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About gyzmoo88

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  1. Try this one. Wrobot or this one
  2. usually in the honorbuddy root folder. in the log window wil ltell you the name of the profile .example Twilight Highlands[9768].xml
  3. Did you tried to change honorbuddy system compatibility to windows xp or 7 ?
  4. Hello. I need some offsets pointers for an older bot.. i did find some of them .. but not all. Here is a list with the offsests that i need. Local $Mem_Player_Current_Exp_AddPointer = Local $Mem_Player_Current_ExpMax_AddPointer = Local $Mem_Player_Target_Add = 0x005253F0Local $Mem_Player_Current_Spell_Cast_AddPointer = ;/*Battlegrounds*/Local $Mem_Player_Current_ZoneID_Pointer = Local $Mem_Player_Current_BGStatus_Pointer = ;//Click to MoveLocal $Mem_ClickToMove_X = Local $Mem_ClickToMove_Y = Local $Mem_ClickToMove_Go = ;/*Relogger*/;0 out of game, 1 in gameLocal $Mem_Relogger_Ingame_Pointer = Local $Mem_Relogger_State_Pointer = ;Is <> 0 when not connectedLocal $Mem_Relogger_Login_Pointer = ;/*Debuff*/Local $Mem_Player_Debuff_AddPointer = If can some one help me .. il be real gratefull.
  5. Try this profile. For molten wow farming herbs in hyjal.
  6. Well i have a hack that sentinel is not detecting in game.
  7. This would be awesome if you can make a version for cataclysm 4.3.4 !
  8. No they are not. In vip section are the new ones for Mop
  9. Its a server side bug .. you can't do anything.. just to babysit your wow from time to time .. this is how i do it. And here are some blackspot and avoid mobs examples: <Blackspots><Blackspot X="-671.8173" Y="8485.206" Z="52.70205" Radius="10" /> </Blackspots>replace X="-671.8173" Y="8485.206" Z="52.70205" with coords for your location <AvoidMobs><Mob Name="Felguard" Entry="18944" /></AvoidMobs>
  10. When i tested this profile it has made 3 runs "on bags full my toon has been going to vendor selling itemes and mail embersilk, and returned to grind. " so i think its 90% afkable. Do some tests and see whats going to happen xD
  11. post the complete log .
  12. Here you go ! MrFishit and AutoAngler for Honorbuddy 4.3.4
  13. Hey. I really need 20$ to pay for some hosting bills .. and im all out of money .. until next month .. I dont want for free ! i can offer you gold on some private servers : Molten wow realm :sargeras i can give 999k gold or Wow freakz on realm Genesis i have 400k gold.
  14. Why don't you search the forum first? .. .