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About SND

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  1. Second screenshot looks like you need to run as admin ?
  2. Haha sorry but i gotta laugh. Well this file is clean which i posted. I have studied the source code in order to crack it so i can say that for sure. It seems to me that you are a very unexperienced user who is scared of malware warnings that are false positives. Google that. it has been explained in the web a trillion times before. But anyways let me give you a lifesaver : Use a VM or at least sandboxie so noobs like you wont infect themselves that quick when downloading shitloads of cracks and whatever from sources that MAY be not safe. Cheers
  3. same here, count me in
  4. I have plans for reversing / coding again but maybe this wont happen HERE. Anyways, please dont rape a 6 year old thread out of its grave - thanks
  5. MODERATION NOTE: since there is some report going on i wont yet clear this thread but when i see ANYTHING not related to the threads topic or support questions regarding this thread it will count as SPAM which will get you warned - or banned. Keep it clean !
  6. you are welcome If theres a update just message me with the new files
  7. I am not a WoW player at all i dont even know where i can find a trainer ingame lol but i always liked the 2.4.3 version of the game and since WoWAdmin panel and the EmuHacker tools are packed and stuff so people dont know whats really going on inside there. I started this open source version of a lookalike of these and who knows maybe theres someone like me here and wants to contribute on this project View the code : Download the testing build :
  8. You need to have .Net Framework installed i guess. No problems for my Host system nor win 7 or 10
  9. Website : Download crack only : Download setup original untouched : i dont include Virustotal links because you should know what you are doing plus they are useless anyways. I guarantee the safety of this release as always with my name and reputation since i analyze the software anyways.
  10. i dont have any idea what the hell you talk about
  11. No, the original bot has closed service.
  12. Mhh well at least you found a way to still use it I dont know exactly but it should not be too hard to do a little re-code of this
  13. Cleaned up the last thread inputs.