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About riverzrock

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  1. Hi, I was wondering if it would be possible to crack the Aimjunkies overdose launcher. I'm willing to devote some time to the project but don't want to follow something that's impossible. Does anyone have experience with streaming clients like this?
  2. I launch HB and it gives the same log every time. I have tried all of the troubleshooting uninstalling all of the framework etc.. re installing honorbuddy, restarting. Nothing has worked. It just starts then crashes. [19:17:38.970 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.13351.779 started. [19:17:40.237 N] Logging in... [19:17:41.107 N] T: 5247321145030053865 H: 436337240
  3. Akatosh's stuff is garbage and no one should pay for that crap
  4. lol someone playing a private server for MoP
  5. I can vouch for organner, although very expensive its probably the best csgo hack out there
  6. I really hope I can contribute to this community someday, But until then thank you
  7. Learn python the hard way is a good way to start. But learn C++ the hard way is great if you want to jump straight to C++