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10x Lvl 100 Eu Wow Account, 40€/ Trade for Fifa 17 Key

2 posts in this topic

Nothing much to say about it, my pretty old account before stopped playing now for sale or trade. Im the original owner of the account, so got all info about the acc. 

Got 10x lvl 100, some of them even got pretty cool transmog pieces,280% Flying on all chars,4430 Achievment points, About 30k Gold. Had also some cool mounts, cant remember exactly what. All chars on big PvP realms, 3 different.

Human Rogue, Lvl 100
NightElf Hunter, Lvl 100
Undead Warrior, Lvl 100
Human Paladin, Lvl 100
Nightelf Monk, Lvl 100
Human Priest, Lvl 100
Undead DeathKnight, Lvl 100
Troll Shaman, Lvl 100
Bloodelf Warlock, Lvl 100
Undead Mage, Lvl 100

Most of them 660-700 Pvp gear on, so good start for levelin in Legion.

Price: 40€/ Trade Fifa 17 Key

Skype: tw1sty9

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