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About Superman

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  1. I think it might be steam then. I close steam while the game is open and the game closes too, So i think Steam is getting in the way. Im going to install the game without steam and see what happens
  2. Damn so lucky lol. No clue at all. Do you run it through steam? I also have it installed on my hard disk E, not C. idk if that does anything. I think its something with my version or installation of the game somehow. I have run HB on wow fine before >.<
  3. yea getting the same =s i must be using CDpatcher wrong im sure. I just open it as admin and then I open the game, login and open exilebuddy and says the message. let me read around forums and see what i can find Edit: read the instructions again on the CDpatcher folder. Only step I did not understand was the loopback thing but everything else I did correctly. Could it be that I have PoE with Steam?
  4. Alright thanks i must be doing something wrong. I'll check and see if im doing this right
  5. Yea my client is english, and I am running it as admit. The bot is currently on version 31 on the buddy forums and this is for 29, could that be it? When i started getting this error the bot was on version 30
  6. just making a repost since the post i made got deleted. so the issue i was having with the bot is as follows: log: pic: if someone could let me know whats going on it would be awesome