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About peterddos

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  1. I found out a easier way to do this to dont need so much command lines , i will make an video tutorial later and show you its very nice to do you can do it all on all servers and get fast honor and full gear , i will try out to make a real tool with visual basic but i had to get some knows from ingame codes to write this because i am not a real coder just a bit hobby stuff i will try out to make something with Visual Studio.
  2. I will try out today if can get it working for WoW.Freakz i write later Edit: I cant log in to this server i can but all servers are offline for me i just edited the config and set the realmlist for wowfreakz and if i login i see all 3 servers inclusive Genesis but cant login because there stand "offline" but on the status page its online so idk why its no working its the same patch and version like panda wow so i cant test it sorry guys maybe i will try out later with an other launcher or some one can help me with my issue for the connection problem to the server.
  3. Hey Guys, after i searched for a Plugin like MrGearbuyer for Wrobot i couldnt find anything so i started to do my own stuff with "AutoHotkey Script" this is a nice tool to make own little Scripts for much things so i starded to make an BGJoiner with Anti Afk and Multiple Scripts for each item i like to buy , its easy to make if u got the start up. I do this on Panda WoW so i try to explain but my english is not the best so here we go! Things you will need! You need AutoHotkeyScript => Link: (to automate the process) You need MousPos => Link: (To localize your vendor position/gear position etc.) You need Z-Cron => Link: (to start up tasks on a set up time) The next part is your toon has to stand before the Vendor where you want to buy the items like the Honor Vendor for me! Just stand before him. Then you need to make 2 Macros and bind them into your kebinds in World of Warcraft so i got one Macro bindet on "S" and the other on "C" , one macro is to join a Battleground the other to leave so with autohotkey we will automate the process. So Create now the 2 Makros and bind them on a keybind of your choice for me this: Battleground Join Macro bindet on "S" ( This will auto que for random Bg ) /run TogglePVPUI() /click HonorFrameSoloQueueButton /click StaticPopup1Button1 Battleground Leave Macro binded on "C" (This we need later for automation to leave bg and buy items!) /run LeaveBattlefield() ____________________________________ Now i got some Autohotkey Scripts , i got one to join a Battleground with the macro and different scripts to leave the bg and buy a item , for each item a write a script to buy. So i give you my examples and you have to edit it for yourselves , its not that difficult because if you write one script for one item you can copy paste and just replace the mouse positions of the item for the next item etc. Feel free to ask me if you got problems and i will edit this here and add it to Frequently Asked Questions i can give support for german and english users. ______________________ BG Join AutoHotkey Script (Bindet BG Macro on S) Loop { Sleep, 10000 Send {S} Sleep, 10000 MouseClick, left, 868, 388 Sleep, 10000 Send {Space} } comment: So you can here see if i start this it will loop the process all the time it just wait 10 seconds you have time to be ingame stand before vendor and the script will que for battlegrounds and accept it (Resolution 1920x1080) and will jump so you will not be afk and get the honor ( might some people will report you for afk but for me it works great and i never get kicked out ;P) BG Leave Sript & Buy Item So if i am in front of the Vendor i got every script for a different item so be sure that my script will not buy the same items twice or more times and i have to insert the leave battleground macro to be sure that i am not in the battleground and standing in front of the vendor to buy the item. I give you 3 Examples: This is the script to buy the shoulder: Sleep, 20000 Send {C} Sleep, 5000 Mouseclick, right, 958, 484 ; Open Honor Vendor Sleep, 1000 MouseClick, right, 47, 450 ;Schulter MouseClick, right, 47, 450 ;Schulter Sleep, 1000 Mouseclick, left, 872, 367 ; Kauf Bestätigen Sleep, 1000 ---- This is the Script to buy Trinket Sleep, 20000 Send {C} Sleep, 5000 Mouseclick, right, 958, 484 ; Open Honor Vendor Sleep, 500 MouseClick, right, 273, 324 ;Trinket MouseClick, right, 273, 324 ;Trinket Sleep, 500 Mouseclick, left, 872, 367 ; Kauf Bestätigen Sleep, 1000 You see they got the same lines just the Mouse position changes where i have to buy the item , so it costs me max 30-60 Minutes to set it up for my full wishlist of gear and then i can go afk 24 hours and come back with much items in my bag. For this you need MousPos to localate the Mouse Position to add the items and Accept to Buy the item in German "Kauf Bestätigen" So here you can see too it sends the key "C" for my leave battleground macro. Wit the Tool Z-Cron i can make a Timer when the scripts have to run so i make like each item a difference for 1-2 Hours to start so i can be sure i got enough honor to buy the item, it might be good if you got some honor available like 1000 to be sure that you always got honor rdy to buy. Like i say it depends on server i play on Panda WoW and i get good honors for lose/wins and its okay so it buys every 1-2 hour a item (1 hour for small 1250 items) 2 hours for 2250 items) you have to test but you can make it like you want and with similar tools like zcron. I just writet it really fast but feel free to ask me if you got trouble or need help and i will add this in the Tutorial & FaQ Frequently Asked Questions: -> My Zcron dont start the script ? => Make sure you compile the script to an .exe to make this just right click on the script and hit "Compile Script" you should got an exe with the same name like the script. Regards Peterddos
  4. I got cracked too you dont need to use the trial edition since there is a release here on the forum. i used it too but the meshes for bgs are really dumb .. i will try to make new bg meshes and maybe some nice fight classes for rogue/warrior in the future.
  5. Witch server is this i mean witch patch? If it is 5.4.8 it should work with Wrobot 1.2.0 because i play on panda wow and it works fine for me .
  6. Here you got working for 5.4.8 Just renamde PandaWoW.exe to WoW.exe hf
  7. HB Work on private servers mate You have to got an edited Hosts file for auth and like Xamp Apache servers etc. but i just can get honorbuddy working for patch 5.4.2 and for 3.3.5 so ... but i am lookin too for 5.4.8 i got PQR inc Offsets and good Profiles by Coxz & Vitalic , maybe pm i can handle out if you got something good
  8. Hey Guys, i just got the banhammer and i want to relax 6 Months on Private Server PandaWoW i like the server , i just all what i need but i cant find working Honorbuddy for this server , i edited the PandaWoW exe so just renamed to get other stuff working but i want like to have Rebot or Honorbuddy for better BG Bot , i acutally use Wrobot for this server but its not so good for farming Honor because the BG Bot is really dumb and stupid and does like nothing^^ So if anyone want share ore can link me a working honorbuddy i will share my PQR With Offsets & VItalic ROgue Elite PQR for this server and maybe we can get a good time together till the ban is over. Best regards Peter.
  9. I got PQR and Offsets for 5.4.8 and Vitalic Rogue Elite Profile 20$ worth ... just pm me pls .
  10. Yeah i know one , i play on PandaWoW 5.4.8 and i got PQR & PQR Profiles for Many Classes written buy Coxz (writer of Gladiator Suite Profiles) and i got Vitalic Elite Rogue PQR for this realm and for cataclysm too its the best rogue profile so and i got Wrobot for this server its not the best but its okay to go afk and farm some honor points , if you interested google PandaWoW and wirte me pm
  11. Got anybody a working hb for 5.4.8 panda wow? i got just working PQR & Vitalic Rogue profile and Wrobot but the Bot for BGs is shitt
  12. I can german i can translate this for you guys
  13. GLADIATOR SUITE: SHAMAN , is still not working ... checked but if u start honorbuddy is closing.
  14. The Shaman routine is not working since 1 week or so i think its because cd stramed the free version there is some problems idk whats wrong but this is an other error ... but all other GS works just shaman is a bit broken because hb shuts down if u want to start.
  15. Yes!! Suspense youre great! It works now you fixed it so fast thank you man youre so great how fast you fixed it man i love this ... very nice guys GS is working now.