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About Siren

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  • Birthday 09/13/01

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  • Location
    Tokyo, Japan

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  1. Two more invites left
  2. Another sent, three invites left.
  3. Sent, 4 invites left
  4. As the title says, I'm giving away some Leaguesharp invites, IMPORTANT: PM me with your name and email and i'll send you a leaguesharp invite. Please reply to the thread saying you have sent me a PM, as I do not usually check the PMs icon.
  5. Resolved: Deleted the code that picked up/turned in "Moving In" Thanks for the help guys. =)
  6. That didn't fix it, i dunno what to do man
  7. Is there any way to fix that or is it one of those things that you just have to deal with by doing the area yourself
  8. I used a completed quest checker and it says i've already done that quest
  9. The only problem with that is there isn't a quest that i see in the general area
  10. Okay, i have the log, i just found it It isn't anything to do with the addons btw
  11. Okay, so the hunter has been working so it must be one of the addons, i'll post the addons that i use/used since it might help. Ultimate ashran, Ultimate PVP, Kittydru, 1-100 Questing pack, 1-600 tailoring/enchanting and 1-600 engineering/mining Ultimate mining farmer, 90-100 questing Spegli Sorry, accidental double-post Also yeah i got it
  12. Okay, so the hunter has been working so it must be one of the addons, i'll post the addons that i use/used since it might help. Ultimate ashran, Ultimate PVP, Kittydru, 1-100 Questing pack, 1-600 tailoring/enchanting and 1-600 engineering/mining Ultimate mining farmer, 90-100 questing Spegli
  13. Yeah, i use singular for questing, thanks for confirming that I should use it though
  14. Sorry, i was told to post it into a pastebin
  15. Disabling ElvUI Didn't help.