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Found 29 results

  1. FAQ: §0 Do I need VIP status to use CodeDeception? No. Anything offered here that's not member contributed to the community (so any of the official releases) are completely free, VIP is merely a way to support what we do here, and in return for supporting us we give you the VIP status with a nice green name. §1 How to become VIP? §2 What is CodeDeception? CD provides a service to use some buddy products for free. That means you do not have to spent any money at all. CD cracks buddy products, like Honorbuddy (all things in the Honorbuddy Store, too), Hearthbuddy, etc. §3 Which products are currently working? You can check here: It could take some time to crack a new version for the buddy products. So please be patient, because the developers are doing this all for free and have other things to do in their life as well. But usually they crack things pretty fast. §4 How to use Honorbuddy, Hearthbuddy and other buddy products? 1. Download them from here: # Note: If you are from Germany, use a proxy to download the non-german version of honorbuddy. 2. Make sure you have all dependencies that the buddy product needs like .NET Framework 4 and Visual C++ 3. Download CDAuth from here: 4. Start CDPatcher as Admin (It will rename itself with random strings for safety measures) . 5. Use VIP Auth. Do not close CDPatcher. - 6. Start the buddy product, if it asks for your authentication key, enter your key from here: addition stuff for Honorbuddy: 7. For plugins, profiles, routines and botbases in the Honorbuddy Store go to and enable the products which you want. You have to restart Honorbuddy to get the new products. If you have any request for the buddy store, go here: §5 Something does not work. Use the help and support section: Please provide a .log, describe exactly your problem and what you already have tried to solve it by yourself.
  2. CDPatcher for HearthBuddy Download = Get your login key here = http://codedeception...ex.php/main/key Please read the instructions for use here = Failure to do so will result in moderation action
  3. CDPatcher for DB Download = Get your login key here = Enjoy, Regards
  4. I'm not all too good with a computer, but if building a patcher for HonorBuddy is so hard then doesn't it seem easier to build it for a diferent WoW bot? Like I said, I'm not great with computers by any stretch of the word so there could, very well be a reason I'm totally overlooking. Could anyone please clarify this?
  5. CDPatcher for HB Download = Get your login key here = Welcome to the CDPatcher download! In this post you will find the required information in order to run HB on your system. Before going on how to download and run HB I ask you nicely to go and read our forum rules so no misunderstandings will occur later on when you're using the forum. http://codedeception...les/#entry17263 There will be a few requirements on your end in order to get it all working. In order to connect to our servers you firstly need to download the application called CDPatcher, you can find the download link on the auth page, and then simply clicking on the Download button. If the page loads and looks like strange numbers and characters please right click and press "Save Page As". If the file you downloaded ends with .Man just rename it to .rar and you can open it. The CDpatcher does NOT work on Windows XP, so you need a system with Windows Vista or higher. Once you've downloaded the CD patcher you can now get the latest version of HB from Here download the ZIP, NOT the installer. If you are from Germany or China you have to use and select Web Proxy and then enter alternative use this link! Now you can go and grab your personal authentication key from the auth page http://codedeception...ex.php/main/key You simply hover the input box and your key will appear, now copy this key. Note that this key will always work and if it does not work for you it's something on your end causing it to not work. Now that you have the CD patcher and HonorBuddy downloaded you can now go a head and start the CD patcher first and select a server. If you're a VIP user you can select the Use VIP Auth or if you're a normal member you can select the Use Public Auth. Now you can go a head and start HB, if your HB does not start or crashes it might be due to your computer missing some important applications that HB needs to run, you can download the installer for these programs Here. Now you simply enter the key that you got from the auth page and you should now be able to login. If you are getting something like "You are not authorized to connect to this server" or "Invalid product key" it might be due to you're having a loopback adapter enabled on your system or that you may have old HB IPs in the Windows Hosts file. The Windows Hosts file can be located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts Open the hosts file with your favorite text editor and see if there's something in there that looks like - just delete all those lines and keep the hosts file empty (unless you're using it for something else). If you're still not able to connect make sure that you do not have two CM patcher's running or one "original HB" running in the background not doing anything. Please download this tool: ...and run this with Windows administrative privileges: Right-click on the icon → "Run as administrator" Kind regards
  6. I'm new to the forum and iv'e been lurking for a little. Today i discovered the Hearthbuddy Bot and long story-short, the Hearthbuddy crack doesn't really seem to work. Logs: 2016-07-17 22:01:03,296 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Hearthbuddy Version: 0.3.1252.292 Path: C:\Users\<Username>\Desktop\\<ExeName> OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional OS Version: 6.1.7601 OS Architecture: 64-Bit InstalledUICulture: de-DE [German (Germany)] CurrentUICulture: de-DE [German (Germany)] CurrentCulture: de-DE [German (Germany)] 2016-07-17 22:01:03,321 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Now setting up JitProfiles... 2016-07-17 22:01:03,322 [1] INFO Logger (null) - JitProfiles successfully setup! 2016-07-17 22:01:03,323 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Now beginning pre-start tasks. 2016-07-17 22:01:03,324 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Now checking prerequisites... 2016-07-17 22:01:03,630 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Prerequisite check complete! 2016-07-17 22:01:03,656 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Pre-start tasks successfully completed. 2016-07-17 22:01:03,809 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [AuthRegion] Europe. 2016-07-17 22:01:06,881 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [BotManager] MsBetweenTicks = 15 2016-07-17 22:01:07,075 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Hearthbuddy [0.3.1252.292] is up to date! 2016-07-17 22:01:07,635 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Region: cn 2016-07-17 22:01:07,636 [1] INFO Logger (null) - T: 5247729915099303633 H: 1012200987 2016-07-17 22:01:08,333 [8] ERROR Logger (null) - The data required to run the bot was not successfully obtained. Please make sure your key is still valid at the Buddy Auth Portal: For any further assistence, please contact support: Any usefull reply is appreciated
  7. Hi guys. I would like to ask when the cdpatcher will be updated to new version of HearthBuddy?hate to wait.
  8. As have been the case for the past few weeks, most buddystore products are streamed to the HB client upon logging in, this is indicated in the HB log by "Please wait while initializing buddystore products". Initially this took a while for you CD users because we were automatically streaming all products to every single user, without the ability to pick. This has now been resolved, you will notice that when you log in to HB now, you have no products or profiles available. This is because you must pick which you want yourself, you do this by visiting the auth page where you got your key, and click the "CDStore" tab. In here, you can checkmark the products you would like to enable for your user, once done, login to HB and these products will be streamed to you. Please note that the same products are available to VIPs as to normal users, no one gets special stuff at this moment. Please note, the products which are listed on the CDStore page are those that are available. If something is missing from CDStore but is available at the original store, or if something on CDStore is outdated, please request it in the Buddystore request thread, found HERE. Do NOT use this thread for requests, but use it for general questions and concerns about the store. As a last note, BGFarmer will not appear on the store at this moment. We have explained that users that have bought BGFarmer legitimately will be able to use it, this is still the plan but requires a little more work to the current store system, we are working on this but please note it is not ready as of now. Now go enable stuff!
  9. Hi Everyone, I'm new on this forum and I hope I picked the right category. I get an error when I try to launch the latest version of HearthBuddy and I don't know how to solve it. In the changelog it says that I'm running Winodws 8, while I'm running Winodws 10 x64. Here's the log: 2016-02-10 11:59:05,928 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [BotManager] MsBetweenTicks = 15 2016-02-10 11:59:06,177 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Hearthbuddy [0.3.1136.223] is up to date! 2016-02-10 11:59:06,527 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Region: cn 2016-02-10 11:59:06,528 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - T: 5247593041889264182 H: 1671976824 2016-02-10 11:59:06,905 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Hearthbuddy Version: 0.3.1136.223 Path: C:\Users\<Username>\Desktop\Hearthbuddy 0.3.1136.223\Hearthbuddy.exe OS Name: Windows 8 OS Edition: OS Service Pack: OS Version: 6.2.9200.0 OS Architecture: x64 .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.42000 2016-02-10 11:59:08,681 [7] ERROR CustomLogger (null) - The data required to run the bot was not successfully obtained. Please make sure your key is still valid at the Buddy Auth Portal: For any further assistence, please contact support: 2016-02-10 11:59:16,904 [1] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - The log filename has been copied to the clipboard: C:\Users\<Username>\Desktop\Hearthbuddy 0.3.1136.223\Logs\Hearthbuddy 2724 2016-02-10 12.59.txt Thank you all in advance!!
  10. Hearthbuddy write me that my key. On versions (picture) 0.3.1130.217 and later bot is't work, but on v. 0.3.1127.215 it's ok. I used the latest versions of CDPatcher, but it doesn' t work anyway. Please help
  11. I have clicked the 'Auth Page' link on the navagation bar and selected the 'Download' section, when I click the 'Generate Download' located on that page, nothing happens. I've disabled my pop-up blocker, yet, still nothing happens while clicking 'Generate Download'. Please provide assistance to this issue. Thanks.
  12. HB 788 Prologue Following recent events of the May 2015 banwave, HB has been down for updates by Bossland and co. With the release of 788, there are interspersed reports of bans, including on our own forums. [Ex 1] - [Ex 2] - [Ex 3] - [Ex 4] - [Ex 5] However, these the majority of bans seem to be of the 72 Hour variety, which is indicative of players reporting for botlike activity, not necessarily detection. However, the staff here at CD advise caution as always. Perhaps a little more. On the subject of CRs inside the Arena, we stand undecided. --> Summary <-- Bossland acknowledges banwave. Bossland removes combat rotation ability inside arenas. CodeDeception remains undecided on whether we will re-enable this function. CodeDeception updated CDPatcher with support for HB 788, with due warning. Bossland GmbH Statements Bossland has released two statements in the time succeeding the 22-5-2015 banwave. The first is a statement on the banwave. tl;dr: You knew it was coming. The second statement is on the now blockage of combat rotations inside the arena. tl;dr: No more free conquest, skrubs. With this in mind, CodeDeception has made statements on the topic. tl;dr: There is no complete opinion, right now its a no, but it may not be a no forever HB 788 and You We are opening 788 to the public with this post. As you should know, this is the first official bot release since the banwave. This means that this release could very well still be detected, as seen in the prologue. As always, use HB at your own risk. Don't bot an account you couldn't stand to lose!
  13. Hello, As topic stated I simply can't unpack CDPatcher. I can unpack everything else in the .zip itself, but CDPatcher does not show. Tried until now fairly everything. Windows 7 btw. Also tried it with and/or without firewall. Thank you dearly in advance already, Kaldrago
  14. Hello there! When i have CDpatcher active, my honorbuddy just sudently drops , last days was 1-2 times pet day, today is 1-2 times per hour, i have firewall off, anyone know how i can fix that issue please? Thanks alot!
  15. Program: Hearthbuddy Version: Hearthbuddy 0.3.999.171 Issue: I am wondering if CDPatcher is working now? I checked earlier post and some of them say the new Hearthbuddy is already supported by CDPatcher, but for some odd reason I just couldn't get it to work. When I try to authenticate my key for Hearthbuddy it just wouldn't accept it. Please help!
  16. Hello, I have a problem with my cd patch I fail to download. I do not understand why ... I download it from its not working. yet I tried several solutions proposed in the forums but nothing work. that is why I am sending message tried to set this problem. when I upload cdpatcher it sends me on a red page that tells me a safety-related error then they tell me that there is a risk of hacker and other problems. Can I check this site before dangerous programs were then cancel service tells me that the file is maveillant. I go to the downloads folder but I recovers its tjr does not work.
  17. I've been trying to download cdpatcher again for I deleted it around the time of the banwave and stopped playing . But I keep getting this error when i try to download it again ( click on the download button that is ) No data received ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
  18. Exilebuddy refuses to launch? Let's try and figure out why! Did you disable UAC(User Account Control)?Did you run CDPatcher and EB as admin?Did you try running in windows 7 compatibility?Are you using the retail or steam version of Path of Exile? CDPatcher will not work with the Steam version!Did you disable any loopback devices? (Device Manager -> Network Adapters)Do you have TAP enabled?Did you rename exilebuddy to CDRocks, Manboobz53, Jellyneanes95 or Hourdaylime92?Are there any entries that you are unsure about in your C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file?Did you reboot?If none of these worked, you did something wrong; or your PC is -very- messed up.
  19. Hello. When I start Hearthbuddy, it doesn't start (proccess in task manager appears and instantly disappears) if the CDpatcher is open. If it is closed HB opens and works succesfully. HB doesn't make any logs, I've tried latest version (2.6.0) and old version (2.5.0). My AV and firewall are turned off, I have latest .net framework. I'm situated in Russia, Saint-Petersburg. I've read a lot of topics on this site, but haven't found my problem. Hope, you will help me!
  20. Hello guys! So i recently tried to start HB with CDpatcher active, but once i start HB it says "Authentication Failed". The strange thing is that i don't even get time to write a key? I run both CDpatcher & HB as admin, turned off my AV & Firewall. Also tried download new HB/Patcher. Any suggestions? Over 'n out!
  21. I'm having problems with CDPatcher. I've downloaded it and extracted the files and nothing is running. I tried getting the file alone but when I do it is empty. Not sure what to do thanks for the help!
  22. Today i donated to gain VIP Access to the premium settings of Code deception. I have had quite a few problems with CD Patcher. so ill begin trying to explain my problem. So like the note says i did download the CDPatcher from the site and put the folder on my desktop. I clicked run and next thing you know the file changed its name to some type of gibberish. I then clicked on the "New" file that it made and nothing happened. keep in mind it was the same file "CD Patcher" but it changed the name for some odd reason. I had no clue what to do since this was not suppose to happen. so I checked forums and looked and it said to make sure that my HB didnt have a different name so i deleted mine and just went ahead and downloaded a new one. that didnt work to fix my problem. I then temp. turned off my AV and that didnt work either. i even checked to see if i needed to redownload Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 but i already have it on my system. I have not been able to get passed the first step which is to "Load CDPatcher and select server" The only thin i have not done is restart my comp. I have tried a lot and I just need this first step taken care of if anyone has a idea please help.
  23. Hey @all, at first sorry for my bad english i hope u'll understand me anyways. if i want to start my cd patcher the programm don't start and just instantly shutdown "cdpatcher doesn't work anymore". I alrdy put the cdpatcher into the exeption list of my anti virus software. it's still not working. i hope sb can help me >_>
  24. Hello ! I started HB from a fresh version and i've tried to start it with VIP and Public auth, but everytime HB starts, it always crash and stop. However, if i start HB not using CDPatcher, it works! I just download the lastest CDPatcher version from CD Store. Any advise it will be very appraciated. thanks.
  25. Hi guys. I have windows 8.1 and I try to use CDPatcher for HB. But when I open CDPatcher and i click on any button ( VIP or Public ) I receive this error: Can someone help me please ? Because a lot of people use windows 8.1...and it's weird you can't use CDPatcher...