.993 N] New bot added!: Questing
[22:10:08.020 N] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
[22:10:08.020 N] New bot added!: Party Bot
[22:10:08.020 N] New bot added!: Garrisonbuddy
[22:10:08.020 N] New bot added!: Combat Bot
[22:10:08.020 N] New bot added!: FishingBuddy
[22:10:08.020 N] New bot added!: Raid Bot
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Arcane Shot (003044) | Armor Skills (076250) | Aspect of the Chee.. (005118)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Aspect of the Pack (013159) | Auto Attack (006603) | Auto Shot (000075)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Battle Pet Training (119467) | Beast Lore (001462) | Bombardment (035110)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Call Pet 1 (000883) | Call Pet 2 (083242) | Call Pet 3 (083243)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Call Pet 4 (083244) | Call Pet 5 (083245) | Camouflage (051753)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Careful Aim (034483) | Chimaera Shot (053209) | Cold Weather Flying (054197)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Concussive Shot (005116) | Cooking (158765) | Cooking Fire (000818)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Counter Shot (147362) | Deterrence (019263) | Diplomacy (020599)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Disengage (000781) | Dismiss Pet (002641) | Distracting Shot (020736)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Eagle Eye (006197) | Enhanced Aimed Shot (157724) | Enhanced Camouflage (157718)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Enhanced Kill Shot (157707) | Every Man for Hims.. (059752) | Exhilaration (109304)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Explosive Trap (013813) | Feed Pet (006991) | Feign Death (005384)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: First Aid (158741) | Flare (001543) | Flight Master's Li.. (090267)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Freezing Trap (001499) | Garrison Ability (161691) | Guild Mail (083951)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hasty Hearth (083944) | Heavy Artilery (175687) | Ice Trap (013809)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Improved Focus (157726) | Kill Shot (053351) | Languages (079738)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Lethal Shots (165378) | Logging (167895) | Lone Wolf (155228)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Lone Wolf: Ferocit.. (160200) | Lone Wolf: Fortitu.. (160199) | Lone Wolf: Grace o.. (160198)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Lone Wolf: Haste o.. (160203) | Lone Wolf: Power o.. (160206) | Lone Wolf: Quickne.. (172968)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Lone Wolf: Versati.. (172967) | Lone Wolf: Wisdom .. (160205) | Mass Resurrection (083968)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Master Riding (090265) | Master's Call (053271) | Mend Pet (000136)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Misdirection (034477) | Mobile Banking (083958) | Mount Up (078633)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Multi-Shot (002643) | Posthaste (109215) | Rapid Fire (003045)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Revive Battle Pets (125439) | Revive Pet (000982) | Stampede (121818)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Steady Focus (177667) | Steady Shot (056641) | Stopping Power (175686)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Tailoring (158758) | Tame Beast (001515) | The Human Spirit (020598)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: The Quick and the .. (083950) | Tranquilizing Shot (019801) | Trap Launcher (077769)
[22:10:08.239 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Trueshot Aura (019506) | Weapon Skills (076249) | Wisdom of the Four.. (115913)
[22:10:08.242 D] [SpellManager] Aimed Shot (19434) overrides Arcane Shot (3044)
[22:10:08.242 D] [SpellManager] Barrage (120360) overrides Heavy Artilery (175687)
[22:10:08.243 D] [SpellManager] Binding Shot (109248) overrides Stopping Power (175686)
[22:10:08.243 D] [SpellManager] Explosive Trap (82939) overrides Explosive Trap (13813)
[22:10:08.243 D] [SpellManager] Freezing Trap (60192) overrides Freezing Trap (1499)
[22:10:08.243 D] [SpellManager] Ice Trap (82941) overrides Ice Trap (13809)
[22:10:08.243 D] [SpellManager] Kill Shot (157708) overrides Kill Shot (53351)
[22:10:08.243 D] [SpellManager] Mend Pet (136) overrides Revive Pet (982)
[22:10:08.251 D] Class profile set to HunterMarksmanship (Hunter - Marksmanship)
[22:10:08.328 N] (Singular) Initialize: started
[22:10:08.565 N] (Singular) GcdInitialize: using HonorBuddy GCD
[22:10:08.569 N] (Singular) 0.1 days since Windows was restarted
[22:10:08.620 N] (Singular) 13 FPS currently in WOW
[22:10:08.620 N] (Singular) 0 ms of Latency in WOW
[22:10:08.620 N] (Singular) 05/10/2016 00:10:08 local system time
[22:10:08.704 N] (Singular) Attached combat log
[22:10:08.705 N] (Singular) (Singular) CombatLogEvent: setting filter= return ( args[4] == 'PlayerGUID' and ( args[2] == 'SPELL_MISSED' or args[2] == 'RANGE_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SWING_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SPELL_CAST_FAILED' ) )
[22:10:08.747 N] (Singular) BossList: for Draenor
[22:10:08.751 N] (Singular) - boss Rukhmar, Sun-God of the Arakkoa
[22:10:08.756 N] (Singular) - boss Tarlna the Ageless
[22:10:08.756 N] (Singular) - boss Supreme Lord Kazzak
[22:10:08.756 N] (Singular) BossList: contains 3 entries
[22:10:08.315 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
[22:10:08.315 D] Singular v4.0.0.4791 v4.0.0.4791
[22:10:08.562 N] [Singular] Context: using Instances behaviors since in group as Damage
[22:10:08.567 N] [Singular] Starting Singular v4.0.0.4791
[22:10:08.682 N] [Singular] Installation: integrity verified for
[22:10:08.744 N] [Singular] Determining talent spec.
[22:10:08.807 N] (Singular)
[22:10:08.807 N] (Singular) ====== Singular Settings ======
[22:10:08.822 N] (Singular) MapId = 1116
[22:10:08.928 N] (Singular) ZoneId = 6720
[22:10:08.929 N] (Singular) ConfigVersion:
[22:10:08.929 N] (Singular) SameSpellThrottle: 450
[22:10:08.929 N] (Singular) EnableDebugSpellCasting: False
[22:10:08.929 N] (Singular) EnableShowBehaviorFlagChanges: False
[22:10:08.930 N] (Singular) EnableDebugTrace: False
[22:10:08.930 N] (Singular) EnableDebugHealTrace: False
[22:10:08.930 N] (Singular) DebugOutput: FileOnly
[22:10:08.930 N] (Singular) EnableDebugTraceBuffPresence: False
[22:10:08.930 N] (Singular) FormHeight: 622
[22:10:08.930 N] (Singular) FormWidth: 378
[22:10:08.931 N] (Singular) FormTabIndex: 0
[22:10:08.931 N] (Singular) AllowMovement: All
[22:10:08.931 N] (Singular) MeleeDismountRange: 12
[22:10:08.931 N] (Singular) MeleeMoveBehind: True
[22:10:08.932 N] (Singular) MeleeKeepMobsInFront: True
[22:10:08.932 N] (Singular) UseCastWhileMovingBuffs: True
[22:10:08.932 N] (Singular) MoveToTargetTimeout: 20
[22:10:08.932 N] (Singular) MinHealth: 60
[22:10:08.932 N] (Singular) MinMana: 50
[22:10:08.932 N] (Singular) PotionHealth: 30
[22:10:08.933 N] (Singular) PotionMana: 30
[22:10:08.933 N] (Singular) UseBandages: False
[22:10:08.933 N] (Singular) DisengageAllowed: True
[22:10:08.933 N] (Singular) DisengageHealth: 101
[22:10:08.933 N] (Singular) DisengageMobCount: 1
[22:10:08.933 N] (Singular) KiteAllow: False
[22:10:08.934 N] (Singular) KiteHealth: 70
[22:10:08.934 N] (Singular) KiteMobCount: 1
[22:10:08.967 N] (Singular) KiteAvoidDistance: 8
[22:10:08.967 N] (Singular) KiteSafeDistance: 12
[22:10:08.968 N] (Singular) JumpTurnAllow: False
[22:10:08.968 N] (Singular) RezSafeDistSolo: 20
[22:10:08.983 N] (Singular) RezSafeDistPVP: 30
[22:10:08.984 N] (Singular) RezSafeDistInstance: 0
[22:10:08.984 N] (Singular) RezMaxWaitTime: 15
[22:10:08.984 N] (Singular) ResSicknessWait: True
[22:10:08.984 N] (Singular) ResSicknessStealthDuring: False
[22:10:08.984 N] (Singular) UseFrameLock: True
[22:10:08.985 N] (Singular) DisableNonCombatBehaviors: False
[22:10:08.985 N] (Singular) DisableInQuestVehicle: False
[22:10:08.985 N] (Singular) DisableSpellsWithCooldown: 0
[22:10:08.985 N] (Singular) SelfRessurect: Auto
[22:10:08.985 N] (Singular) GarrisonAbilityHealth: 50
[22:10:08.985 N] (Singular) GarrisonAbilityMobCount: 3
[22:10:08.986 N] (Singular) DisablePetUsage: False
[22:10:08.986 N] (Singular) PetTankAdds: True
[22:10:08.986 N] (Singular) PetAutoControlTaunt: True
[22:10:08.986 N] (Singular) DpsOffHealBeginPct: 35
[22:10:08.986 N] (Singular) DpsOffHealEndPct: 65
[22:10:08.987 N] (Singular) DpsOffHealAllowed: True
[22:10:08.987 N] (Singular) IgnoreHealTargetsAboveHealth: 95
[22:10:08.987 N] (Singular) MaxHealTargetRange: 75
[22:10:08.987 N] (Singular) StayNearTankRangeCombat: 25
[22:10:08.987 N] (Singular) StayNearTankRangeRest: 15
[22:10:08.987 N] (Singular) StayNearTank: True
[22:10:08.988 N] (Singular) IncludePetsAsHealTargets: True
[22:10:08.988 N] (Singular) IncludeCompanionssAsHealTargets: True
[22:10:08.988 N] (Singular) DispelDebuffs: LowPriority
[22:10:08.988 N] (Singular) CombatRezTargetParty: Healer
[22:10:08.988 N] (Singular) CombatRezTargetRaid: Tank
[22:10:08.988 N] (Singular) CombatRezDelay: 2
[22:10:08.989 N] (Singular) HealerCombatAllow: True
[22:10:08.989 N] (Singular) HealerCombatMinMana: 75
[22:10:08.989 N] (Singular) HealerCombatMinHealth: 85
[22:10:08.989 N] (Singular) MoveToSpheres: True
[22:10:08.989 N] (Singular) SphereDistanceAtRest: 15
[22:10:08.989 N] (Singular) SphereDistanceInCombat: 7
[22:10:08.990 N] (Singular) SphereHealthPercentAtRest: 85
[22:10:08.990 N] (Singular) SphereHealthPercentInCombat: 60
[22:10:08.990 N] (Singular) UseSoulwell: True
[22:10:08.990 N] (Singular) SoulwellDistance: 40
[22:10:08.990 N] (Singular) UseTable: True
[22:10:08.990 N] (Singular) TableDistance: 40
[22:10:08.991 N] (Singular) UseAlchemyFlasks: False
[22:10:08.991 N] (Singular) UseScrolls: False
[22:10:08.991 N] (Singular) UseXPBuffPotions: False
[22:10:08.991 N] (Singular) Trinket1Usage: Never
[22:10:08.991 N] (Singular) Trinket2Usage: Never
[22:10:08.992 N] (Singular) ToysAllowUse: False
[22:10:08.992 N] (Singular) UseRacials: True
[22:10:08.992 N] (Singular) GiftNaaruHP: 30
[22:10:08.992 N] (Singular) ShadowmeldSoloHealthPct: 0
[22:10:08.992 N] (Singular) ShadowmeldThreatDrop: True
[22:10:08.992 N] (Singular) DisableTankTargetSwitching: False
[22:10:08.993 N] (Singular) EnableTaunting: False
[22:10:08.993 N] (Singular) TypeOfTargeting: Auto
[22:10:08.993 N] (Singular) TargetWorldPvpRegardless: True
[22:10:08.993 N] (Singular) TargetCurrentTargetTotems: True
[22:10:08.993 N] (Singular) EvadedAttacksAllowed: 8
[22:10:08.993 N] (Singular) UsePullMore: Always
[22:10:08.994 N] (Singular) PullMoreTargetType: All
[22:10:08.994 N] (Singular) PullMoreMobCount: 7
[22:10:08.994 N] (Singular) PullMoreDistMelee: 30
[22:10:08.994 N] (Singular) PullMoreDistRanged: 55
[22:10:08.994 N] (Singular) PullMoreMinHealth: 60
[22:10:08.994 N] (Singular) PullMoreTimeOut: 12
[22:10:08.995 N] (Singular) PullMoreMaxTime: 45
[22:10:08.995 N] (Singular) PullMoreSpecDefaultsSaved: True
[22:10:08.995 N] (Singular) RestCombatAllowed: True
[22:10:08.995 N] (Singular) PurgeTargets: Current
[22:10:08.995 N] (Singular) PurgeBuffs: Whitelist
[22:10:08.996 N] (Singular) InterruptTarget: None
[22:10:08.996 N] (Singular) TrivialLevelsBelow: 8
[22:10:08.996 N] (Singular) TrivialEliteBelow: 15
[22:10:08.996 N] (Singular) AllowAOE: True
[22:10:08.996 N] (Singular)
[22:10:08.996 N] (Singular)
[22:10:08.997 N] (Singular) Equipped Total Item Level : 9296
[22:10:08.997 N] (Singular) Equipped Average Item Level: 581
[22:10:08.997 N] (Singular)
[22:10:08.997 N] (Singular) Health: 259140
[22:10:08.997 N] (Singular) Strength: 886
[22:10:08.997 N] (Singular) Agility: 3931
[22:10:08.998 N] (Singular) Intellect: 854
[22:10:08.998 N] (Singular) Spirit: 711
[22:10:08.998 N] (Singular)
[22:10:08.998 N] (Singular) Hit(M/R): 0/0
[22:10:08.998 N] (Singular) Expertise: 0
[22:10:08.998 N] (Singular) Mastery: 703
[22:10:08.999 N] (Singular) Crit: 24.53
[22:10:08.999 N] (Singular) Haste(M/R): 1061/1061
[22:10:08.999 N] (Singular) SpellPen: 0
[22:10:08.999 N] (Singular) PvP Resil: 0
[22:10:08.999 N] (Singular)
[22:10:09.033 N] (Singular) PrimaryStat: Agility
[22:10:09.033 N] (Singular)
[22:10:09.033 N] (Singular) Talents Selected: 7
[22:10:09.034 N] (Singular) --- #1 - Posthaste
[22:10:09.034 N] (Singular) --- #4 - Binding Shot
[22:10:09.034 N] (Singular) --- #7 - Exhilaration
[22:10:09.034 N] (Singular) --- #10 - Steady Focus
[22:10:09.034 N] (Singular) --- #15 - Stampede
[22:10:09.034 N] (Singular) --- #18 - Barrage
[22:10:09.035 N] (Singular) --- #21 - Adaptation
[22:10:09.035 N] (Singular)
[22:10:09.035 N] (Singular) Glyphs Equipped: 3
[22:10:09.035 N] (Singular) --- Animal Bond
[22:10:09.035 N] (Singular) --- Chimaera Shot
[22:10:09.036 N] (Singular) --- Distracting Shot
[22:10:09.036 N] (Singular)
[22:10:09.036 N] (Singular) Trinket1: Chipped Soul Prism #124545 ItemEffect:0 SpellEffect:0
[22:10:09.036 N] (Singular) Trinket2: Trailseeker Stone of Rage #129708 ItemEffect:0 SpellEffect:0
[22:10:09.036 N] (Singular)
[22:10:09.037 N] (Singular) My Current Dynamic Info
[22:10:09.037 N] (Singular) =======================
[22:10:09.037 N] (Singular) Combat Reach: 1.5000
[22:10:09.037 N] (Singular) Bounding Height: 2.0313
[22:10:09.037 N] (Singular)
[22:10:09.037 N] (Singular) ====== HotkeySettings Settings ======
[22:10:09.038 N] (Singular) SavedToFile: True
[22:10:09.038 N] (Singular) LogMarkKey: M, Shift, Control, Alt
[22:10:09.038 N] (Singular) ChatFrameMessage: True
[22:10:09.038 N] (Singular) ChatFrameMessageDuration: 2500
[22:10:09.039 N] (Singular) KeysToggleBehavior: True
[22:10:09.039 N] (Singular) AoeToggle: None
[22:10:09.039 N] (Singular) CombatToggle: None
[22:10:09.039 N] (Singular) MovementToggle: None
[22:10:09.039 N] (Singular) PullMoreToggle: None
[22:10:09.039 N] (Singular) SuspendMovement: True
[22:10:09.040 N] (Singular) SuspendDuration: 3
[22:10:09.040 N] (Singular) SuspendMovementKeys: System.Windows.Forms.Keys[]
[22:10:09.040 N] (Singular)
[22:10:09.040 N] (Singular) ====== HunterSettings Settings ======
[22:10:09.040 N] (Singular)
[22:10:09.040 N] (Singular) Invoked Initilization Methods
[22:10:09.041 N] (Singular) ======================================================
[22:10:09.041 N] (Singular) PetNumberSolo: 1
[22:10:09.041 N] (Singular) PetNumberPvp: 1
[22:10:09.041 N] (Singular) PetNumberInstance: 1
[22:10:09.041 N] (Singular) MendPetPct: 70
[22:10:09.042 N] (Singular) PetBuffs: False
[22:10:09.042 N] (Singular) UseFetch: True
[22:10:09.042 N] (Singular) UseMisdirectionInInstances: True
[22:10:09.042 N] (Singular) UseWidowVenom: False
[22:10:09.042 N] (Singular) CrowdControlFocus: False
[22:10:09.042 N] (Singular) DeterrenceHealth: 50
[22:10:09.043 N] (Singular) DeterrenceCount: 3
[22:10:09.043 N] (Singular) FeignDeathHealth: 10
[22:10:09.043 N] (Singular) FeignDeathPvpEnemyPets: True
[22:10:09.043 N] (Singular) FeignDeathInInstances: True
[22:10:09.043 N] (Singular) ImprovedCamouflageHealth: 5
[22:10:09.043 N] (Singular)
[22:10:09.044 N] (Singular) ====== Evaluated/Dynamic Settings ======
[22:10:09.044 N] (Singular) Debug: Y
[22:10:09.044 N] (Singular) DisableAllMovement: N
[22:10:09.044 N] (Singular) DisableAllTargeting: N
[22:10:09.044 N] (Singular)
[22:10:09.044 N] (Singular) No spells blocked by DisableSpellsWithCooldown
[22:10:09.045 N] (Singular) Singular Behaviors: Added 291 behaviors
[22:10:09.045 N] (Singular) 21474 Initialize InitializeUnit
[22:10:09.045 N] (Singular) TrivialLevel: 92
[22:10:09.045 N] (Singular) TrivialElite: 85
[22:10:09.046 N] (Singular) NeedTankTargeting: False
[22:10:09.046 N] (Singular) NeedHealTargeting: False
[22:10:09.046 N] (Singular) 21474 Initialize CreatePetManagerInitializeBehaviour
[22:10:09.046 N] (Singular) 21474 Initialize CreateMovementManagerInitializeBehaviour
[22:10:09.047 N] (Singular) 21474 Initialize CreateHelpersCommonInitialize
[22:10:09.047 N] (Singular) 9000 Initialize CreateGenericInitializeBehaviour
[22:10:09.047 N] (Singular) 999 Initialize InitializeBehaviors
[22:10:09.047 N] (Singular) 0 Initialize CreateHunterInitialize
[22:10:09.048 N] (Singular)
[22:10:09.048 N] (Singular) Behaviors Created in Priority Order
[22:10:09.048 N] (Singular) ======================================================
[22:10:09.048 N] (Singular) 0 Death CreateDefaultDeathBehavior
[22:10:09.079 N] (Singular) 0 PreCombatBuffs CreateHunterPreCombatBuffs
[22:10:09.114 N] (Singular) 0 CombatBuffs CreateHunterCombatBuffs
[22:10:09.114 N] (Singular) 999 CombatBuffs CreateHunterCombat
[22:10:09.151 N] (Singular) 0 PullBuffs CreateHunterPullBuffs
[22:10:09.151 N] (Singular) 0 Pull CreateMarksmanHunterInstanceCombat
[22:10:09.186 N] (Singular) 0 Combat CreateMarksmanHunterInstanceCombat
[22:10:09.187 N] (Singular) 0 Rest CreateHunterRest
[22:10:09.199 N] (Singular) Verified behaviors can be created!
[22:10:09.210 N] (Singular)
[22:10:09.210 N] (Singular) (Singular) Initialize: completed taking 0.88 seconds
[22:10:08.803 N] [Singular] Current spec is Marksmanship
[22:10:08.804 N] [Singular] Context: using Instances behaviors since in group as Damage
[22:10:08.810 N] [Singular] Your Level 100 Human Marksmanship Hunter Build is
[22:10:08.810 N] [Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Frostfire Ridge
[22:10:08.814 N] [Singular] ... Zone: Draenor using my INSTANCES Behaviors in a group of 15
[22:10:08.815 N] [Singular] ... in a group as DAMAGE role with 15 of 15 players
[22:10:08.926 D] Replaced hook [Singular.KitingBehavior] a64e0680-f94b-44b1-a8ff-1529986a489c
[22:10:09.005 N] [Singular] Soulwell: will use if available
[22:10:09.005 N] [Singular] Mage Table: ignored since HonorBuddy Drink/Food Amount to buy = 0
[22:10:09.012 N] [Singular] Pull More: enabled up to 7 mobs of type=[All]
[22:10:09.051 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Death] bf100b39-18cc-4a57-b5aa-6fe1f23c276d
[22:10:09.058 D] Replaced hook [Singular.LossOfControl] 389c7a23-b34f-42cf-b8d1-6238c7a15ed7
[22:10:09.079 D] Replaced hook [Singular.PreCombatBuffs] c03e1eec-51ca-4490-9194-84e316f79142
[22:10:09.090 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Heal] d0951e9e-d529-4929-ac9f-41eb345836c9
[22:10:09.117 D] Replaced hook [Singular.CombatBuffs] 58c0d477-a8c8-436b-8861-1609f6aa1049
[22:10:09.120 D] Replaced hook [Singular.PullBuffs] 41e73344-7f91-4c2b-bf83-57cf831abf2a
[22:10:09.157 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Pull] d9251fcb-226e-4251-987f-18ed4640f15d
[22:10:09.168 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Combat] c68739e5-1002-4afe-bbbe-2d607717cc4c
[22:10:09.194 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Rest] 3a47b2ff-4b39-4111-9208-ef465d5f6ebb
[22:10:09.200 N] [Singular] Initialization complete!
[22:10:09.213 N] Installed plugins
[22:10:09.213 N] Anti Drown - Disabled
[22:10:09.213 N] BuddyControlPanel - Disabled
[22:10:09.213 N] DrinkPotions - Disabled
[22:10:09.213 N] Refreshment Detection - Enabled
[22:10:09.214 D] Activity: Initialization complete
[22:10:09.215 D] Using WoW with process ID 6676
[22:10:09.218 D] 12 FPS currently in WoW
[22:10:09.220 D] 33 ms of Latency in WoW
[22:10:09.221 N] Character is a level 100 Human Hunter
[22:10:09.221 N] Current zone is Frostfire Ridge
[22:10:09.224 D] --------------- Settings ---------------
[22:10:09.227 D] SelectedRegion: Europe
[22:10:09.227 D] UICulture: en-US
[22:10:09.227 D] UseFrameLock: True
[22:10:09.227 D] CharacterDetailsInTitle: False
[22:10:09.227 D] SendUsageInformation: True
[22:10:09.227 D] CombatRoutinesPath: Routines
[22:10:09.227 D] ReloadRoutinesOnFileChange: False
[22:10:09.227 D] PluginsPath: Plugins
[22:10:09.227 D] ReloadPluginsOnFileChange: False
[22:10:09.227 D] BotsPath: Bots
[22:10:09.227 D] ReloadBotsOnFileChange: False
[22:10:09.227 D] QuestBehaviorsPath: Quest Behaviors
[22:10:09.227 D] MinimizeToTray: False
[22:10:09.227 D] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Leonardo\AppData\Local\Bossland\Honorbuddy\Meshes
[22:10:09.227 D] KillBetweenHotspots: True
[22:10:09.227 D] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
[22:10:09.227 D] LogoutForInactivity: True
[22:10:09.227 D] LogoutInactivityTimer: 20
[22:10:09.227 D] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
[22:10:09.227 D] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
[22:10:09.227 D] LogLevel: Normal
[22:10:09.227 D] SeperatedLogFolders: True
[22:10:09.227 D] SelectTalents: True
[22:10:09.227 D] ClassProfileName: Hunter - Marksmanship
[22:10:09.227 D] AutoEquip: True
[22:10:09.227 D] AutoEquipBags: True
[22:10:09.227 D] AutoEquipWeapons: True
[22:10:09.227 D] AutoEquipArmor: True
[22:10:09.227 D] AutoEquipBoEEpics: False
[22:10:09.227 D] WeaponStyle: Automatic
[22:10:09.227 D] RollOnItems: True
[22:10:09.227 D] RollDisenchantWhenGreed: True
[22:10:09.227 D] MaxBoEDisenchantQuality: Uncommon
[22:10:09.227 D] TicksPerSecond: 15
[22:10:09.227 D] FoodAmount: 0
[22:10:09.227 D] DrinkAmount: 0
[22:10:09.227 D] EnabledPlugins:
[22:10:09.227 D] Refreshment Detection
[22:10:09.227 D] RecentProfiles:
[22:10:09.227 D] Sumptuous Fur - Shivering Trench@@!@@C:\Users\Leonardo\Desktop\Sumptuous Fur - Shivering Trench [Mail+Sell].xml
[22:10:09.227 D] Auto Loader ($Rev: 3162 $)@@!@@C:\Users\Leonardo\Documents\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\Questing Profile Pack\Auto Loader.xml
[22:10:09.227 D] OverrideProfileSettings: False
[22:10:09.227 D] SellGrey: True
[22:10:09.227 D] SellWhite: True
[22:10:09.227 D] SellGreen: True
[22:10:09.227 D] SellBlue: False
[22:10:09.227 D] SellPurple: False
[22:10:09.227 D] MailGrey: False
[22:10:09.227 D] MailWhite: False
[22:10:09.227 D] MailGreen: False
[22:10:09.227 D] MailBlue: True
[22:10:09.227 D] MailPurple: True
[22:10:09.227 D] IgnoreCheckpoints: False
[22:10:09.227 D] SelectedBotName: Questing
[22:10:09.227 D] UseFlightPaths: True
[22:10:09.227 D] FindMountAutomatically: True
[22:10:09.227 D] UseRandomMount: False
[22:10:09.227 D] MailRecipient has no value yet
[22:10:09.227 D] FoodName has no value yet
[22:10:09.227 D] DrinkName has no value yet
[22:10:10.919 D] MountName: Black Stallion (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=470)
[22:10:10.926 D] FlyingMountName: Ashes of Al'ar (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=40192)
[22:10:10.926 D] LootMobs: True
[22:10:10.926 D] SkinMobs: False
[22:10:10.926 D] NinjaSkin: False
[22:10:10.926 D] LootChests: True
[22:10:10.926 D] HarvestMinerals: False
[22:10:10.926 D] HarvestHerbs: False
[22:10:10.926 D] UseMount: True
[22:10:10.926 D] UseGroundMount: True
[22:10:10.926 D] PullDistance: 100
[22:10:10.926 D] LootRadius: 85
[22:10:10.926 D] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Leonardo\Desktop\Sumptuous Fur - Shivering Trench [Mail+Sell].xml
[22:10:10.926 D] MountDistance: 60
[22:10:10.926 D] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[22:10:10.926 D] GroundMountFarmingMode: True
[22:10:10.926 D] ----------------------------------------
[22:10:10.934 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[22:10:10.934 N] Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[22:10:26.761 N] (Singular) Settings saved, rebuilding behaviors...
[22:10:26.765 N] (Singular) MapId = 1116
[22:10:26.765 N] (Singular) ZoneId = 6720
[22:10:26.820 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.763 N] [Singular] Your Level 100 Human Marksmanship Hunter Build is
[22:10:26.764 N] [Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Frostfire Ridge
[22:10:26.820 N] [Singular] ... Zone: Draenor using my INSTANCES Behaviors in a group of 19
[22:10:26.820 N] [Singular] ... in a group as DAMAGE role with 19 of 19 players
[22:10:26.829 N] (Singular) Equipped Total Item Level : 9296
[22:10:26.829 N] (Singular) Equipped Average Item Level: 581
[22:10:26.830 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.830 N] (Singular) Health: 259140
[22:10:26.830 N] (Singular) Strength: 886
[22:10:26.830 N] (Singular) Agility: 3931
[22:10:26.830 N] (Singular) Intellect: 854
[22:10:26.831 N] (Singular) Spirit: 711
[22:10:26.831 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.831 N] (Singular) Hit(M/R): 0/0
[22:10:26.831 N] (Singular) Expertise: 0
[22:10:26.832 N] (Singular) Mastery: 703
[22:10:26.832 N] (Singular) Crit: 24.53
[22:10:26.832 N] (Singular) Haste(M/R): 1061/1061
[22:10:26.832 N] (Singular) SpellPen: 0
[22:10:26.832 N] (Singular) PvP Resil: 0
[22:10:26.832 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.833 N] (Singular) PrimaryStat: Agility
[22:10:26.833 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.833 N] (Singular) Talents Selected: 7
[22:10:26.833 N] (Singular) --- #1 - Posthaste
[22:10:26.833 N] (Singular) --- #4 - Binding Shot
[22:10:26.834 N] (Singular) --- #7 - Exhilaration
[22:10:26.834 N] (Singular) --- #10 - Steady Focus
[22:10:26.834 N] (Singular) --- #15 - Stampede
[22:10:26.834 N] (Singular) --- #18 - Barrage
[22:10:26.834 N] (Singular) --- #21 - Adaptation
[22:10:26.835 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.835 N] (Singular) Glyphs Equipped: 3
[22:10:26.835 N] (Singular) --- Animal Bond
[22:10:26.836 N] (Singular) --- Chimaera Shot
[22:10:26.836 N] (Singular) --- Distracting Shot
[22:10:26.836 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.836 N] (Singular) Trinket1: Chipped Soul Prism #124545 ItemEffect:0 SpellEffect:0
[22:10:26.836 N] (Singular) Trinket2: Trailseeker Stone of Rage #129708 ItemEffect:0 SpellEffect:0
[22:10:26.836 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.837 N] (Singular) My Current Dynamic Info
[22:10:26.837 N] (Singular) =======================
[22:10:26.837 N] (Singular) Combat Reach: 1.5000
[22:10:26.837 N] (Singular) Bounding Height: 2.0313
[22:10:26.837 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.838 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.838 N] (Singular) Invoked Initilization Methods
[22:10:26.838 N] (Singular) ======================================================
[22:10:26.838 N] (Singular) 21474 Initialize InitializeUnit
[22:10:26.838 N] (Singular) TrivialLevel: 92
[22:10:26.839 N] (Singular) TrivialElite: 85
[22:10:26.839 N] (Singular) NeedTankTargeting: False
[22:10:26.839 N] (Singular) NeedHealTargeting: False
[22:10:26.839 N] (Singular) 21474 Initialize CreatePetManagerInitializeBehaviour
[22:10:26.839 N] (Singular) 21474 Initialize CreateMovementManagerInitializeBehaviour
[22:10:26.840 N] (Singular) 21474 Initialize CreateHelpersCommonInitialize
[22:10:26.842 N] (Singular) 9000 Initialize CreateGenericInitializeBehaviour
[22:10:26.842 N] (Singular) 999 Initialize InitializeBehaviors
[22:10:26.842 N] (Singular) 0 Initialize CreateHunterInitialize
[22:10:26.843 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.843 N] (Singular) Behaviors Created in Priority Order
[22:10:26.843 N] (Singular) ======================================================
[22:10:26.843 N] (Singular) 0 Death CreateDefaultDeathBehavior
[22:10:26.870 N] (Singular) 0 PreCombatBuffs CreateHunterPreCombatBuffs
[22:10:26.871 N] (Singular) 0 CombatBuffs CreateHunterCombatBuffs
[22:10:26.872 N] (Singular) 999 CombatBuffs CreateHunterCombat
[22:10:26.872 N] (Singular) 0 PullBuffs CreateHunterPullBuffs
[22:10:26.873 N] (Singular) 0 Pull CreateMarksmanHunterInstanceCombat
[22:10:26.873 N] (Singular) 0 Combat CreateMarksmanHunterInstanceCombat
[22:10:26.877 N] (Singular) 0 Rest CreateHunterRest
[22:10:26.881 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.882 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.882 N] (Singular) ====== Singular Settings ======
[22:10:26.883 N] (Singular) ConfigVersion:
[22:10:26.883 N] (Singular) SameSpellThrottle: 450
[22:10:26.883 N] (Singular) EnableDebugSpellCasting: False
[22:10:26.884 N] (Singular) EnableShowBehaviorFlagChanges: False
[22:10:26.884 N] (Singular) EnableDebugTrace: False
[22:10:26.885 N] (Singular) EnableDebugHealTrace: False
[22:10:26.886 N] (Singular) DebugOutput: FileOnly
[22:10:26.886 N] (Singular) EnableDebugTraceBuffPresence: False
[22:10:26.886 N] (Singular) FormHeight: 592
[22:10:26.887 N] (Singular) FormWidth: 378
[22:10:26.888 N] (Singular) FormTabIndex: 0
[22:10:26.888 N] (Singular) AllowMovement: All
[22:10:26.888 N] (Singular) MeleeDismountRange: 12
[22:10:26.889 N] (Singular) MeleeMoveBehind: True
[22:10:26.889 N] (Singular) MeleeKeepMobsInFront: True
[22:10:26.889 N] (Singular) UseCastWhileMovingBuffs: True
[22:10:26.890 N] (Singular) MoveToTargetTimeout: 20
[22:10:26.890 N] (Singular) MinHealth: 60
[22:10:26.890 N] (Singular) MinMana: 50
[22:10:26.890 N] (Singular) PotionHealth: 30
[22:10:26.891 N] (Singular) PotionMana: 30
[22:10:26.891 N] (Singular) UseBandages: False
[22:10:26.891 N] (Singular) DisengageAllowed: True
[22:10:26.891 N] (Singular) DisengageHealth: 101
[22:10:26.891 N] (Singular) DisengageMobCount: 1
[22:10:26.892 N] (Singular) KiteAllow: False
[22:10:26.892 N] (Singular) KiteHealth: 70
[22:10:26.892 N] (Singular) KiteMobCount: 1
[22:10:26.893 N] (Singular) KiteAvoidDistance: 8
[22:10:26.893 N] (Singular) KiteSafeDistance: 12
[22:10:26.893 N] (Singular) JumpTurnAllow: False
[22:10:26.893 N] (Singular) RezSafeDistSolo: 20
[22:10:26.894 N] (Singular) RezSafeDistPVP: 30
[22:10:26.894 N] (Singular) RezSafeDistInstance: 0
[22:10:26.894 N] (Singular) RezMaxWaitTime: 15
[22:10:26.894 N] (Singular) ResSicknessWait: True
[22:10:26.895 N] (Singular) ResSicknessStealthDuring: False
[22:10:26.895 N] (Singular) UseFrameLock: True
[22:10:26.896 N] (Singular) DisableNonCombatBehaviors: False
[22:10:26.896 N] (Singular) DisableInQuestVehicle: False
[22:10:26.896 N] (Singular) DisableSpellsWithCooldown: 0
[22:10:26.896 N] (Singular) SelfRessurect: Auto
[22:10:26.897 N] (Singular) GarrisonAbilityHealth: 50
[22:10:26.897 N] (Singular) GarrisonAbilityMobCount: 3
[22:10:26.897 N] (Singular) DisablePetUsage: False
[22:10:26.897 N] (Singular) PetTankAdds: True
[22:10:26.898 N] (Singular) PetAutoControlTaunt: True
[22:10:26.898 N] (Singular) DpsOffHealBeginPct: 35
[22:10:26.898 N] (Singular) DpsOffHealEndPct: 65
[22:10:26.898 N] (Singular) DpsOffHealAllowed: True
[22:10:26.899 N] (Singular) IgnoreHealTargetsAboveHealth: 95
[22:10:26.899 N] (Singular) MaxHealTargetRange: 75
[22:10:26.899 N] (Singular) StayNearTankRangeCombat: 25
[22:10:26.899 N] (Singular) StayNearTankRangeRest: 15
[22:10:26.899 N] (Singular) StayNearTank: True
[22:10:26.900 N] (Singular) IncludePetsAsHealTargets: True
[22:10:26.900 N] (Singular) IncludeCompanionssAsHealTargets: True
[22:10:26.900 N] (Singular) DispelDebuffs: LowPriority
[22:10:26.900 N] (Singular) CombatRezTargetParty: Healer
[22:10:26.900 N] (Singular) CombatRezTargetRaid: Tank
[22:10:26.901 N] (Singular) CombatRezDelay: 2
[22:10:26.901 N] (Singular) HealerCombatAllow: True
[22:10:26.901 N] (Singular) HealerCombatMinMana: 75
[22:10:26.901 N] (Singular) HealerCombatMinHealth: 85
[22:10:26.901 N] (Singular) MoveToSpheres: True
[22:10:26.902 N] (Singular) SphereDistanceAtRest: 15
[22:10:26.902 N] (Singular) SphereDistanceInCombat: 7
[22:10:26.903 N] (Singular) SphereHealthPercentAtRest: 85
[22:10:26.903 N] (Singular) SphereHealthPercentInCombat: 60
[22:10:26.903 N] (Singular) UseSoulwell: True
[22:10:26.903 N] (Singular) SoulwellDistance: 40
[22:10:26.903 N] (Singular) UseTable: True
[22:10:26.904 N] (Singular) TableDistance: 40
[22:10:26.904 N] (Singular) UseAlchemyFlasks: False
[22:10:26.904 N] (Singular) UseScrolls: False
[22:10:26.904 N] (Singular) UseXPBuffPotions: False
[22:10:26.904 N] (Singular) Trinket1Usage: Never
[22:10:26.905 N] (Singular) Trinket2Usage: Never
[22:10:26.905 N] (Singular) ToysAllowUse: False
[22:10:26.905 N] (Singular) UseRacials: True
[22:10:26.905 N] (Singular) GiftNaaruHP: 30
[22:10:26.905 N] (Singular) ShadowmeldSoloHealthPct: 0
[22:10:26.906 N] (Singular) ShadowmeldThreatDrop: True
[22:10:26.906 N] (Singular) DisableTankTargetSwitching: False
[22:10:26.906 N] (Singular) EnableTaunting: False
[22:10:26.907 N] (Singular) TypeOfTargeting: Auto
[22:10:26.907 N] (Singular) TargetWorldPvpRegardless: True
[22:10:26.907 N] (Singular) TargetCurrentTargetTotems: True
[22:10:26.907 N] (Singular) EvadedAttacksAllowed: 8
[22:10:26.907 N] (Singular) UsePullMore: Always
[22:10:26.908 N] (Singular) PullMoreTargetType: All
[22:10:26.908 N] (Singular) PullMoreMobCount: 7
[22:10:26.908 N] (Singular) PullMoreDistMelee: 30
[22:10:26.908 N] (Singular) PullMoreDistRanged: 55
[22:10:26.908 N] (Singular) PullMoreMinHealth: 60
[22:10:26.909 N] (Singular) PullMoreTimeOut: 12
[22:10:26.909 N] (Singular) PullMoreMaxTime: 45
[22:10:26.909 N] (Singular) PullMoreSpecDefaultsSaved: True
[22:10:26.909 N] (Singular) RestCombatAllowed: True
[22:10:26.910 N] (Singular) PurgeTargets: Current
[22:10:26.910 N] (Singular) PurgeBuffs: Whitelist
[22:10:26.910 N] (Singular) InterruptTarget: None
[22:10:26.910 N] (Singular) TrivialLevelsBelow: 8
[22:10:26.911 N] (Singular) TrivialEliteBelow: 15
[22:10:26.911 N] (Singular) AllowAOE: True
[22:10:26.911 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.912 N] (Singular) ====== HotkeySettings Settings ======
[22:10:26.912 N] (Singular) SavedToFile: True
[22:10:26.912 N] (Singular) LogMarkKey: M, Shift, Control, Alt
[22:10:26.912 N] (Singular) ChatFrameMessage: True
[22:10:26.912 N] (Singular) ChatFrameMessageDuration: 2500
[22:10:26.913 N] (Singular) KeysToggleBehavior: True
[22:10:26.913 N] (Singular) AoeToggle: None
[22:10:26.913 N] (Singular) CombatToggle: None
[22:10:26.913 N] (Singular) MovementToggle: None
[22:10:26.913 N] (Singular) PullMoreToggle: None
[22:10:26.914 N] (Singular) SuspendMovement: True
[22:10:26.914 N] (Singular) SuspendDuration: 3
[22:10:26.914 N] (Singular) SuspendMovementKeys: System.Windows.Forms.Keys[]
[22:10:26.914 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.914 N] (Singular) ====== HunterSettings Settings ======
[22:10:26.914 N] (Singular) PetNumberSolo: 1
[22:10:26.915 N] (Singular) PetNumberPvp: 1
[22:10:26.915 N] (Singular) PetNumberInstance: 1
[22:10:26.915 N] (Singular) MendPetPct: 70
[22:10:26.916 N] (Singular) PetBuffs: False
[22:10:26.916 N] (Singular) UseFetch: True
[22:10:26.916 N] (Singular) UseMisdirectionInInstances: True
[22:10:26.916 N] (Singular) UseWidowVenom: False
[22:10:26.917 N] (Singular) CrowdControlFocus: False
[22:10:26.917 N] (Singular) DeterrenceHealth: 50
[22:10:26.917 N] (Singular) DeterrenceCount: 3
[22:10:26.917 N] (Singular) FeignDeathHealth: 10
[22:10:26.917 N] (Singular) FeignDeathPvpEnemyPets: True
[22:10:26.918 N] (Singular) FeignDeathInInstances: True
[22:10:26.918 N] (Singular) ImprovedCamouflageHealth: 5
[22:10:26.918 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.918 N] (Singular) ====== Evaluated/Dynamic Settings ======
[22:10:26.918 N] (Singular) Debug: Y
[22:10:26.919 N] (Singular) DisableAllMovement: N
[22:10:26.919 N] (Singular) DisableAllTargeting: N
[22:10:26.919 N] (Singular)
[22:10:26.919 N] (Singular) No spells blocked by DisableSpellsWithCooldown
[22:10:26.830 D] Replaced hook [Singular.KitingBehavior] 0f01ddce-5196-4f9a-ba62-b09e34ed9fc5
[22:10:26.833 N] [Singular] Soulwell: will use if available
[22:10:26.833 N] [Singular] Mage Table: ignored since HonorBuddy Drink/Food Amount to buy = 0
[22:10:26.833 N] [Singular] Pull More: enabled up to 7 mobs of type=[All]
[22:10:26.836 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Death] 10b0de89-99fd-4a9f-a4a1-c9b2a544ab44
[22:10:26.839 D] Replaced hook [Singular.LossOfControl] d7fb156d-4c03-4461-bd2f-a5d717f681b8
[22:10:26.855 D] Replaced hook [Singular.PreCombatBuffs] 84fcc860-d1ee-46af-8e5c-f4ab809749ca
[22:10:26.858 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Heal] 0fba511e-e717-4156-9179-498c22beeab5
[22:10:26.863 D] Replaced hook [Singular.CombatBuffs] 0489a57a-440c-44f5-8643-9d0aae45f824
[22:10:26.867 D] Replaced hook [Singular.PullBuffs] ab7790b1-7690-4457-9410-ca5ee6e5c433
[22:10:26.870 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Pull] 76b619a0-413a-42cf-9522-a425dfab7754
[22:10:26.874 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Combat] 160f1ff7-3f0e-4780-b14c-8d661686fab0
[22:10:26.881 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Rest] e01526ba-a959-4573-abf6-d701a1c69df9
[22:10:28.635 N] Starting the bot!
[22:10:28.635 N] Currently Using BotBase : Questing
[22:10:28.635 D] Character is a level 100 Human Hunter
[22:10:28.635 N] Current zone is Frostfire Ridge (http://wowhead.com/zone=6720)
[22:10:28.646 D] Loading profile from C:\Users\Leonardo\Desktop\Sumptuous Fur - Shivering Trench [Mail+Sell].xml
[22:10:28.671 D] Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileUnknownElementException: XML Error: Unknown tag "GameObject" (Input: "<GameObject Name="Mailbox" Entry="231710" X="5582.095" Y="4571.708" Z="136.4818" />") in "Mailboxes"!
Valid tags are: Mailbox - On line 29
in Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.MailboxManager..ctor(XElement xml)
[22:10:28.851 D] Downloaded map SMVAllianceGarrisonLevel2
[22:10:29.050 D] Downloaded map GarrisonHordeShipyard
[22:10:29.249 D] Downloaded map GarrisonAllianceShipyard
[22:10:29.493 D] Downloaded map Draenor
[22:10:29.580 D] Changed map(s) to SMVAllianceGarrisonLevel2, GarrisonHordeShipyard, GarrisonAllianceShipyard, Draenor
[22:10:29.640 N] Changing current profile to Sumptuous Fur - Shivering Trench
[22:10:29.642 D] BlackspotManager forcing unload of meshes - New profile loaded
[22:10:38.283 N] (Singular) MapId = 1116
[22:10:38.284 N] (Singular) ZoneId = 6720
[22:10:38.157 D] Set query filter to Alliance
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Arcane Shot (003044) | Armor Skills (076250) | Aspect of the Chee.. (005118)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Aspect of the Pack (013159) | Auto Attack (006603) | Auto Shot (000075)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Battle Pet Training (119467) | Beast Lore (001462) | Bombardment (035110)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Call Pet 1 (000883) | Call Pet 2 (083242) | Call Pet 3 (083243)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Call Pet 4 (083244) | Call Pet 5 (083245) | Camouflage (051753)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Careful Aim (034483) | Chimaera Shot (053209) | Cold Weather Flying (054197)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Concussive Shot (005116) | Cooking (158765) | Cooking Fire (000818)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Counter Shot (147362) | Deterrence (019263) | Diplomacy (020599)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Disengage (000781) | Dismiss Pet (002641) | Distracting Shot (020736)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Eagle Eye (006197) | Enhanced Aimed Shot (157724) | Enhanced Camouflage (157718)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Enhanced Kill Shot (157707) | Every Man for Hims.. (059752) | Exhilaration (109304)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Explosive Trap (013813) | Feed Pet (006991) | Feign Death (005384)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: First Aid (158741) | Flare (001543) | Flight Master's Li.. (090267)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Freezing Trap (001499) | Garrison Ability (161691) | Guild Mail (083951)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hasty Hearth (083944) | Heavy Artilery (175687) | Ice Trap (013809)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Improved Focus (157726) | Kill Shot (053351) | Languages (079738)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Lethal Shots (165378) | Logging (167895) | Lone Wolf (155228)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Lone Wolf: Ferocit.. (160200) | Lone Wolf: Fortitu.. (160199) | Lone Wolf: Grace o.. (160198)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Lone Wolf: Haste o.. (160203) | Lone Wolf: Power o.. (160206) | Lone Wolf: Quickne.. (172968)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Lone Wolf: Versati.. (172967) | Lone Wolf: Wisdom .. (160205) | Mass Resurrection (083968)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Master Riding (090265) | Master's Call (053271) | Mend Pet (000136)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Misdirection (034477) | Mobile Banking (083958) | Mount Up (078633)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Multi-Shot (002643) | Posthaste (109215) | Rapid Fire (003045)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Revive Battle Pets (125439) | Revive Pet (000982) | Stampede (121818)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Steady Focus (177667) | Steady Shot (056641) | Stopping Power (175686)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Tailoring (158758) | Tame Beast (001515) | The Human Spirit (020598)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: The Quick and the .. (083950) | Tranquilizing Shot (019801) | Trap Launcher (077769)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Trueshot Aura (019506) | Weapon Skills (076249) | Wisdom of the Four.. (115913)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Aimed Shot (19434) overrides Arcane Shot (3044)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Barrage (120360) overrides Heavy Artilery (175687)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Binding Shot (109248) overrides Stopping Power (175686)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Explosive Trap (82939) overrides Explosive Trap (13813)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Freezing Trap (60192) overrides Freezing Trap (1499)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Ice Trap (82941) overrides Ice Trap (13809)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Kill Shot (157708) overrides Kill Shot (53351)
[22:10:38.279 D] [SpellManager] Mend Pet (136) overrides Revive Pet (982)
[22:10:38.282 N] [Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[22:10:38.283 N] [Singular] Your Level 100 Human Marksmanship Hunter Build is
[22:10:38.283 N] [Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Frostfire Ridge
[22:10:38.398 N] (Singular)
[22:10:38.408 N] (Singular) Equipped Total Item Level : 9296
[22:10:38.408 N] (Singular) Equipped Average Item Level: 581
[22:10:38.408 N] (Singular)
[22:10:38.408 N] (Singular) Health: 259140
[22:10:38.409 N] (Singular) Strength: 886
[22:10:38.410 N] (Singular) Agility: 3931
[22:10:38.410 N] (Singular) Intellect: 854
[22:10:38.410 N] (Singular) Spirit: 711
[22:10:38.410 N] (Singular)
[22:10:38.411 N] (Singular) Hit(M/R): 0/0
[22:10:38.411 N] (Singular) Expertise: 0
[22:10:38.412 N] (Singular) Mastery: 703
[22:10:38.412 N] (Singular) Crit: 24.53
[22:10:38.412 N] (Singular) Haste(M/R): 1061/1061
[22:10:38.413 N] (Singular) SpellPen: 0
[22:10:38.413 N] (Singular) PvP Resil: 0
[22:10:38.413 N] (Singular)
[22:10:38.413 N] (Singular) PrimaryStat: Agility
[22:10:38.414 N] (Singular)
[22:10:38.414 N] (Singular) Talents Selected: 7
[22:10:38.414 N] (Singular) --- #1 - Posthaste
[22:10:38.415 N] (Singular) --- #4 - Binding Shot
[22:10:38.415 N] (Singular) --- #7 - Exhilaration
[22:10:38.415 N] (Singular) --- #10 - Steady Focus
[22:10:38.415 N] (Singular) --- #15 - Stampede
[22:10:38.416 N] (Singular) --- #18 - Barrage
[22:10:38.416 N] (Singular) --- #21 - Adaptation
[22:10:38.416 N] (Singular)
[22:10:38.416 N] (Singular) Glyphs Equipped: 3
[22:10:38.417 N] (Singular) --- Animal Bond
[22:10:38.417 N] (Singular) --- Chimaera Shot
[22:10:38.417 N] (Singular) --- Distracting Shot
[22:10:38.417 N] (Singular)
[22:10:38.417 N] (Singular) Trinket1: Chipped Soul Prism #124545 ItemEffect:0 SpellEffect:0
[22:10:38.418 N] (Singular) Trinket2: Trailseeker Stone of Rage #129708 ItemEffect:0 SpellEffect:0
[22:10:38.418 N] (Singular)
[22:10:38.418 N] (Singular) My Current Dynamic Info
[22:10:38.418 N] (Singular) =======================
[22:10:38.419 N] (Singular) Combat Reach: 1.5000
[22:10:38.419 N] (Singular) Bounding Height: 2.0313
[22:10:38.419 N] (Singular)
[22:10:38.784 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User
[22:10:38.792 N] (Singular) YourCurrentPet: #0, Name=Me:Pet.1C72, Level=100, Type=Beast, Talents=Tenacity
[22:10:38.398 N] [Singular] ... Zone: Draenor using my INSTANCES Behaviors in a group of 19
[22:10:38.398 N] [Singular] ... in a group as DAMAGE role with 19 of 19 players
[22:10:38.576 V] Blacklisting npc with entry 48959 for 100.00:00:00 [Type: All] - Reason: Globally blacklisted entry.
[22:10:39.169 N] (Singular) (Singular) ---PetSpells Loaded for: Tenacity Pet ---
[22:10:39.170 N] (Singular) 0 spell=Attack Action=0
[22:10:39.170 N] (Singular) 1 spell=Follow Action=1
[22:10:39.170 N] (Singular) 2 spell=Move To Action=2
[22:10:39.170 N] (Singular) 3 spell=Bite #17253
[22:10:39.171 N] (Singular) 4 spell=Gruesome Bite #160018
[22:10:39.171 N] (Singular) 5 spell=Growl #2649
[22:10:39.171 N] (Singular) 6 spell=Thunderstomp #63900
[22:10:39.171 N] (Singular) 7 spell=Assist Action=7
[22:10:39.172 N] (Singular) 8 spell=Defensive Action=8
[22:10:39.173 N] (Singular) 9 spell=Passive Action=9
[22:10:39.173 N] (Singular)
[22:10:39.284 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0A1A lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=25.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:10:39.312 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0A1A h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=25.5 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:10:39.322 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0A1A @ 25.5 yds
[22:10:39.324 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:10:39.329 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:10:38.977 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [2g76s86c]
[22:10:38.994 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedSingleton].
[22:10:38.994 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior [ForcedSingleton].
[22:10:38.995 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedGrindTo Level: -1].
[22:10:39.016 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <5617.69, 4165.54, 61.61>, Name: three, NavType: Fly
[22:10:39.017 D] Goal: Grinding [Ref: "GrindTo" @line 56]
[22:10:39.179 N] [Singular] PetManager: Disabling 'Growl' Auto-Cast
[22:10:39.270 V] Loading Draenor_24_21
[22:10:39.287 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Fly
[22:10:39.324 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0A1A @ 25.5 yds
[22:10:39.334 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:10:39.642 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=120.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0A1A, 100.0%, 25.5 yds, loss=True
[22:10:39.631 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0A1A @ 25.5 yds
[22:10:39.669 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf.0A1A @ 100.0% at 25.5 yds
[22:10:39.957 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0A1A lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=25.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:10:40.132 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:7 Latency:42
[22:10:40.155 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=86.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0A1A, 100.0%, 25.5 yds, loss=True
[22:10:40.165 N] [Singular] *Rapid Fire on Frost Wolf.0A1A @ 100.0% at 25.5 yds
[22:10:40.658 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:10:40.659 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:10:40.756 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[22:10:40.756 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0A17
[22:10:40.817 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0A17 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=24.0 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:10:40.818 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0A17 @ 24.0 yds
[22:10:40.819 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:10:40.683 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:10:40.737 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:10:40.756 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0A17!
[22:10:40.818 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0A17 @ 24.0 yds
[22:10:40.828 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf.0A17 @ 100.0% at 24.0 yds
[22:10:41.027 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0A17 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=22.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:10:41.089 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0A17 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=22.1 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=Y, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:10:41.230 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0A17 @ 22.1 yds
[22:10:42.479 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 4 additional targets would be pulled
[22:10:42.501 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf.0A17, target=Frost Wolf.0A17, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:10:42.502 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Icespine Stinger.0A04
[22:10:42.519 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Icespine Stinger.0A04 @ 9.2 yds
[22:10:42.531 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Icespine Stinger.0A04
[22:10:42.544 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Icespine Stinger.0A04
[22:10:42.575 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Icespine Stinger.0A04 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=9.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=80782, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:10:42.577 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:10:42.577 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:10:42.648 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Icespine Stinger.0A04 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=9.3 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=16, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:10:42.707 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=54.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Icespine Stinger.0A04, 100.0%, 9.4 yds, loss=True
[22:10:42.772 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Target needs to be in front of you.
[22:10:42.783 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Auto Shot#75 failure: 'Target needs to be in front of you.'
[22:10:42.818 N] (Singular) [CombatLog] not facing LastTarget [201E1C8B804EE38000000B0000310A04] at 22:10:42.786
[22:10:42.502 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #2 - Icespine Stinger.0A04 @ 9.2 yds
[22:10:42.503 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Icespine Stinger, NavType: Run
[22:10:42.519 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Icespine Stinger.0A04 @ 9.2 yds
[22:10:42.544 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Icespine Stinger.0A04!
[22:10:42.715 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Icespine Stinger.0A04 @ 100.0% at 9.4 yds
[22:10:42.796 D] Spell: Aimed Shot on Icespine Stinger failed. Reason: UnitNotInfront
[22:10:42.946 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Icespine Stinger.0A04 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=9.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=80782, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:10:43.756 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:10:43.784 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:10:43.784 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:10:43.785 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:10:43.809 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:10:43.810 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:10:44.783 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:10:44.584 N] [Singular] *Feign Death on Me @ 100.0%
[22:10:45.113 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:10:44.943 N] [Singular] ... wait at most 1.5 seconds before cancelling Feign Death
[22:10:46.483 N] [Singular] /cancel Feign Death after -7198.4600961 seconds
[22:10:46.487 N] [Singular] /cancelaura: Feign Death #5384
[22:10:46.636 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:10:46.925 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Icespine Stinger, NavType: Run
[22:10:47.299 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Icespine Stinger.0A04 lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=14002, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=80782, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:10:46.988 D] Interacting with Icespine Stinger (Unit Id: 80782)
[22:10:47.285 N] [AutoEquip] Rolling Disenchant on Lunarglow Wristwraps of the Quickblade
[22:10:47.287 N] [AutoEquip] will do roll in 8 seconds..
[22:10:47.814 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:10:47.576 N] Looting Icespine Stinger Guid:0x201E1C8B804EE38000000B0000310A04
[22:10:47.578 V] Blacklisting 0A04 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:10:48.275 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] You can't loot that item now.
[22:10:48.442 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:10:48.512 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:10:48.587 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:10:51.502 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:10:51.527 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:10:51.527 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:10:51.527 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:10:51.549 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:10:51.549 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:10:52.402 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf (Unit Id: 76593)
[22:10:52.705 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0A1A lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=15753, d=4.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:10:52.926 N] Looting Frost Wolf Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACC4000000B0000310A1A
[22:10:52.926 V] Blacklisting 0A1A for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:10:53.033 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] You can't loot that item now.
[22:10:56.331 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0A1F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=12.2 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:10:56.394 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0A1F h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=12.2 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:10:56.395 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0A1F @ 12.2 yds
[22:10:56.395 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:10:56.396 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:10:56.397 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:10:56.397 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=109.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0A1F, 100.0%, 12.2 yds, loss=True
[22:10:56.185 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:10:56.332 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Fly
[22:10:56.395 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0A1F @ 12.2 yds
[22:10:56.397 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0A1F @ 12.2 yds
[22:10:56.408 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf.0A1F @ 100.0% at 12.2 yds
[22:10:56.573 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:43 Latency:44
[22:10:56.573 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0A1F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=11.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:10:56.578 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:10:56.579 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:10:56.579 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=70.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0A1F, 100.0%, 11.7 yds, loss=True
[22:10:56.591 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:10:56.639 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:10:56.698 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:10:56.763 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:10:56.790 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:10:56.790 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:10:57.194 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:10:57.194 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:10:57.405 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:10:57.482 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:10:57.686 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:10:58.402 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:10:58.472 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:10:58.473 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:10:58.473 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:10:58.540 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:10:58.541 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:10:58.909 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf (Unit Id: 76593)
[22:10:59.127 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:10:59.150 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:10:59.150 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:10:59.150 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:10:59.173 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:10:59.173 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:10:59.184 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0A1F lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=15753, d=3.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:10:59.349 N] Looting Frost Wolf Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACC4000000B0000310A1F
[22:10:59.349 V] Blacklisting 0A1F for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:10:59.753 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:11:00.023 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:11:00.158 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0A14 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=22.9 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:00.239 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf Alpha.0A14 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=22.9 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:00.239 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf Alpha.0A14 @ 22.9 yds
[22:11:00.239 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:11:00.241 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:11:00.241 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:11:00.158 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Fly
[22:11:00.239 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf Alpha.0A14 @ 22.9 yds
[22:11:00.578 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=88.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf Alpha.0A14, 100.0%, 22.9 yds, loss=True
[22:11:00.780 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0A14 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=22.9 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:00.578 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf Alpha.0A14 @ 22.9 yds
[22:11:00.589 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.0A14 @ 100.0% at 22.9 yds
[22:11:02.936 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 3 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:02.944 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf Alpha.0A14, target=Frost Wolf Alpha.0A14, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:11:02.944 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf.0A1D
[22:11:02.958 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0A1D @ 30.9 yds
[22:11:02.970 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf.0A1D
[22:11:02.982 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0A1D
[22:11:03.011 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0A1D lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=30.9 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:03.012 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=49.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0A1D, 100.0%, 30.9 yds, loss=True
[22:11:02.944 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #2 - Frost Wolf.0A1D @ 30.9 yds
[22:11:02.945 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:11:02.959 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0A1D @ 30.9 yds
[22:11:02.982 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0A1D!
[22:11:03.030 N] [Singular] *Stampede on Frost Wolf.0A1D @ 100.0% at 30.9 yds
[22:11:03.413 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0A1D lvl=90 h=86.9%, maxh=15753, d=29.6 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:03.422 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0A1D h=86.9%, maxh=15753, d=29.6 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=Y, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:03.430 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:03.513 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:03.555 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:03.614 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:03.692 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:03.812 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:03.866 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:03.923 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:03.973 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.041 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf.0A1D, target=Frost Wolf.0A1D, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:11:04.042 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E
[22:11:04.056 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E @ 33.6 yds
[22:11:04.068 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E
[22:11:03.982 N] [Singular] *Kill Shot on Frost Wolf.0A1D @ 26.5% at 24.5 yds
[22:11:04.042 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #3 - Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E @ 33.6 yds
[22:11:04.042 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:11:04.056 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E @ 33.6 yds
[22:11:04.080 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E!
[22:11:04.080 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E
[22:11:04.112 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=33.6 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:04.113 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=74.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E, 100.0%, 33.6 yds, loss=True
[22:11:04.123 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.174 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=33.6 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:04.183 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.260 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.320 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.386 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.458 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.519 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=33.6 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:04.537 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.597 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.668 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.744 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.798 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.877 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.929 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:04.994 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:05.005 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E @ 100.0% at 33.6 yds
[22:11:06.698 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:50 Latency:44
[22:11:07.336 N] [Singular] *Barrage on Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E @ 28.2% at 31.9 yds
[22:11:07.619 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E, target=Frost Wolf Alpha.CC2E, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:11:07.620 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Icespine Stinger.F006
[22:11:07.659 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 46.2 yds
[22:11:07.691 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Icespine Stinger.F006
[22:11:07.726 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Icespine Stinger.F006
[22:11:07.941 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Not enough focus
[22:11:07.941 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Barrage#120360 failure: 'Not enough focus'
[22:11:07.952 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Icespine Stinger.F006 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=46.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=80782, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:07.954 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 40.0 yds of Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 46.8 yds
[22:11:07.962 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:11:07.962 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:11:08.009 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Icespine Stinger.F006 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=46.9 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=16, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:08.011 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 46.9 yds
[22:11:07.620 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #3 - Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 46.2 yds
[22:11:07.621 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Icespine Stinger, NavType: Run
[22:11:07.660 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 46.2 yds
[22:11:07.726 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Icespine Stinger.F006!
[22:11:07.942 D] Spell: Barrage on Frost Wolf Alpha failed. Reason: NoPower
[22:11:08.126 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0A1B lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:08.321 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 47.5 yds
[22:11:08.322 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=43.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Icespine Stinger.F006, 100.0%, 47.5 yds, loss=True
[22:11:08.330 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.395 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: more than 70 degrees, but suppress since moving=true
[22:11:08.404 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.458 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.467 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.532 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.536 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 40.0 yds of Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 46.7 yds
[22:11:08.542 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.547 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 46.7 yds
[22:11:08.596 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.605 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.669 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.680 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.727 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:08.736 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.798 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:08.802 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 45.4 yds
[22:11:08.811 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.865 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:08.875 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:08.951 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:08.965 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:09.011 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:09.021 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:09.056 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Out of range.
[22:11:09.056 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Auto Shot#75 failure: 'Out of range'
[22:11:09.070 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:09.072 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 44.1 yds
[22:11:09.078 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:09.143 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:09.146 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 40.0 yds of Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 43.7 yds
[22:11:09.152 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:09.156 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 43.7 yds
[22:11:09.213 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:09.256 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:09.281 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:09.281 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:09.348 N] (Singular) .... h=99.9%, focus=47.0, moving=True, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Icespine Stinger.F006, 100.0%, 42.7 yds, loss=True
[22:11:09.355 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:09.441 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 42.0 yds
[22:11:09.450 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:09.221 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 100.0% at 43.3 yds
[22:11:09.704 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 35.0 yds of Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 38.5 yds
[22:11:09.778 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Icespine Stinger.F006 @ 37.6 yds
[22:11:09.917 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 35.6 yds, stop range: 36.0
[22:11:10.186 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:10.192 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Icespine Stinger.F006, target=Icespine Stinger.F006, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:11:10.193 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf.0130
[22:11:10.207 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0130 @ 43.0 yds
[22:11:10.218 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf.0130
[22:11:10.231 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0130
[22:11:10.262 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0130 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=43.0 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:10.263 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0130 @ 43.0 yds
[22:11:10.530 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0130 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=43.0 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:10.193 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #3 - Frost Wolf.0130 @ 43.0 yds
[22:11:10.193 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:11:10.207 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0130 @ 43.0 yds
[22:11:10.231 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0130!
[22:11:10.280 N] [Singular] *Steady Shot on Frost Wolf.0130 @ 100.0% at 43.0 yds
[22:11:10.638 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:10.667 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:10.667 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:10.667 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:10.703 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:10.708 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:10.718 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0130 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=43.0 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:10.719 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0130 @ 43.0 yds
[22:11:11.165 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0130 @ 40.8 yds
[22:11:11.859 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 36.0 yds, stop range: 36.0
[22:11:12.217 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 3 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:12.220 N] (Singular) .... h=99.8%, focus=39.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.8%, Frost Wolf.0130, 100.0%, 36.0 yds, loss=True
[22:11:12.229 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:12.233 N] [Singular] *Steady Shot on Frost Wolf.0130 @ 100.0% at 36.0 yds
[22:11:13.626 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:11:13.627 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0A1B lvl=90 h=60.4%, maxh=15753, d=7.0 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:13.620 D] Spell: Steady Shot on Frost Wolf failed. Reason: DontReport
[22:11:13.628 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:11:13.705 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf.0A1B, target=Frost Wolf.0A1B, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:11:13.705 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf Alpha.0133
[22:11:13.718 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf Alpha.0133 @ 39.8 yds
[22:11:13.730 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf Alpha.0133
[22:11:13.745 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[22:11:13.745 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf Alpha.0133
[22:11:13.779 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0133 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=39.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:13.780 N] (Singular) .... h=99.7%, focus=46.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.8%, Frost Wolf Alpha.0133, 100.0%, 39.8 yds, loss=True
[22:11:13.791 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:13.886 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:11:13.933 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Interrupted
[22:11:13.936 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Steady Shot#56641 failure: 'Interrupted'
[22:11:13.694 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:11:13.705 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #2 - Frost Wolf Alpha.0133 @ 39.8 yds
[22:11:13.705 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:11:13.719 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf Alpha.0133 @ 39.8 yds
[22:11:13.745 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf Alpha.0133!
[22:11:13.798 N] [Singular] *Steady Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.0133 @ 100.0% at 39.8 yds
[22:11:14.253 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0133 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=39.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:15.344 N] (Singular) (Singular) Group Member: party3 enabled but could not be found
[22:11:15.344 N] (Singular) (Singular) Group Member: raid14 enabled but could not be found
[22:11:15.859 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf Alpha.0133 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=39.8 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:15.859 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=69.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.8%, Frost Wolf Alpha.0133, 100.0%, 39.8 yds, loss=True
[22:11:15.875 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.0133 @ 100.0% at 39.8 yds
[22:11:16.869 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:51 Latency:44
[22:11:17.562 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:11:17.529 D] Spell: Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha failed. Reason: Interrupted
[22:11:17.563 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:11:17.649 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:11:17.699 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Interrupted
[22:11:17.701 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Aimed Shot#19434 failure: 'Interrupted'
[22:11:17.954 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:11:17.748 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:11:18.928 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:18.959 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:18.959 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:18.967 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:18.988 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:18.988 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:21.037 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf Alpha (Unit Id: 76597)
[22:11:21.256 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0A14 lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=21004, d=4.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:21.587 N] Looting Frost Wolf Alpha Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACD4000000B0000310A14
[22:11:21.587 V] Blacklisting 0A14 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:11:21.588 V] Blacklisting 0A1D for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[22:11:21.950 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:11:22.402 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:11:22.435 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Icespine Stinger, NavType: Run
[22:11:22.494 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Icespine Stinger, NavType: Run
[22:11:22.893 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:22.963 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:22.963 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:24.101 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:24.162 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:24.162 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:25.551 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:25.579 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:25.579 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:25.580 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:25.605 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:25.606 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:28.998 D] Interacting with Icespine Stinger (Unit Id: 80782)
[22:11:29.427 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Icespine Stinger.F006 lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=14002, d=4.6 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=80782, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:29.977 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:11:29.744 N] Looting Icespine Stinger Guid:0x201E1C8B804EE38000000B000030F006
[22:11:29.744 V] Blacklisting F006 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:11:29.744 V] Blacklisting 0130 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[22:11:30.685 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:11:31.087 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.012F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=40.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:31.168 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.012F h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=40.7 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:31.169 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.012F @ 40.7 yds
[22:11:31.170 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:11:31.175 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.012F @ 40.7 yds
[22:11:31.176 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:11:31.178 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:11:30.751 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:11:30.821 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:11:30.878 D] Clearing POI - Reason Unit no longer has loot.
[22:11:31.089 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Fly
[22:11:31.170 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.012F @ 40.7 yds
[22:11:31.296 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.012F @ 40.7 yds
[22:11:31.394 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=120.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.012F, 100.0%, 40.7 yds, loss=True
[22:11:31.422 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf.012F @ 100.0% at 40.7 yds
[22:11:31.736 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.012F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=39.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:31.753 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=86.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.012F, 100.0%, 39.5 yds, loss=True
[22:11:31.789 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:31.812 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.012F @ 39.5 yds
[22:11:31.864 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:31.951 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:19 Latency:46
[22:11:31.971 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:31.978 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.012F @ 37.3 yds
[22:11:32.038 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:32.044 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.012F @ 36.1 yds
[22:11:32.069 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 35.1 yds, stop range: 36.0
[22:11:32.147 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:32.213 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:32.270 N] [Singular] *Feign Death on Me @ 100.0%
[22:11:32.681 N] [Singular] ... wait at most 1.5 seconds before cancelling Feign Death
[22:11:32.860 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:11:33.232 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:11:34.204 N] [Singular] /cancel Feign Death after -7198.477896 seconds
[22:11:34.204 N] [Singular] /cancelaura: Feign Death #5384
[22:11:34.302 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:11:34.397 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:11:34.510 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:11:38.983 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.012F lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=15753, d=4.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:39.116 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:39.145 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:39.146 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:38.758 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf (Unit Id: 76593)
[22:11:39.210 N] Looting Frost Wolf Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACC4000000B000031012F
[22:11:39.211 V] Blacklisting 012F for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:11:39.609 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:11:39.886 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0131 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=14.2 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:39.988 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0131 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=14.2 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:39.989 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0131 @ 14.2 yds
[22:11:39.990 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:11:39.994 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=120.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0131, 100.0%, 14.2 yds, loss=True
[22:11:39.743 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:11:39.886 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Fly
[22:11:39.990 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0131 @ 14.2 yds
[22:11:39.993 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0131 @ 14.2 yds
[22:11:40.031 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf.0131 @ 100.0% at 14.2 yds
[22:11:40.308 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0131 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=14.2 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:42.098 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:46 Latency:46
[22:11:42.390 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:42.394 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf.0131, target=Frost Wolf.0131, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:11:42.395 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf.ED30
[22:11:42.409 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.ED30 @ 20.9 yds
[22:11:42.421 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf.ED30
[22:11:42.435 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.ED30
[22:11:42.461 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Your target is dead
[22:11:42.462 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Aimed Shot#19434 failure: 'Your target is dead'
[22:11:42.467 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.ED30 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=20.9 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:42.468 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:11:42.468 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:11:42.469 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=120.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.ED30, 100.0%, 20.9 yds, loss=True
[22:11:42.583 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.ED30 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=20.9 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:42.590 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:42.646 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.ED30 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=21.2 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:42.658 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:42.395 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #3 - Frost Wolf.ED30 @ 20.9 yds
[22:11:42.395 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:11:42.410 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.ED30 @ 20.9 yds
[22:11:42.435 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.ED30!
[22:11:42.462 D] Spell: Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf failed. Reason: TargetsDead
[22:11:42.476 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf.ED30 @ 100.0% at 20.9 yds
[22:11:42.796 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:42.867 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:43.569 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:11:43.666 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf.0131, target=Frost Wolf.0131, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:11:43.667 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf.ED0F
[22:11:43.703 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.ED0F @ 33.3 yds
[22:11:43.571 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:11:43.640 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:11:43.667 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #3 - Frost Wolf.ED0F @ 33.3 yds
[22:11:43.668 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:11:43.704 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.ED0F @ 33.3 yds
[22:11:43.738 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf.ED0F
[22:11:43.779 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[22:11:43.780 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.ED0F
[22:11:43.920 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.ED0F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=33.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:43.921 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0131 lvl=90 h=89.2%, maxh=15753, d=10.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:43.922 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:11:43.922 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:11:43.923 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=91.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.8%, Frost Wolf.ED0F, 100.0%, 33.3 yds, loss=True
[22:11:44.151 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.ED0F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=33.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:44.233 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.ED0F h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=33.3 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:43.780 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.ED0F!
[22:11:43.922 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.ED0F @ 33.3 yds
[22:11:43.931 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf.ED0F @ 100.0% at 33.3 yds
[22:11:46.272 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:46.279 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=101.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.8%, Frost Wolf.ED0F, 100.0%, 33.3 yds, loss=True
[22:11:46.329 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf.ED0F @ 100.0% at 33.3 yds
[22:11:46.983 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:11:47.073 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Interrupted
[22:11:47.075 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Aimed Shot#19434 failure: 'Interrupted'
[22:11:47.092 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0131 lvl=90 h=65.4%, maxh=15753, d=21.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=None, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:47.129 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf.0131, target=Frost Wolf.0131, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:11:47.130 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Icespine Stinger.0B1F
[22:11:47.189 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Icespine Stinger.0B1F @ 25.3 yds
[22:11:47.221 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Icespine Stinger.0B1F
[22:11:47.255 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[22:11:47.256 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Icespine Stinger.0B1F
[22:11:46.970 D] Spell: Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf failed. Reason: DontReport
[22:11:46.986 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:11:47.093 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:11:47.130 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #3 - Icespine Stinger.0B1F @ 25.3 yds
[22:11:47.131 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Icespine Stinger, NavType: Run
[22:11:47.190 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Icespine Stinger.0B1F @ 25.3 yds
[22:11:47.256 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Icespine Stinger.0B1F!
[22:11:47.384 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Icespine Stinger.0B1F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=25.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=80782, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:47.385 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:11:47.386 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:11:47.484 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Icespine Stinger.0B1F h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=25.0 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=16, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:47.728 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=78.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.8%, Icespine Stinger.0B1F, 100.0%, 24.3 yds, loss=True
[22:11:47.727 N] [Singular] /startattack on Icespine Stinger.0B1F @ 24.3 yds
[22:11:47.751 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Icespine Stinger.0B1F @ 100.0% at 24.3 yds
[22:11:47.937 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Icespine Stinger.0B1F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=23.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=80782, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:49.406 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:49.433 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:49.433 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:50.375 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Icespine Stinger.0B1F, target=Icespine Stinger.0B1F, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:11:50.376 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf.0B1A
[22:11:50.173 N] [Singular] *Barrage on Icespine Stinger.0B1F @ 64.2% at 15.2 yds
[22:11:50.376 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #4 - Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 53.5 yds
[22:11:50.377 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:11:50.421 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 53.5 yds
[22:11:50.456 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf.0B1A
[22:11:50.492 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0B1A
[22:11:50.619 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Not enough focus
[22:11:50.621 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Barrage#120360 failure: 'Not enough focus'
[22:11:50.642 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B1A lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=53.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:50.645 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 53.5 yds
[22:11:50.647 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=42.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.5%, Frost Wolf.0B1A, 100.0%, 53.5 yds, loss=True
[22:11:50.689 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 53.5 yds
[22:11:50.793 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B1A h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=53.5 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:50.809 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:50.422 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 53.5 yds
[22:11:50.492 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0B1A!
[22:11:50.622 D] Spell: Barrage on Icespine Stinger failed. Reason: NoPower
[22:11:50.907 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:50.926 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:50.958 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:50.961 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 51.9 yds
[22:11:50.967 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.014 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0131 lvl=90 h=52.2%, maxh=15753, d=11.4 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:51.019 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.027 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.081 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.089 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.154 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.166 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.230 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.234 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 50.0 yds
[22:11:51.240 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.288 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.296 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.360 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.370 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.462 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.469 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.499 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.502 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 48.1 yds
[22:11:51.508 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.558 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.567 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.640 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.649 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.707 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:51.731 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:51.732 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:51.731 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:51.753 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:51.753 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:51.765 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.769 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 46.6 yds
[22:11:51.769 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=47.0, moving=True, sfbuff=0, peth=99.4%, Frost Wolf.0B1A, 100.0%, 46.6 yds, loss=True
[22:11:51.775 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.809 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:51.820 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.886 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B1A lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=45.4 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:51.894 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:51.903 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.937 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:51.947 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:51.998 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:52.006 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:52.077 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:52.080 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 44.1 yds
[22:11:52.087 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:52.130 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:52.140 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:52.203 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:28 Latency:47
[22:11:52.211 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:11:52.341 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 42.3 yds
[22:11:52.350 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:52.218 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 100.0% at 43.1 yds
[22:11:52.643 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 38.3 yds
[22:11:52.735 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 36.9 yds
[22:11:52.793 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 35.6 yds, stop range: 36.0
[22:11:52.826 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=16.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.4%, Frost Wolf.0B1A, 100.0%, 35.3 yds, loss=True
[22:11:52.847 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 35.3 yds
[22:11:53.147 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:11:53.181 N] [Singular] *Deterrence on Frost Wolf.0B1A @ 65.6% at 32.9 yds
[22:11:53.662 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:53.739 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:53.740 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:11:53.739 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:53.810 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:11:53.830 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:11:53.887 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0131
[22:11:53.936 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0131 lvl=90 h=25.3%, maxh=15753, d=6.0 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:53.937 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0131 @ 6.0 yds
[22:11:53.937 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:11:53.939 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=19.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.4%, Frost Wolf.0131, 25.3%, 6.0 yds, loss=True
[22:11:53.955 N] (Singular) Trap: use trap launcher requested: True
[22:11:53.957 N] (Singular) Trap: launcher aura present = True
[22:11:53.962 N] (Singular) Trap: cancast = True
[22:11:53.887 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0131!
[22:11:53.937 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0131 @ 6.0 yds
[22:11:53.962 N] [Singular] ^Launch trap: Explosive Trap on Frost Wolf.0131
[22:11:53.968 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:11:53.969 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:11:54.279 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0131 lvl=90 h=12.2%, maxh=15753, d=10.6 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:54.280 N] (Singular) (Singular) -- trap click entry --
[22:11:54.285 N] (Singular) (Singular) Trap: Complete!
[22:11:54.362 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0131 h=12.2%, maxh=15753, d=11.2 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=Y, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:54.438 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] You can't do that right now.
[22:11:54.362 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0131 @ 11.2 yds
[22:11:54.510 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:54.581 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:54.644 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:54.709 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:54.773 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:54.867 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:54.913 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:54.966 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=25.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.2%, Frost Wolf.0131, 0.7%, 12.7 yds, loss=True
[22:11:54.977 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:55.077 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:55.155 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:55.214 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:55.272 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:55.407 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:55.393 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0131 @ 12.7 yds
[22:11:55.509 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] You can't do that right now.
[22:11:55.515 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=2.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:55.554 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=2.8 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=Y, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=Y, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:55.555 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F @ 2.8 yds
[22:11:55.555 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:11:55.558 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:11:55.561 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:11:55.961 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=2.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:55.969 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=30.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.2%, Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F, 100.0%, 2.8 yds, loss=True
[22:11:55.516 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:11:55.544 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:11:55.555 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F @ 2.8 yds
[22:11:55.979 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:56.036 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:56.115 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:11:56.115 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:11:56.127 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:56.196 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:56.449 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] You can't do that right now.
[22:11:56.407 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F @ 2.8 yds
[22:11:57.002 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=34.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.1%, Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F, 100.0%, 2.8 yds, loss=True
[22:11:57.471 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] You can't do that right now.
[22:11:57.413 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F @ 2.8 yds
[22:11:58.031 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F, target=Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:11:58.032 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf.0B2B
[22:11:58.072 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B2B @ 38.3 yds
[22:11:58.104 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf.0B2B
[22:11:58.141 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0B2B
[22:11:58.227 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B2B lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=38.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:58.229 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:11:58.230 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:11:58.318 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B2B h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=38.3 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:11:58.032 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #3 - Frost Wolf.0B2B @ 38.3 yds
[22:11:58.033 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:11:58.073 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B2B @ 38.3 yds
[22:11:58.141 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0B2B!
[22:11:58.510 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B2B lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=38.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:11:58.770 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:11:58.771 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:11:58.869 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=43.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.0%, Frost Wolf.0B2B, 100.0%, 38.3 yds, loss=True
[22:11:58.899 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:11:58.869 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0B2B @ 38.3 yds
[22:11:58.909 N] [Singular] *Steady Shot on Frost Wolf.0B2B @ 100.0% at 38.3 yds
[22:12:01.075 N] (Singular) .... h=99.6%, focus=52.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.0%, Frost Wolf.0B2B, 9.8%, 27.2 yds, loss=True
[22:12:01.093 N] [Singular] *Concussive Shot on Frost Wolf.0B2B @ 9.8% at 27.2 yds
[22:12:02.035 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:02.067 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[22:12:02.068 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0B1D
[22:12:02.123 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B1D lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:02.127 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B1D @ 3.7 yds
[22:12:02.127 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:12:02.129 N] (Singular) .... h=99.5%, focus=71.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.0%, Frost Wolf.0B1D, 100.0%, 3.7 yds, loss=True
[22:12:02.253 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B1D h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=Y, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=Y, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:12:02.330 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B1D lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:02.393 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:17 Latency:47
[22:12:02.036 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:12:02.060 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:12:02.068 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0B1D!
[22:12:02.127 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B1D @ 3.7 yds
[22:12:02.129 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0B1D @ 3.7 yds
[22:12:02.139 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf.0B1D @ 100.0% at 3.7 yds
[22:12:02.810 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:02.880 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[22:12:02.880 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F
[22:12:02.932 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F lvl=90 h=82.0%, maxh=21004, d=15.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:02.813 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:12:02.873 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:12:02.880 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F!
[22:12:03.013 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F h=82.0%, maxh=21004, d=15.3 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:12:03.159 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F lvl=90 h=82.0%, maxh=21004, d=14.1 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:03.095 N] [Singular] *Steady Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F @ 82.0% at 14.8 yds
[22:12:03.413 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F @ 12.0 yds
[22:12:03.604 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:12:03.627 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:12:03.628 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:12:03.627 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:12:03.649 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:12:03.649 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:12:05.089 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F, target=Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:12:05.091 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31
[22:12:05.126 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31 @ 49.3 yds
[22:12:05.155 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31
[22:12:05.188 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31
[22:12:05.282 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=49.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:05.286 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31 @ 49.3 yds
[22:12:05.288 N] (Singular) .... h=99.5%, focus=64.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=98.7%, Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31, 100.0%, 49.3 yds, loss=True
[22:12:05.090 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #2 - Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31 @ 49.3 yds
[22:12:05.091 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:12:05.127 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31 @ 49.3 yds
[22:12:05.188 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31!
[22:12:05.324 N] [Singular] *Barrage on Frost Wolf Alpha.ED1F @ 22.3% at 8.1 yds
[22:12:05.519 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=49.3 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:12:05.521 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31 @ 49.3 yds
[22:12:05.666 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Your target is dead
[22:12:05.668 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Barrage#120360 failure: 'Your target is dead'
[22:12:05.690 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=49.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:05.669 D] Spell: Barrage on Frost Wolf Alpha failed. Reason: TargetsDead
[22:12:05.717 D] Moving to kill poi from <5554.655, 4204.83, 57.98258>
[22:12:06.333 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31 @ 44.7 yds
[22:12:06.334 N] (Singular) .... h=99.4%, focus=69.0, moving=True, sfbuff=0, peth=98.7%, Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31, 100.0%, 44.7 yds, loss=True
[22:12:06.347 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:12:06.422 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:12:06.481 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:12:06.537 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:12:06.541 N] [Singular] *Steady Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31 @ 100.0% at 43.5 yds
[22:12:08.532 N] (Singular) .... h=99.4%, focus=93.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=98.7%, Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31, 100.0%, 35.8 yds, loss=True
[22:12:08.581 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31 @ 100.0% at 35.8 yds
[22:12:09.703 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:09.703 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:09.852 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Interrupted
[22:12:09.853 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Aimed Shot#19434 failure: 'Interrupted'
[22:12:09.683 D] Spell: Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha failed. Reason: DontReport
[22:12:09.703 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:12:09.763 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:12:09.863 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf (Unit Id: 76593)
[22:12:10.082 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0131 lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=15753, d=2.6 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:10.356 N] Looting Frost Wolf Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACC4000000B0000B10131
[22:12:10.356 V] Blacklisting 0131 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:12:10.356 V] Blacklisting ED1F for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[22:12:10.356 V] Blacklisting 0B2B for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[22:12:10.780 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:11.222 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:12:11.335 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:12:11.430 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:12:11.431 D] Skipped 2 path nodes
[22:12:11.520 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:12:15.500 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:12:15.524 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:12:15.524 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:12:16.426 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0131 lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=15753, d=4.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:16.221 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf (Unit Id: 76593)
[22:12:16.724 N] Looting Frost Wolf Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACC4000000B0000310131
[22:12:16.724 V] Blacklisting 0131 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:12:17.203 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:17.495 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:12:17.562 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:12:17.643 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:12:17.645 D] Skipped 2 path nodes
[22:12:17.712 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:12:24.459 D] Stop and dismount... Reason: Loot/Harvest
[22:12:24.479 D] Stopped moving. Reason: Dismounting
[22:12:25.064 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B31 lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=21004, d=4.6 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:24.904 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf Alpha (Unit Id: 76597)
[22:12:25.395 N] Looting Frost Wolf Alpha Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACD4000000B0000310B31
[22:12:25.395 V] Blacklisting 0B31 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:12:25.808 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:25.953 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B33 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=12.1 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:26.017 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B33 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=12.1 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:12:26.017 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B33 @ 12.1 yds
[22:12:26.018 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:12:26.020 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:12:26.021 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:12:25.810 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:12:25.954 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Fly
[22:12:26.018 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B33 @ 12.1 yds
[22:12:26.164 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=120.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0B33, 100.0%, 12.1 yds, loss=True
[22:12:26.229 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B33 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=12.1 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:26.286 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:42 Latency:47
[22:12:26.421 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:12:26.422 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=85.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0B33, 100.0%, 11.5 yds, loss=True
[22:12:26.422 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:12:26.432 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:12:26.164 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0B33 @ 12.1 yds
[22:12:26.175 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf.0B33 @ 100.0% at 12.1 yds
[22:12:26.641 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf.0B33, target=Frost Wolf.0B33, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:12:26.641 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36
[22:12:26.652 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36 @ 19.3 yds
[22:12:26.661 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36
[22:12:26.671 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36
[22:12:26.703 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=19.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:26.772 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=19.3 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:12:26.963 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:12:26.964 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:12:26.972 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:12:27.051 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:12:26.641 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #3 - Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36 @ 19.3 yds
[22:12:26.641 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:12:26.653 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36 @ 19.3 yds
[22:12:26.671 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36!
[22:12:27.132 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=19.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:27.139 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:12:27.139 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:12:27.147 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36 @ 100.0% at 19.3 yds
[22:12:29.512 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=99.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36, 100.0%, 19.9 yds, loss=True
[22:12:29.539 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B36 @ 100.0% at 19.9 yds
[22:12:30.018 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:30.019 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:30.000 D] Spell: Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha failed. Reason: DontReport
[22:12:30.024 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:12:30.191 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Interrupted
[22:12:30.193 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Aimed Shot#19434 failure: 'Interrupted'
[22:12:30.223 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:12:30.295 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:12:31.478 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf (Unit Id: 76593)
[22:12:31.687 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B33 lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=15753, d=4.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:31.962 N] Looting Frost Wolf Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACC4000000B0000310B33
[22:12:31.962 V] Blacklisting 0B33 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:12:31.962 V] Blacklisting 0B3B for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[22:12:32.380 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:32.918 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.E1E1 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=52.9 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:32.784 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:12:32.918 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Fly
[22:12:33.026 D] Flying to kill poi from <5585.724, 4171.682, 56.9665>
[22:12:34.389 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf Alpha.E1E1 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=44.9 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:12:34.389 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf Alpha.E1E1 @ 44.9 yds
[22:12:34.389 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:12:34.396 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf Alpha.E1E1 @ 44.9 yds
[22:12:34.397 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=71.0, moving=True, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf Alpha.E1E1, 100.0%, 44.9 yds, loss=True
[22:12:34.407 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:12:34.468 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:12:34.530 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:12:34.596 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:12:34.389 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf Alpha.E1E1 @ 44.9 yds
[22:12:34.600 N] [Singular] *Steady Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.E1E1 @ 100.0% at 43.6 yds
[22:12:34.788 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.E1E1 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=42.1 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:36.760 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=95.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf Alpha.E1E1, 100.0%, 35.8 yds, loss=True
[22:12:36.981 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:22 Latency:47
[22:12:36.997 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=62.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf Alpha.E1E1, 100.0%, 35.1 yds, loss=True
[22:12:37.024 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:12:37.043 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf Alpha.E1E1 @ 35.1 yds
[22:12:37.158 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:12:36.793 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.E1E1 @ 100.0% at 35.8 yds
[22:12:37.284 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 31.8 yds, stop range: 36.0
[22:12:37.663 N] [Singular] *Feign Death on Me @ 100.0%
[22:12:38.076 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:38.076 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:38.077 N] [Singular] ... wait at most 1.5 seconds before cancelling Feign Death
[22:12:39.600 N] [Singular] /cancel Feign Death after -7198.4773948 seconds
[22:12:39.600 N] [Singular] /cancelaura: Feign Death #5384
[22:12:39.662 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:12:39.731 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:12:39.813 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:12:43.616 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:12:43.691 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:12:43.698 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:12:43.406 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf (Unit Id: 76593)
[22:12:43.877 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.E1E3 lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=15753, d=4.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:44.113 N] Looting Frost Wolf Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACC4000000B000030E1E3
[22:12:44.113 V] Blacklisting E1E3 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:12:44.113 V] Blacklisting E1E1 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[22:12:44.458 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:45.068 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=37.2 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:45.150 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=37.4 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:12:45.151 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 @ 37.4 yds
[22:12:45.151 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:12:45.153 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:12:45.153 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:12:45.154 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=99.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6, 100.0%, 37.4 yds, loss=True
[22:12:44.953 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:12:45.069 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Fly
[22:12:45.151 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 @ 37.4 yds
[22:12:45.153 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 @ 37.4 yds
[22:12:45.168 N] [Singular] *Rapid Fire on Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 @ 100.0% at 37.4 yds
[22:12:45.297 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=37.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:45.626 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 @ 100.0% at 38.7 yds
[22:12:46.099 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=68.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6, 51.0%, 39.0 yds, loss=True
[22:12:46.150 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 @ 39.0 yds
[22:12:46.308 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 @ 37.5 yds
[22:12:46.443 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 @ 36.1 yds
[22:12:46.553 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 33.5 yds, stop range: 36.0
[22:12:46.717 N] [Singular] *Barrage on Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 @ 51.0% at 32.1 yds
[22:12:47.040 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Your target is dead
[22:12:47.043 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Barrage#120360 failure: 'Your target is dead'
[22:12:47.043 D] Spell: Barrage on Frost Wolf Alpha failed. Reason: TargetsDead
[22:12:47.107 N] [Singular] *Concussive Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 @ 51.0% at 29.5 yds
[22:12:47.231 D] Spell: Concussive Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha failed. Reason: TargetsDead
[22:12:47.250 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:47.345 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Your target is dead
[22:12:47.347 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Concussive Shot#5116 failure: 'Your target is dead'
[22:12:47.400 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:12:47.402 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:12:47.479 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:12:47.555 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:12:47.908 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:12:47.969 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:12:47.969 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:12:51.476 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.CCA6 lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=21004, d=4.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:51.255 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf Alpha (Unit Id: 76597)
[22:12:51.746 N] Looting Frost Wolf Alpha Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACD4000000C000030CCA6
[22:12:51.746 V] Blacklisting CCA6 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:12:52.170 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:12:52.237 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <5617.69, 4165.54, 61.61>, Name: three, NavType: Fly
[22:12:52.579 N] (Singular) PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired!
[22:12:52.610 N] (Singular) TalentManager: RebuildNeeded=False
[22:12:52.619 N] (Singular) (Singular) TalentManager: receive a PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED event, currently HunterMarksmanship -- queueing check for new spec!
[22:12:52.311 N] Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <5617.69, 4165.54, 61.61>, Name: three, NavType: Fly
[22:12:52.313 D] Activity: Moving to hotspot three
[22:12:52.407 N] Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <5617.69, 4165.54, 61.61>, Name: three, NavType: Fly
[22:12:53.492 D] Activity: Setting Frost Wolf at 60 yards as your target
[22:12:58.614 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B63 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=49.2 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:12:58.708 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: 5.2 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
[22:12:58.538 D] Failed to set unit in path as target
[22:12:58.615 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Fly
[22:12:58.712 D] Flying to kill poi from <5617.82, 4165.184, 61.66338>
[22:12:59.569 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B63 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=44.6 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:12:59.569 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B63 @ 44.6 yds
[22:12:59.570 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:12:59.575 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B63 @ 44.6 yds
[22:12:59.576 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: more than 70 degrees, but suppress since moving=true
[22:12:59.576 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=120.0, moving=True, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0B63, 100.0%, 44.6 yds, loss=True
[22:12:59.589 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:12:59.651 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:12:59.718 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:12:59.570 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B63 @ 44.6 yds
[22:12:59.836 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Out of range.
[22:12:59.850 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Chimaera Shot#53209 failure: 'Out of range'
[22:12:59.911 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B63 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=42.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:00.078 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:36 Latency:47
[22:13:00.233 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B63 @ 41.2 yds
[22:13:00.235 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: more than 70 degrees, but suppress since moving=true
[22:13:00.266 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:12:59.781 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf.0B63 @ 100.0% at 43.5 yds
[22:13:00.436 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Out of range.
[22:13:00.437 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Auto Shot#75 failure: 'Out of range'
[22:13:00.548 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Out of range.
[22:13:00.549 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Steady Shot#56641 failure: 'Out of range'
[22:13:00.713 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Out of range.
[22:13:00.715 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Auto Shot#75 failure: 'Out of range'
[22:13:00.750 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: more than 70 degrees, but suppress since moving=true
[22:13:00.751 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=120.0, moving=True, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0B63, 100.0%, 38.5 yds, loss=True
[22:13:00.283 N] [Singular] *Steady Shot on Frost Wolf.0B63 @ 100.0% at 41.2 yds
[22:13:00.439 D] Spell: Steady Shot on Frost Wolf failed. Reason: OutOfRange
[22:13:00.998 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: more than 70 degrees, but suppress since moving=true
[22:13:00.998 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=85.0, moving=True, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0B63, 100.0%, 36.3 yds, loss=True
[22:13:01.008 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:13:01.014 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B63 @ 36.3 yds
[22:13:01.050 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 35.7 yds, stop range: 36.0
[22:13:01.097 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:01.097 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:01.106 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:13:01.249 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:13:00.781 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf.0B63 @ 100.0% at 38.5 yds
[22:13:01.324 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:13:01.659 N] [Singular] *Barrage on Frost Wolf.0B63 @ 35.6% at 30.5 yds
[22:13:01.999 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:02.031 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Your target is dead
[22:13:02.035 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Barrage#120360 failure: 'Your target is dead'
[22:13:02.049 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=90.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0B63, 35.6%, 29.4 yds, loss=True
[22:13:02.198 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:02.257 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Your target is dead
[22:13:02.257 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Concussive Shot#5116 failure: 'Your target is dead'
[22:13:02.265 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:02.266 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:02.032 D] Spell: Barrage on Frost Wolf failed. Reason: DontReport
[22:13:02.054 N] [Singular] *Concussive Shot on Frost Wolf.0B63 @ 35.6% at 29.4 yds
[22:13:02.258 D] Spell: Concussive Shot on Frost Wolf failed. Reason: TargetsDead
[22:13:02.267 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:13:02.318 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:02.391 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:06.454 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B6C lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=8.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:06.532 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B6C h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=7.8 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:06.533 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B6C @ 7.8 yds
[22:13:06.533 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:13:06.535 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 7.8 yds, stop range: 36.0
[22:13:06.597 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=111.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0B6C, 100.0%, 7.8 yds, loss=True
[22:13:06.729 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B6C lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=7.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:06.457 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:06.533 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B6C @ 7.8 yds
[22:13:06.597 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0B6C @ 7.8 yds
[22:13:06.614 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf.0B6C @ 100.0% at 7.8 yds
[22:13:08.988 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:08.993 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf.0B6C, target=Frost Wolf.0B6C, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:13:08.993 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf.0B6C
[22:13:09.004 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B6C @ 25.9 yds
[22:13:09.013 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf.0B6C
[22:13:09.022 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0B6C
[22:13:09.050 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Your target is dead
[22:13:09.051 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Aimed Shot#19434 failure: 'Your target is dead'
[22:13:09.059 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B6C lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=25.9 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:09.059 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=120.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0B6C, 100.0%, 25.9 yds, loss=True
[22:13:09.263 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B6C lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=25.9 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:08.993 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #2 - Frost Wolf.0B6C @ 25.9 yds
[22:13:08.993 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:09.005 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B6C @ 25.9 yds
[22:13:09.022 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0B6C!
[22:13:09.051 D] Spell: Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf failed. Reason: TargetsDead
[22:13:09.070 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf.0B6C @ 100.0% at 25.9 yds
[22:13:10.229 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:44 Latency:47
[22:13:10.358 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B6C h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=25.6 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:11.511 N] [Singular] *Feign Death on Me @ 100.0%
[22:13:11.887 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:12.066 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:11.900 N] [Singular] ... wait at most 1.5 seconds before cancelling Feign Death
[22:13:13.693 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B73 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=8.6 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:13.780 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B73 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=8.6 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:13.781 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B73 @ 8.6 yds
[22:13:13.781 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:13:13.783 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:13.783 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:13.784 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=81.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf Alpha.0B73, 100.0%, 8.6 yds, loss=True
[22:13:13.427 N] [Singular] /cancel Feign Death after -7198.4737577 seconds
[22:13:13.427 N] [Singular] /cancelaura: Feign Death #5384
[22:13:13.486 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:13:13.569 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:13.693 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:13:13.781 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B73 @ 8.6 yds
[22:13:13.783 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B73 @ 8.6 yds
[22:13:13.793 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B73 @ 100.0% at 8.6 yds
[22:13:14.037 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B73 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=8.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:14.051 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:14.052 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:14.053 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=46.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf Alpha.0B73, 100.0%, 8.3 yds, loss=True
[22:13:14.080 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:13:14.620 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:14.621 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:14.622 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:13:14.780 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:14.872 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf (Unit Id: 76593)
[22:13:15.075 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B6C lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=15753, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:15.347 N] Looting Frost Wolf Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACC4000000B0000310B6C
[22:13:15.347 V] Blacklisting 0B6C for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:13:15.347 V] Blacklisting 0B63 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[22:13:15.347 V] Blacklisting 0B73 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[22:13:15.768 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:16.241 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B3B lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=62.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:16.100 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:13:16.242 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Fly
[22:13:16.307 D] Flying to kill poi from <5581.443, 4172.968, 56.92937>
[22:13:19.037 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B3B h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=44.7 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:19.038 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B3B @ 44.7 yds
[22:13:19.038 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:13:19.044 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B3B @ 44.7 yds
[22:13:19.045 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=69.0, moving=True, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0B3B, 100.0%, 44.7 yds, loss=True
[22:13:19.058 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:19.118 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:19.179 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:13:19.251 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:13:19.379 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B3B lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=42.2 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:19.038 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B3B @ 44.7 yds
[22:13:19.255 N] [Singular] *Steady Shot on Frost Wolf.0B3B @ 100.0% at 43.3 yds
[22:13:21.434 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=93.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0B3B, 100.0%, 35.8 yds, loss=True
[22:13:21.612 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:15 Latency:48
[22:13:21.498 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf.0B3B @ 100.0% at 35.8 yds
[22:13:22.231 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:22.329 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Interrupted
[22:13:22.329 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Aimed Shot#19434 failure: 'Interrupted'
[22:13:22.224 D] Spell: Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf failed. Reason: DontReport
[22:13:22.231 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:13:22.345 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:22.425 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:22.578 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:27.297 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B3B lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=15753, d=4.9 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:27.084 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf (Unit Id: 76593)
[22:13:27.561 N] Looting Frost Wolf Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACC4000000B0000310B3B
[22:13:27.561 V] Blacklisting 0B3B for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:13:28.538 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B3F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=12.0 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:28.355 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:13:28.540 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Fly
[22:13:28.650 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B3F h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=12.0 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:28.651 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B3F @ 12.0 yds
[22:13:28.652 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:13:28.655 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:28.667 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:28.660 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=120.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf Alpha.0B3F, 100.0%, 12.0 yds, loss=True
[22:13:29.009 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B3F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=9.6 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:29.015 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:29.015 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=86.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf Alpha.0B3F, 100.0%, 9.6 yds, loss=True
[22:13:29.015 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:29.026 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:29.071 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:28.652 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B3F @ 12.0 yds
[22:13:28.656 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B3F @ 12.0 yds
[22:13:28.702 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B3F @ 100.0% at 12.0 yds
[22:13:29.138 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 3 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:29.206 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 4 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:29.270 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 4 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:29.332 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 4 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:29.418 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 4 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:29.485 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:29.485 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:13:29.885 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:29.605 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:13:29.665 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:13:30.910 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B3F lvl=90 h=0.0%, maxh=21004, d=4.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:30.709 D] Interacting with Frost Wolf Alpha (Unit Id: 76597)
[22:13:31.284 N] Looting Frost Wolf Alpha Guid:0x201E1C8B804ACD4000000B0000310B3F
[22:13:31.284 V] Blacklisting 0B3F for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[22:13:32.051 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B4E lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=18.3 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:32.098 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B4E h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=18.3 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:32.098 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B4E @ 18.3 yds
[22:13:32.099 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:13:32.101 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=100.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Frost Wolf.0B4E, 100.0%, 18.3 yds, loss=True
[22:13:31.928 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[22:13:32.052 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Fly
[22:13:32.099 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B4E @ 18.3 yds
[22:13:32.100 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0B4E @ 18.3 yds
[22:13:32.117 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf.0B4E @ 100.0% at 18.3 yds
[22:13:32.660 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B4E lvl=90 h=71.0%, maxh=15753, d=18.1 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:32.776 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:48 Latency:48
[22:13:34.497 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 4 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:34.512 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf.0B4E, target=Frost Wolf.0B4E, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:13:34.513 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Icespine Stinger.0B38
[22:13:34.544 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Icespine Stinger.0B38 @ 19.9 yds
[22:13:34.573 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Icespine Stinger.0B38
[22:13:34.599 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Icespine Stinger.0B38
[22:13:34.513 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #3 - Icespine Stinger.0B38 @ 19.9 yds
[22:13:34.515 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Icespine Stinger, NavType: Run
[22:13:34.545 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Icespine Stinger.0B38 @ 19.9 yds
[22:13:34.599 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Icespine Stinger.0B38!
[22:13:34.771 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Icespine Stinger.0B38 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=19.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=80782, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:34.773 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:34.778 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:34.877 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:34.903 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Icespine Stinger.0B38 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=19.3 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=16, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:35.091 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Icespine Stinger.0B38 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=19.0 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=80782, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:35.169 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=64.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Icespine Stinger.0B38, 100.0%, 18.9 yds, loss=True
[22:13:35.179 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Icespine Stinger.0B38 @ 100.0% at 18.9 yds
[22:13:38.016 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:37.726 N] [Singular] *Barrage on Icespine Stinger.0B38 @ 14.1% at 3.8 yds
[22:13:37.994 D] Spell: Barrage on Icespine Stinger failed. Reason: Interrupted
[22:13:38.017 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:13:38.200 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Not enough focus
[22:13:38.207 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Barrage#120360 failure: 'Not enough focus'
[22:13:38.235 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B58 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:38.236 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B58 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:38.281 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B58 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=Y, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=Y, pagro=Y, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:38.283 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:38.285 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:38.239 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:38.807 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:38.808 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:38.917 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf.0B58, target=Frost Wolf.0B58, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:13:38.918 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Icespine Stinger.0B60
[22:13:38.945 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Icespine Stinger.0B60 @ 19.8 yds
[22:13:38.967 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Icespine Stinger.0B60
[22:13:38.991 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Icespine Stinger.0B60
[22:13:39.028 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Icespine Stinger.0B60 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=19.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=80782, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:39.089 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Icespine Stinger.0B60 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=19.8 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=16, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:38.918 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #2 - Icespine Stinger.0B60 @ 19.8 yds
[22:13:38.919 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Icespine Stinger, NavType: Run
[22:13:38.946 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Icespine Stinger.0B60 @ 19.8 yds
[22:13:38.991 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Icespine Stinger.0B60!
[22:13:39.226 N] (Singular) .... h=99.3%, focus=51.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=100.0%, Icespine Stinger.0B60, 100.0%, 19.8 yds, loss=True
[22:13:39.352 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:39.353 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:39.360 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:39.432 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:39.474 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Icespine Stinger.0B60 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=14002, d=19.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=80782, faction=16, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:39.490 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:13:39.226 N] [Singular] /startattack on Icespine Stinger.0B60 @ 19.8 yds
[22:13:39.231 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Icespine Stinger.0B60 @ 100.0% at 19.8 yds
[22:13:39.992 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:40.041 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf.0B58, target=Frost Wolf.0B58, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:13:40.042 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf.0B59
[22:13:40.050 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B59 @ 21.4 yds
[22:13:40.057 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf.0B59
[22:13:40.066 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[22:13:40.066 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0B59
[22:13:40.107 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B59 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=21.4 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:40.108 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:40.108 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:39.992 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:13:40.035 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:40.042 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #2 - Frost Wolf.0B59 @ 21.4 yds
[22:13:40.042 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:40.051 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B59 @ 21.4 yds
[22:13:40.066 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0B59!
[22:13:40.177 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B59 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=21.4 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:40.381 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B59 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=21.4 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:40.388 N] (Singular) .... h=99.9%, focus=22.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.8%, Frost Wolf.0B59, 100.0%, 21.4 yds, loss=True
[22:13:40.398 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 1 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:40.388 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0B59 @ 21.4 yds
[22:13:40.402 N] [Singular] *Steady Shot on Frost Wolf.0B59 @ 100.0% at 21.4 yds
[22:13:42.389 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 3 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:42.396 N] (Singular) .... h=99.9%, focus=31.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.7%, Frost Wolf.0B59, 100.0%, 21.4 yds, loss=True
[22:13:42.425 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:42.436 N] [Singular] *Steady Shot on Frost Wolf.0B59 @ 100.0% at 21.4 yds
[22:13:43.018 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:22 Latency:48
[22:13:43.409 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:43.487 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Interrupted
[22:13:43.489 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Steady Shot#56641 failure: 'Interrupted'
[22:13:43.549 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf.0B58, target=Frost Wolf.0B58, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:13:43.550 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf.0B65
[22:13:43.585 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B65 @ 28.1 yds
[22:13:43.605 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf.0B65
[22:13:43.633 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[22:13:43.636 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0B65
[22:13:43.657 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B65 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=28.1 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:43.659 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:43.661 N] (Singular) .... h=99.8%, focus=49.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.7%, Frost Wolf.0B65, 100.0%, 28.1 yds, loss=True
[22:13:43.386 D] Spell: Steady Shot on Frost Wolf failed. Reason: DontReport
[22:13:43.411 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:13:43.509 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:43.550 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #3 - Frost Wolf.0B65 @ 28.1 yds
[22:13:43.551 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:43.586 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B65 @ 28.1 yds
[22:13:43.635 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0B65!
[22:13:43.671 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:43.848 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B58 lvl=90 h=39.8%, maxh=15753, d=16.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:44.015 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B65 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=28.1 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:44.050 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B65 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=28.1 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:43.725 N] [Singular] *Steady Shot on Frost Wolf.0B65 @ 100.0% at 28.1 yds
[22:13:44.050 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0B65 @ 28.1 yds
[22:13:45.647 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, 2 additional targets would be pulled
[22:13:45.651 N] (Singular) .... h=99.6%, focus=59.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.7%, Frost Wolf.0B65, 100.0%, 28.1 yds, loss=True
[22:13:45.658 N] [Singular] *Aimed Shot on Frost Wolf.0B65 @ 100.0% at 28.1 yds
[22:13:45.983 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0B58
[22:13:46.065 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B58 lvl=90 h=18.8%, maxh=15753, d=14.1 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:46.066 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B58 @ 14.1 yds
[22:13:46.067 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying CurrentTarget
[22:13:46.073 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:46.073 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:46.159 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B58 h=18.8%, maxh=15753, d=14.1 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=Y, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:45.977 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:45.983 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0B58!
[22:13:46.067 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B58 @ 14.1 yds
[22:13:46.541 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B58 lvl=90 h=18.8%, maxh=15753, d=14.1 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:48.153 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B65 lvl=90 h=3.8%, maxh=15753, d=6.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:48.039 N] [Singular] *Feign Death on Me @ 99.6%
[22:13:48.422 N] [Singular] ... wait at most 1.5 seconds before cancelling Feign Death
[22:13:48.793 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:48.835 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B65 lvl=90 h=3.8%, maxh=15753, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:49.349 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B6F lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=21004, d=9.5 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:50.188 N] (Singular) Pull More: more adds allowed since current KillPoi Frost Wolf Alpha.0B6F, target=Frost Wolf Alpha.0B6F, combat=Y, tagged=Y
[22:13:50.189 N] (Singular) Setting BotPoi to Kill Frost Wolf.0B5D
[22:13:50.215 N] (Singular) PetAttack: on Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 39.4 yds
[22:13:49.975 N] [Singular] /cancel Feign Death after -7198.4463749 seconds
[22:13:49.976 N] [Singular] /cancelaura: Feign Death #5384
[22:13:50.046 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:13:50.144 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:13:50.189 N] [Singular] Pull More: pulling Any Mob #2 - Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 39.4 yds
[22:13:50.190 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:50.216 N] [Singular] *Pet:Attack on Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 39.4 yds
[22:13:50.234 N] (Singular) CastPetAction: cast [Attack] specifying FocusTarget Frost Wolf.0B5D
[22:13:50.261 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B65 h=3.8%, maxh=15753, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=Y, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N
[22:13:50.262 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0B5D
[22:13:50.345 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B5D lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=39.4 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:50.357 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 70 degrees (moving=N)
[22:13:50.358 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: waiting (waitForFacing=True)
[22:13:50.358 N] (Singular) .... h=99.3%, focus=105.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.3%, Frost Wolf.0B5D, 100.0%, 39.4 yds, loss=True
[22:13:50.551 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B5D h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=39.4 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=N, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:50.581 N] (Singular) Barrage: skipping, no targets would be hit
[22:13:50.262 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0B5D!
[22:13:50.357 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 39.4 yds
[22:13:50.372 N] [Singular] *Chimaera Shot on Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 100.0% at 39.4 yds
[22:13:50.969 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 42.9 yds
[22:13:51.018 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B5D lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=43.4 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:51.045 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 43.4 yds
[22:13:51.214 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 44.1 yds
[22:13:51.225 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 44.1 yds
[22:13:50.926 V] Loading Draenor_23_21
[22:13:50.968 D] Successfully generated path from {5542.089, 4216.433, 55.77748} to {5569.998, 4243.004, 64.158} in 365 milliseconds
[22:13:51.421 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[PathGenerated]: moving within 40.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 44.3 yds
[22:13:51.422 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=78.0, moving=True, sfbuff=0, peth=99.0%, Frost Wolf.0B5D, 100.0%, 44.3 yds, loss=True
[22:13:51.432 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 44.3 yds
[22:13:51.691 N] (Singular) MoveToUnit[Moved]: moving within 35.0 yds of Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 41.1 yds
[22:13:51.574 N] [Singular] *Concussive Shot on Frost Wolf.0B5D @ 100.0% at 42.0 yds
[22:13:51.758 D] Spell: Concussive Shot on Frost Wolf failed. Reason: TargetsDead
[22:13:51.758 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Your target is dead
[22:13:51.765 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:51.766 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Concussive Shot#5116 failure: 'Your target is dead'
[22:13:51.766 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B6F lvl=90 h=79.7%, maxh=21004, d=6.8 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:51.817 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[22:13:51.817 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf Alpha.0B6F
[22:13:51.885 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B6F lvl=90 h=79.7%, maxh=21004, d=7.0 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76597, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:51.886 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping because target @ 7.0 yds, stop range: 36.0
[22:13:52.108 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B6F h=66.8%, maxh=21004, d=8.9 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=Y, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:51.767 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:13:51.809 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf Alpha, NavType: Run
[22:13:51.817 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf Alpha.0B6F!
[22:13:51.978 N] [Singular] *Barrage on Frost Wolf Alpha.0B6F @ 79.7% at 7.6 yds
[22:13:52.850 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[22:13:53.200 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:35 Latency:48
[22:13:52.853 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[22:13:53.368 N] (Singular) PetsCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B65 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=22.6 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=None, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:53.829 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[22:13:53.832 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Frost Wolf.0B65
[22:13:53.934 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Frost Wolf.0B65 lvl=90 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=20.6 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=76593, faction=38, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[22:13:54.054 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Frost Wolf.0B65 h=100.0%, maxh=15753, d=19.8 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=38, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=Y, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[22:13:53.815 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Frost Wolf, NavType: Run
[22:13:53.832 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Frost Wolf.0B65!
[22:13:53.936 N] [Singular] /startattack on Frost Wolf.0B65 @ 20.6 yds
[22:13:54.409 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Target needs to be in front of you.
[22:13:54.411 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Barrage#120361 failure: 'Target needs to be in front of you.'
[22:13:54.412 N] (Singular) [CombatLog] not facing LastTarget [201E1C8B804ACD4000000B0000310B6F] at 22:13:54.411
[22:13:54.636 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%, focus=38.0, moving=False, sfbuff=0, peth=99.0%, Frost Wolf.0B65, 9.7%, 19.6 yds, loss=True
[22:13:54.535 N] Stopping the bot!
[22:13:54.538 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Session error
[22:13:54.671 N] [Singular] *Concussive Shot on Frost Wolf.0B65 @ 9.7% at 19.6 yds
[22:13:54.690 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished with grinding
[22:13:55.146 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[22:13:55.154 Q] Shutting down in 20 seconds