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About Jogex

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/16/93

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    Making money :O

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  1. Either I'm blind, or its hidden on mobile devices
  2. Should be close to 50% now I believe.
  3. help

    If enough users have the same mentality, then yes
  4. If you donate 10 dollars you WILL get VIP
  5. You guys are all disgusting...
  6. Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute, or an hour, or a day. Or maybe even a year. But eventually it will subside and something better will take its place. If you quit, however, it will last forever. 

  7. Ahh.. Too bad :/ You could always let the poster know. Maybe he fixes it
  8. Have you tried this?
  9. Glad to hear you got it sorted out
  10. Hi! i saw an old guide of yours and i've seen you pop up all over the place. So it seems like you know what you're doing. I've been botting quite alot, but it has been some time and i don't really know what the current condition for botters are atm. so my question is quite simple, but at the same time it's not. Is there anything that does't work anymore, or something that works better than it used to? What would you concider the best way to bot atm and any short t...

  11. +26
  12. +34
  13. Tried changin from xd9 -> xd11 or dx11 -> dx9?
  14. please dont lol xD We're on a site where HB is cracked.. Anyone doubting that these CRs can be cracked are obviously very very ignorant ANYTHING is possible.. its just a matter of time and effort.