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Hello Everyone I just wanted to Start a guide to setting up ExileBuddy(EB) I am Still new an there could be some error's i will only put what i know so far an will try to help anyone with some questions.
• First you will want to download Path of Exile. You will need to sign up sign in to download the Client.
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• Then you will need to download Exilebuddy. You will want to Extract EB to a folder where ever you would like, i like to put it right on my desktop.
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• Now you will need Codedeception's CDPATCHER An at the top of the forum you can click an see if a bot/bot version is working with the CDPatcher.
~Link to CDpatcher.
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You will also wont to put this in its own folder.~You will also need your AUTH Key. At the point when it asks for it.
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• Okay now that you have everything downloaded an ready to go what you first need to do is rename EB i use Manboobz53. Also if you named EB folder as exilebuddy you cannot have it named that or you will get a error with that when you start up the bot just some early information.
Now you will want to start Path of exile, then run the CDPatcher an use the public AUTH, an start up EB just to stop any problems run both in administrator. Some where at this point it will ask for your AUTH Key.
• Now you are in the game an looking at this EB an might be a little lost, just as i was first off on one your skill click it an click on move only or when you start the bot nothing will happen.
~Now first off you will want to look at the Main tab an you will want it on -BasicGrindBot & ExampleRoutine.
~Now take a look at the plugins tab an review what you will want to use.
~So Far i am using Example-routine,Auto-flask,AutoResync,DominusFight,Gem-leveler,Scheduler,Stuck-detection,Configuration (that's on by default),Global will also be there. Also use Login, An Main will also be there. an Basicgrindbot will be there. I am using Quest-plugin there is a link below.
~Next Tab will be Settings This is where all the plugins to have enabled will be that you can play around with.(This will take time to figure some of them out.)
~Next two tabs i have not touched at all i have nothing to say for them or do not know how to use them yet.
•If you are fresh to the game or starting fresh i would suggest a few plugins that can help an a couple i have viewed an looking forward to use in the future.
Also i take no credit for these plugins all goes to the creator.
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I know it says act 2 bandits but it isnt.
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This one looks very interesting i have not tried it but it looks fun to use.
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I will for sure try this one out once i get a higher level.
If anyone has any other questions about the bot i will try to help an get it working as i took like 12 hours+ to figure everything out an looking around on Google an YouTube (not much there lol) i did hit up TheBuddyForum an not much over there either.
I also want to say thanks to "Suspense" as he helped me out as best as he could. He has a lot of knowledge an can help out a lot if you give him the right information.
I did do a lot of trial an error.
I would like to update this in the future with some pictures an maybe make a little video to help people out but for now this will hopefully help some new comers out.
Please add any comments on how to improve or make this guide better thanks alot.
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