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Professionbuddy profile help

1 post in this topic

I'm pretty newbie at programming, and spent the last few hours trying to get this LW flip automation to work.

I Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Basically I just want it to check the character for the minimum required items and craft

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until the inventory gets full. Then it sells all the crafted stuff and loops back to the beginning.

Here's my code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!--The profile should run as long as you have Leatherworking and enough Exotic Leather-->
  <While PulseSecondaryBot="True" Condition="Me.FreeBagSlots >=3 || InbagCount(72120) >10" IgnoreCanRun="False">
    <Custom Code="Log("LW Profession and Leather Detected. Crafting itens");" />
    <CastSpell RepeatType="Craftable" Repeat="1" Entry="124575" CastOnItem="False" ItemType="Chest" ItemId="0" />
  <While PulseSecondaryBot="True" Condition="Me.FreeBagSlots <=2" IgnoreCanRun="True">
    <Custom Code="Log("Selling all the Leggings!");" />
    <SellItem Sell="All" NpcEntry="79774" Location="5591.72, 4578.257, 136.4454" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="85838, 90491" Count="0" />


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