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09:22:14.685 INFO BotMain Stopping the bot. Reason:Session error
09:22:14.689 INFO BotMain Session lasted for: 02:08:45.4139904
09:22:14.763 DEBUG BotMain CurrentBot.Stop()
09:22:16.185 DEBUG BotMain Navigator.Clear()
09:22:16.186 DEBUG BotMain TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
09:22:16.187 INFO RoutineManager Chose Trinity as your combat routine
09:22:16.190 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [RoutineCombat] f362a62e-96b2-4491-9cc2-8dfe0e196c30
09:22:16.192 DEBUG Logger [QuestTools][BotBehaviorQueue] Inserting BotBehaviorQueue Hook
09:22:16.193 DEBUG TreeHooks Inserted new hook [BotBehavior @0] 25d0c6f8-8bb0-4547-813d-59137706599e
09:22:16.194 INFO Logger [Trinity 2.41.48] Inserting GoldInactivity into TreeStart
09:22:16.195 DEBUG TreeHooks Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 87f2f6a9-ef94-4c95-8989-f306d7bec463
09:22:16.196 INFO Logger [Trinity 2.41.48] Inserting XPInactivity into TreeStart
09:22:16.197 DEBUG TreeHooks Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] bc18c011-71e2-4ae3-90a1-91dae744e305
09:22:16.198 DEBUG BotMain OnStop event
09:22:16.199 DEBUG BotMain OnStop Event Invoking
09:22:16.209 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager [OnBotStop] Resetting caches
09:22:16.210 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager Resetting current behavior.
09:22:17.645 WARN MainWindow Shutting down in 20 seconds
09:22:37.654 DEBUG BotMain Cannot stop a bot when it is not running.
09:22:37.671 DEBUG MainWindow Forcing all open windows to close.
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