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About destroid

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    Advanced Member

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  1. I'd love a reupload on this.
  2. Anyone please PM me the working version for windows10, paid or not.
  3. Very good. Thanks a bunch mate!
  4. Oh come on...
  5. Anyone that can figure a way to solve this?
  6. We really need those meshes... Anyone that is russian or knows russian that can go on JP WoW forums ask for them? I could google translate but that would be a mess.
  7. Any news on profiles?
  8. Also trying, 0 Seeders.
  9. No because of the .etm extension. It should be .trimesh.
  10. Thanks for the try. +rep. But already tried all that stuff even before you posted and no luck :c
  11. All I got on torrent are trimesh files. Damn man, I am really trying hard!
  12. Current HB is a blast, no way you can say that :c . Pretty much everything is automated, no painful setups or anything.