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About skituljko

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  1. Funny. So no one actually came out and spoke that it isn't happening? They are still baiting people with "ye, sure, we gonna crack HB soon(tm)"
  2. Just out of curiosity - is CD still claiming it's working on cracking HB or?
  3. Shameless use of the thread for advert:
  4. care to release it?
  5. Thanks a ton. Tho, last EVE patch broke the first run. Version .11 is out fixing that "7.10.11 - Fixed a problem with first run introduced with latest eve patch"
  6. Well then u are not running anomalies hunter, because that is NOT working on current release. But hey, beggers can't be choosers, im perfectly thankful for whatever i am getting as long as it is free. Thank you for your time and effort. Cheers
  8. Dload Eve pilot cracked. Dload dnspy ( Open x86 version of it. Click Debug an Executable. Uncheck "Break debugged process at start". Browse to Eve pilot .exe (cracked one, this is not method for cracking it, this is a method to run cracked one stable) Click Debug
  9. Auth Servers: Public Online VIP Online Confusing as hell. Status page was put there to avoid questions like "is auth up? is hb up?". It giving out wrong information is worse than not having it imo.
  10. Mickur is away for a long time now, can anyone take this over?
  11. the newest version has fixed the problem with anomaly hunter where if you have paired it up with partner looter and set corp bookmarks for him the bot never switches back to personal bookmarks to bookmark anomalies for himself, i.e. gets stuck after clearing first anom. would be nice getting that version cracked
  12. sorry for highjacking the thread but you folks might find this useful if eve pilot crack is a no go: i had full working mining bot made for myself in autoit. mining, defending from rats, warping to pos and compressing/station and storing... should take me a day or to to make it again, if anyone is interested msg me, i'd make it custom for them for 1 bil iskies
  13. are there plans for android app?