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About mihaimyh

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  • Birthday 04/11/78

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  1. Hi, Profit Master Loader Plugin https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=4391
  2. Hi, Today I had the stupid ideea to delete my C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Bossland folder which contains the streamed cdpatcher store and I can't get it to work again. Everytime I am using my cdstore key and log in into HB there is no streamed product, none, zero. You guys encountered this, anyone knows a fix? Log here http://pastebin.com/k0MraUfZ
  3. nice, thanks!
  4. Hello, Will CDpatcher support botpipe.com since lots of the devs (including gladiatorsuite) from buddystore are releasing new routines, profiles, botbases there?
  5. What is the tilemap and how a dumper is written. Sorry for the many questions, I am just trying to understand more.
  6. Hello Suspense, I was wondering, how do you guys extract those meshes, is there a program you use? I am looking for some updated meshes for some arenas, and I was wondering if I can extract them myself.
  7. Hello, Is there any program used to extract honorbuddy meshes? I want some new meshes for Dalaran arena, after update in Mop the bot doenst move so good around those new added 2 corners.
  8. The routines needs updated, the newest ones in buddystore are working in arenas, the ones in cdstore are not updated.
  9. I would love to see it fixed, sadly no one got time to do it.