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D2 Macro Hotkey script - Use keyboard similar to controller

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I came across this macro script and thought it was pretty convenient seeing how controller players have the advantage currently with having multiple abilities already set to hot keys. This macro script makes it easy to swap and buff and also cast various spells lightning quick with keyboard shortcuts as they are hotmapped.


It is of course open source AHK script makes it convenient for users who may have:
physical disabilities or lack of movement in hand
those easily susceptible to carpal tunnel
players wanting to play diablo with a bit of an advantage like a controller would have 

This does not inject to game or configure any game files, it only copies your keyboard like a macro should

Features as included

All actions reduced to 1 button:
Casting on cursor (left or right slot)
Auto move & attack All in one
Swap, buff and swap back
Casting can alert you when buffs end with a sound effect as well!

Configure & download: 

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