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About gainey666

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  1. nod 32 has some false pos that it removes from memory every time you run cd patcher so you have to disable HIPS to get it working correctly hope this helps you
  2. well first you need a profile to edit or make one with the add on profile helper or zap GB recorder and just stip your hot spots and and replace or even vendors and trainer the dev tools are good with finding npcs and mobs faction and all as for doing quests there nasty and as far as i know the tools ppl are useing are not sharing them there has to be a easy way to make quest scripts then i have seen any way hope this helps if not pmme i will get more detailed depending on witch one you are using and what your trying to scrpit
  3. if your a rouge or have a stealth that will work Some times as well you can still log out in a town when in combat to fix it as well but yeah no way to fix that issues that i can for see in less there is a way to see what has given you aggro then ignore it if in bot settings but yeah idk not a dev just a noob all so if any one finds a good profile making tools please let me know and ill start doing quest profiles as needed for end game stuff
  4. i have not found a setting f or it if you p server has node placement issues it will bug out if the node is floating as well if any one knows how to get the bot to come down from over the node and dismount harvest that would be Great
  5. check you pms bro sent them to you last night did not have time to sort though them all so i did not post them publicly
  6. @Sylancer90 you need to open most profiles and remove the lines that are causing the errors in this case there starting @ line 168 install note pad ++ to find them easy lots of premade profiles will have that happen be careful what you pull out thought the quest profiles will break if you remove the wrong stuff [userSettings-v217(warning) @line 168]: Attribute 'LearnFlightPaths' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it. [userSettings-v217(warning) @line 168]: Attribute 'LootMobs' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it. [userSettings-v217(warning) @line 168]: Attribute 'PullDistance' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it. [userSettings-v217(warning) @line 168]: Attribute 'TrainNewSkills' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it. [userSettings-v217(warning) @line 168]: Attribute 'UseFlightPaths' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it. [userSettings-v217(error) @line 168]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile as for profiles i have a lot i have scavenged from here or there lots work some dont quest have changed and i have just worked around it rather then fix them any way ill upload them tonight when i get off were every they allow them they will be a mess but there is lots of good stuff in there ill put them in the profiles section tonight when i can
  7. simple Google search shows you have a program stopping honor buddy from running please Google "honor buddy 132 error" please use you own time to trouble shoot your issues google is your friend ppl we wont hand hold walk you though this you want a working program to save you time you should spend some of that looking for you own solutions and as always please run honor buddy and auth server as Admin or it may now work just cause this is a fixed copy dose not mean solutions on the honor buddy forums wont work for the most part please please Google solutions try things find you solutions you will feal much better about your self and we will not have 1000 post asking please help i'm noob no one like to look though 70 pages of please help with no real info on there setup this makes finding real problems and solving them harder for us all as well as it makes the ppl who make /work on the wonderfull programs for free stop cause of the b.s. they get and flames they get for helping others
  8. if wow is not getting detected is could be a couple of things 1 wrong wow.exe name incorrectly or wrong version or you not all the way in game you have to be able to move you char around b4 you start honor buddy please make sure you have .net framework and all updated and installed Google please please make sure to run bot as admin as well
  9. well first what vesion of wow are you on 2nd make sure you have newest .net framework installed 3rd try it on a fresh toon ie lvl 1 char if it still crashes remove all plugins from plugins folder if still not working we may need the log file if you google it honnor buddy log file it will have the reason for the crash in there please post it on paste bin or spoiler link it on here regards Botterforlife
  10. first i would like to say ty for releasing it in the first place let alone maintaining help treads and all . ty for your work . as for updating that would be nice the more it can do the better . if not well i just wanted to show my appreciation for the time you have saved me so far as you can see i don't post often but i Feal that this is something that needs to be done as ppl in general are assholes and every one needs a reminder there work is appreciated