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Pets to another server

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I cant rly say its a '' new exploit '' but for those who dont know, say you are like me, you kinda mostly play/bot for selling gold, and have farmed say 50 battlepets? and meanwhile you farmed those pets, the price on your server goten so low, so sell to a vendor would be more profit. thats what happend to me, so i went in ah on the web and sertched around for my farmed pet, found wher it was sold for highest amouth of gold. i put 3 of those pets in my '' pet journal? '' go to my new charter on new releam and pick them out, and redo untill i transferd em all, sell them on that server and sell gold on that server for just those pets ^^ 

Might not be the best exploits but hey, some can make use of it ^^

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