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Mr.GearBuyer for 4.3.4 - A Plugin that Buys Gear from Honor/Justice Point Vendors
5/23/12 - Version 2.0 

What is this?
This is a plugin that will buy gear from vendors that sell gear for special currency such as Honor and Justice Points. Add the gear you want to buy to the buy list and Mr.GearBuyer will buy the items as you get enough currency to buy them

How do i use this?
To install the plugin extract the zip file to your plugins directory, your directory tree should look like this when its done, Honorbuddy/plugins/MrGearBuyer/MrGearBuyer.cs
then once in game, head to Stormwind or Orgrimmar and talk to the venders that have the gear you want to buy, and open the plugins configuration, and while talking to the vender click "fetch items" this will populate the vender list so you can then select what items you want and add them to the buy list. then start PVPing. as you gain Honor or JP, the plugin will go and buy the items on your buy list, from top down


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Why the SVN ? I'm unsure if its been updated so to may not work for 4.3.4/ just unclear as to why you posted it may we get i bit more info ?

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I know what SVN is I was just saying that its a updated version and would not work for 4.3.4 HB As svn version updates to the latest HB.

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i misread that i thought you asked what is svn and yes it will update to the lastest version hence why this is in the private server section i just misread.

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