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Autoit PixelGetColor of background window

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Ok so i made pretty good Eve Online mining / Hauling / Ratting script with AutoIt. The script is perfect for my needs but with one major flaw: Eve window must be active for function PixelGetColor to read pixels. 

When looking at PixelGetColor (

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) you can see it has an optional parameter of setting window handle for the window the pixel is being read from. Thus it is logical to me that it is possible to read pixels from windows that are not focused (i.e not minimized, but behind another window).

But having tried numerous times, i can't get it to work like i need it to. 

Am i wrong? Does the function only read visible pixels only? Why the window handle option then? And if so, is there any other method you could recommend (that also involves pixel recognition)

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PixelGetColor only works on visible windows

the handle option is to declare the coords, like search only in that specific window or on the whole desktop


this should work:

#include <winapi.au3>$handle = WinGetHandle(">Insert Handle Here<")MsgBox(64,"test","MemoryReadPixel color returned : " & MemoryReadPixel(400, 500, $handle) )Func MemoryReadPixel($x, $y, $handle)   Local $hDC   Local $iColor   Local $sColor   $hDC = _WinAPI_GetWindowDC($handle)   $iColor = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "GetPixel", "int", $hDC, "int", $x, "int", $y)   $sColor = Hex($iColor[0], 6)   _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($handle, $hDC)   Return Hex("0x" & StringRight($sColor, 2) & StringMid($sColor, 3, 2) & StringLeft($sColor, 2))EndFunc ;==>MemoryReadPixel

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PixelGetColor only works on visible windows

the handle option is to declare the coords, like search only in that specific window or on the whole desktop


this should work:

#include <winapi.au3>$handle = WinGetHandle(">Insert Handle Here<")MsgBox(64,"test","MemoryReadPixel color returned : " & MemoryReadPixel(400, 500, $handle) )Func MemoryReadPixel($x, $y, $handle)   Local $hDC   Local $iColor   Local $sColor   $hDC = _WinAPI_GetWindowDC($handle)   $iColor = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "GetPixel", "int", $hDC, "int", $x, "int", $y)   $sColor = Hex($iColor[0], 6)   _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($handle, $hDC)   Return Hex("0x" & StringRight($sColor, 2) & StringMid($sColor, 3, 2) & StringLeft($sColor, 2))EndFunc ;==>MemoryReadPixel


Thanks for reply. Unfortunately, this does not work. It works well when window is in foreground, it returns correct color. But when windows is in background (not minimized, just having another active window over it) it always returns 00FFFFFF

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From what I understand you cant pixel get color or checksum on a backround window. The image is stored in a different way and recalculated when its brought back up to the foreground or some such crap. The work around i was told that actually works was a C++ dll included in autoit...

Let me know if you get this to work , also interested just dont have much "digging time" available right now.

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If MemoryReadPixel does not work for you, try this one:

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It is in german but the function is in the first spoiler and the function at itself is documented in english :)

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