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TBC Bot 2.4.3 (Honorbuddy?)

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I have been searching literally days for a working bot (any bot) for Burning Crusade 2.4.3 but I've come up empty handed. Nothing but dead links and outdated information. 

I've read that Honorbuddy 3.3.5 is compatible with 2.4.3, but after following sandstorms release, I still get an error:

You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid WoW instance to use Honorbuddy.
Log file: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\HonorBuddy3.3.5a\Logs\1-5-2016_5_50 AM Log.txt 

I can only assume its due to a version incompatibility. 

If anyone knows of a working bot (or how to fix honorbuddy) please respond, PM, etc.

This game sucked away years of my life and I'd just like to cut down on how much time it sucks from me once again. Thanks!

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Might be what you're looking for?

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Thanks. I guess I should have been a little more specific. Unfortunately that one only seems to have one working mode; AFK in BG.

It has little use on a small private server for that purpose and no use at all for leveling/gathering/gold farming purposes. I need to find a leveling bot. Or at least a bot that does something other than AFK in BGs. :/

Ideally, since there are a lot of working/cracked versions of Honorbuddy for other versions, I'd LOVE to see a 2.4.3 version.

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Honorbuddy didn't exist in TBC mate, I've also never heard of someone patching it for 2.4.3 so not sure where you're getting these ideas from.

Zolofighter is a 2.4.3 bot which may be useful, it grinds.

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Would it work to connect the old honorbuddy to the newer authenticator?
Simply making the old bot work with the new connection.

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