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If you're running Windows 10...

2 posts in this topic

If you recently updated to Windows 10 from 8.1 or used an alternate method of doing so (as I did), you will notice that WoW is much slower as Windows 10 increased graphics. It also removed all of the things to make Honorbuddy run. You may notice that if you try to make it run normally, no login screen will show up. In order to fix this, you will need to use BuddyWizard, which can be found here :

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After downloading and installing all of the packages inside, Honorbuddy should run smoothly. However, you will still get the error that you are not running the most up-to-date version. Simple solution, just download the most recent version from the official site. Make sure that you are running the latest patch of WoW as so that Honorbuddy is attaching to the correct version (and so that it will even run)

If you have any questions, drop them in the comments.




After the message of CDPatcher NOT working with Honorbuddy, I will not be accepting questions about that at this point in time. When things are set and running as they should, a new thread will be posted or this one will be edited again.

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I don't what are talking about. If you upgraded all software is transferred to new windows, if you did clean install you have to install all runtimes, .net, etc. I suggest installing all updates first, then installing all VC++, then install your software.

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