
[AcidRains] MultiVMController

13 posts in this topic

Hey CM,

I started a new project because I started botting IP points for League of Legends. So my new project is as its written in the topic name, "MultiVMController". For League of Legends you need alot of VM´s, so at the moment I have more then 12 VM´s running and its annoying to switch between all this VM´s to start the bots manually per hand. So thats why I coded something that let your start all VM´s with one command.

For this I use a C# Network API and I coded a TCP Server Client program arround it, its like a simple chat program, but its effectiv.


What can you do with this programm ?

You can start and stop and shutdown all your bots at the same time.

There are defined commands like "!start" to start every bot on 1 click.


How does it work ?

Its pretty simple. You just download the Client + Server. After that you copy the client to your VM´s and write it in the autostart. Then you just edit the settings.

When you want start your botting session you just start the server.exe on your main pc. Then you have to start your VM´s. You will see if everything is ready in the server.exe connection log.

Then your just type in !start and everythign starts. When you want to go offline you just have to type in !stop and !shutdown. The VM´s will close the bot + lol client and the VM´s will shut down.


Upcoming features: - Including Skype API, just send the commands to an extra skype account and its like you type it in the server.exe.
                                 - More commands like "!break" "!switchaccount" and so on....

Supported LoL Bots: - At first I will support Fulcrum Bot only because its works perfectly for me and I got more then 220k IP out of it in less then 8 days.
                                    - I´m also interested in Strategic Bot so maybe I will also support it.


When will it be realesed ?  I´m nearly finished, I will test it the next 2 days and then I will realese it.

Some Screenshots




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Awesome Acidrain, looking forward to the release ;)

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Got everything working now, only the Fulcrum bot start makes some problems, but I guess I will fix this today so tht I can realese in the evening or tomorrow.



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220k IP in 8 days? isn't that just 24 hours because bots and customs have a limitation of 180 minutes. 3x8 = 24.


Also looking forward to this.


EDIT: Nevermind, idk what you're doing to obtain 220k in around 8 days, but it's definitely not with bots. Unless of course that 220k is the span of several accounts.

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220k IP in 8 days? isn't that just 24 hours because bots and customs have a limitation of 180 minutes. 3x8 = 24.


Also looking forward to this.


EDIT: Nevermind, idk what you're doing to obtain 220k in around 8 days, but it's definitely not with bots. Unless of course that 220k is the span of several accounts.

Well if you do lvl 5 accounts with recruit a friend you can redem 250 ips for each account that you make at lvl 5. a bot take like 2h to make an account till 5 so do the maths with 12 VMS he makes about 110 accounts till lvl 5 per day

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Well if you do lvl 5 accounts with recruit a friend you can redem 250 ips for each account that you make at lvl 5. a bot take like 2h to make an account till 5 so do the maths with 12 VMS he makes about 110 accounts till lvl 5 per day

Even so then, that sounds risky as hell and it is, I was actually somewhat disappoint with the amount of IP gain in bots now that they've changed it, I wouldn't risk my main with referrals at all so overall I was disappoint with this after looking around to find out that yeah it's referrals. Though I understand why he would be doing it to only level 5 because level 10 is the bigger reward in which they'll probably track down, nonetheless it's still a risk to take.

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Have to figure out how to press start button of the bot without using to mutch RAM atm, everything else works fine :)

Here a picture of my main


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Sounds awesome! Just sad that i don't play LoL. Great work AcidRain :)

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I am also looking foreward to this awesome tool ;)

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Um i think you forgot to keep this project going lol.. xD

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The guy I was coding with stopped working on his bot so I stopped this project aswell :(



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