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About irave

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  1. I know what Deathburn said.. but without Auth server he can't do nothing...
  2. Suspense said that their prio. is live version of HB right now. He also said that 4.3.4 HB doesn't brings any money into the communitys cache so it's atumaticly put on a side.
  3. be patient... It will get updated when the main project is finished... we will get update soon about how things are going about this
  4. I agree Yourmomsuxs way is better and easier to setup I will add this to main post
  5. Here it is but you'll have to w8 unti lthey update it
  6. well that depends if ur using it on private server or retail. I've been running it whole night and few hours today... we'll see how it goes It's actually hard for gms to ban you cuz the program is undetectable and you can do the same thing this bot does by urself.
  7. Hello! This bot will que you for BG stay on spawn and use anti-afk macro till the end and than repeat. Even if bot is undetectable you could get banned quickly cuz of AFK reports. Use at your own risk! Also the bot runs fully in background! Instructions: When in WoW open PvP pannel(h) and select Random Battleground or whatever BG you want to bot. Then you have to setup your macros which you can find in readme.txt. All the information how to set'em up is in there and there is also setup.jpg which shows you where to put your macros on actionbar. Download: Virus scan(2/48 - You have nothing to worry about... Some Antiviruses find AutoIt files harmful) : Option 2: First, you want a macro. 1 macro. /click PVPMicroButton/click PVPHonorFrameBgButton3/click PVPFrameLeftButton/script if WorldStateScoreFrame:IsShown() == 1 then LeaveBattlefield() end/click StaticPopup1Button1/script RepopMe()/cast Berserker Rage Replace the last line with a spell your class has and can use consistently. Some examples are: /cast [@player] Riptide/cast [@player] Blessing of Might All you need to do now is put macro on your actionbar, get keysender (I use this one add the key of macros slot and sleep time (I've set my sleeptime on 12500) Credits for option 2 goes to yourmomsux
  8. Hello! I'm looking for autoBG bot for 4.3.4. A simple bot which joins random BG que, accepts inv and sits at spawn until its finsihed and repeats. Anti-AFK BG bot actually. Does anybody have any? I have tryed Moxzbot but it doesn't work for me... 64bit version doesn't find my WoW process. (I'm running 64bit win7) (I found out non of autoit scripts will run on my comupter... any sugestions?)
  9. Thanks for the update! I'm glad you are working on it
  10. don't expect it soon... they have to get the new HB running 100% then its our turn
  11. yeah... It's hard to master but I learned it quickly my expirience with Glitter and Pirox helpd alot. It is a free bot afterall so you can't expect alot from it
  12. I'm using Lazybot while I'm w8ing on HB 4.3.4 to get updated. if any1 wants link PM me bot is lot worse than HB but it does its job... I've botted like over 500k gold on moletn in like 1 mounth. I use fishing to farm volitile fire and water( also some fishes are hitting like 500g a stack) and mining for ore... I also have Alch and BS on my alts with wich I transumte Truegold and craft epics if TG price dropes 2 much