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About west456

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  1. Awesome the Lua Error is also fixed THX
  2. WoW-ZygorGuidesViewer-15119. was released on December 16th Version: 6.1.15131 was released today hope they fixed the lua bug
  3. How do i install the Reflexil addon?
  4. After a fresh installation and deleting the Bossland Folder still the same Problem.
  5. [insanity] Waiting to intialize, please wait... I get always this Message in HB when i start the Combat Bot. Yesterday it works fine. Does anyone know what the Problem is? My Log: http://pastebin.com/GDx8bqur
  6. [insanity] Waiting to intialize, please wait... I get always this Message in HB when i start the Combat Bot. Yesterday it works fine. Does anyone know what the Problem is?
  7. Application Name: BuddywingApplication Description: SWTOR BotApplication Download Link: http://updates.buddyauth.com/Official Webpage: https://www.buddywing.comHope he comes back to CDPatcher
  8. Application Name: GW2 Minion Application Description: GW2Minion is the most amazing Bot for Guild Wars 2 Application Download Link: https://github.com/MINIONBOTS/GW2Minion Official Webpage: http://mmominion.com/misc.php?page=gw2minion