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PQR 3.3.5 Leveling/Pre-80 Profiles

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Hello everyone,

Recently started up on a 3.3.5a server, and wanted to get PQR up and running for it. Scouring the internet, I've managed to find quite a few profiles, but none that work pre level 80. Currently playing a Resto Druid, and would love if anyone could tell me a way to modify these profiles to work pre level 80?

Really appreciated.

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I just realized the problem with this is that in 3.3.5 there are still ranks of spells. So every few levels, you'd have to go through and change all the Spell IDs, in order for it to work. :(

What an under taking, and annoyance!! Some classes that might be easier for as they hit certain mile stones, and can use the same spells for a while, but others would be much more difficult. I understand now why the profiles all seem to be for level 80 only!

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hmmm nice information didnt thought about it. 

So basically you can take the 80s profiles and edit them for like level 30-40,40-50 and so on... it takes some work but than it might work  

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2 hours ago, idkwhattoplay said:

hmmm nice information didnt thought about it. 

So basically you can take the 80s profiles and edit them for like level 30-40,40-50 and so on... it takes some work but than it might work  

Exactly! And you can easily remove spells from a rotation within PQR. I've done this for my level 11 Hunter where I removed everything but Hunter's Mark, Aspect of the Hawk, Arcane Shot, and Serpent's Sting. Changed the spell IDs for those spells, and it's working just fine. As I get new ranks and new spells, I can just add them back into the rotation because the logic is already coded.

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and can i ask where you get the spell id from? 


we are talking about Lordaeron, right?

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Hey, seeing as though you haven't received a response in over a month, I'll give some help.

I found Spell IDs for different ranks by Googling "SpellID Addon 3.3.5" and using said addon. It really helps a lot.

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