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EB Closing for invalid auth issue

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Pasted from logs:

The bot is now logging out the client due to an auth issue



The bot works for like 8 minutes, then logging off and closing EB with this reason.


I'm running it inside a VMware (latest) with windows 8.1.


My desktop bot works with no problem, just inside this VM this is happening.


Also running a VPN inside VMware, don't know what can cause this problem.

I thank for any reply.


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I though I posted all relevant info in this, but just in other template.. but how you want.


Program: EB

Version: IE: Latest - EB

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Issue: Bot running in VMware for like 8 minutes and then closes, log says this :The bot is now logging out the client due to an auth issue and then it shuts down.


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Combat Routine: Inside EB default one

Botbase: No bot base.

Plugins ENABLED: Quest plugins, advanced item filter ( pasted from my desktop which works fine )

Location: VMware with GB Vpn


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2015-05-30 12:04:51,009 [6] INFO  Logger (null) - The bot is now logging out the client due to an auth issue.


You are most likely losing connection to the auth server, the vm may be unstable or running software that interferes with exilebuddy

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I just run Patcher, VM tools, and poe. Poe runs fine when not botting and just staying in sarn, no disconnects etc

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I just run Patcher, VM tools, and poe. Poe runs fine when not botting and just staying in sarn, no disconnects etc

We cant provide any support related to VMs, all auths servers are running fine, and you said that it runs fine outside of VM. I can only provide you the possible reasons its happening, troubleshooting that is gonna be up to you im afraid.

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