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World of tanks internal notes

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So my old company fucked me, I'm an ex game master for world of tanks and have some resources if you want them. stuff like how they decide what to ban people for and shit.


up to you guys


I even still have the ban tool as well

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I'm surprised things like this aren't posted fairly often already. I mean not every GM for a game could be treated well within a company and it isn't difficult to post anonymous information onto the internet, even if it is delayed.

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oh fuck, sorry guys, forgot i made this post. 


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I'm not sure if you would want the software to make a ban code.


*Edit to correct link.


So long story short, most companies actually hire GMs through another company, in this case Alchemic Dream. The GMs don't belong to the games company but rather to the company they contract for. Alchemic Dream has a nasty habit of treating GMs like shit, and in my case I was terminated not because of any performance issue, but simply because they found it a burden to find me a new project when mine got canceled out.


They had also fucked one of the managers, someone who led a team of GM's. basically he moved to canada for his wife, they told him they could help him get paperwork done, and when they found out they would have to pay him more because of Canadian laws, they basically pulled his plug and told him to fuck off, resulting in him being returned to the united states.


I can tell you all about the fucked up stuff GM's are instructed to do, most games know about cheaters / hackers, but unless they do specific things, we are instructed to not ban them, because its money.

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