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About krypt

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  1. anyone knows possbile fix?
  2. Yeah but then it says "please connect to the game with a character" after i downloaded 5.0.2 playing on
  3. Could you please explain how to do it like you?
  4. hey, where can I find PvP routines or buy them?
  5. hey, where can I find PvP routines or buy them?
  6. Only found it for 6.2.1 :/
  7. Hey, is there a way to get this to work? Since HB dont support private servers.. and Cdstore is not supporting ReBot I dont know any other ways..
  8. I got tycoon to work after 5 hours of errors xd
  9. anything what I could use on an 6.2.3 private server?
  10. Well, Tycoon is working but its comeplete piece of crap.
  11. So I can't use any gold addon on a private server?
  12. Cant I import TSM_auctiondb?
  13. I have read that the addon gets data from the zygor cloud.. Iam scanning now for 1h the auction house but it is not finishing. What could be the problem?
  14. Iam logged in now thanks.. but it wont work on private server? Iam playing on wowcircle 6.23, rebot is working for it