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HB 788 & Recent Banwave

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HB 788



Following recent events of the May 2015 banwave, HB has been down for updates by Bossland and co.

With the release of 788, there are interspersed reports of bans, including on our own forums.

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However, these the majority of bans seem to be of the 72 Hour variety, which is indicative of

players reporting for botlike activity, not necessarily detection. However, the staff here at

CD advise caution as always. Perhaps a little more.


On the subject of CRs inside the Arena, we stand undecided.


--> Summary <--

Bossland acknowledges banwave.

Bossland removes combat rotation ability inside arenas.

CodeDeception remains undecided on whether we will re-enable this function.

CodeDeception updated CDPatcher with support for HB 788, with due warning.


Bossland GmbH Statements

Bossland has released two statements in the time succeeding the 22-5-2015 banwave.

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mblBFWy.pngGreetings Buddies,

We will soon release HB again - we expect it to be by the end of this week.

Its been a week since we closed down the authentication servers for HB. In this time, we tried to figure out what happened. We must say that we have no idea what really happened and all we have are speculations.

We speculate, that at some point, Blizzard used parts of the World of Warcraft client that acted in a hidden manner like malware. Then they scanned everything they could scan on a given computer and flagged the ones they thought were operating against their TOS/EULA. They are fine to install any such malware-type hidden software at any given time according to their End User Agreement.

There have been rumours, spread by Blizzard, that over 100,000 WOW Accounts have been banned during the ban wave on 13th May 2015 and that they are most likely all HB users. We have to dispute this; there has never been that many active HB users. We are still unaware if this was a real detection or some shady malware that was injected into everyones computer for a short period of time.

Be aware that we have not seen the cause of the bans. We have an anti-malware and anti-detection tool called Tripwire that aims to identify unexpected behaviour by gaming companies. We can just try to make sure, that the next time something shady has been done, that Tripwire detects it. Tripwire is the only hope we can rely on right now; it has been improved and hopefully will watch over your shoulder much better now.

Again, we will give no guarantee and we have never given a guarantee, that our software is immune to detection or bans.

tl;dr: You knew it was coming.




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is on the now blockage of combat rotations inside the arena.


mblBFWy.pngGreetings Buddies,

Many of you wonder, why we have said, that Arena will no longer will be available.

Actually, since the beginning of HB, Arena was the only section of the game where we actually never wanted our bot to be. There where many requests in the forums and we always declined them. We did not want to automate Arena. The main reason for this was, that this is the only thing in WOW that had the one-on-one spirit of competition. And we wanted to leave it that way. The decision came from above, from Bossland and from Hawker.

As you can see in one of the typical requests, we always declined to involve HB with the Arena*:

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If you search harder you will most likely find many such posts.

Why the recent change then? Again it is not a change, it is something we decided long ago but did not enforce.

We are now just making sure it stays the way it was supposed to be since 2010. That said, we are also looking into Battlegrounds.

We approved HB to be used in Battlegrounds since its first release but we will look into that again and tell you if we have a change of mind very soon. Or maybe, just maybe Blizzard opens the "Bottlegrounds" with patch 6.2., exclusively for us paying customers.

I am also very sorry about the censorship that took place in this forum, i have reopened most of the threads. You are always free to discuss relevant matters in our forums.

tl;dr: No more free conquest, skrubs.

With this in mind, CodeDeception has made statements on the topic.


We've recieved a bunch of PMs and questions, not just by CD users, but also from official community developers from HB regarding our "stance" on Bosslands decision to block the use of HB in arenas, and possibly rbgs later.
I'll be honest, initially we thought it would be super cool to bypass this limitation and allow people to use HB in arenas despite the official limitation, however, my personal view on this has changed over the past day or 2. While theres no way to really know whether the information publicly supplied by Bossland as reasoning for their decision is accurate and not a bucket of crap, I think the information and reasoning they are providing makes somewhat sense, despite not having full belief in their current stories on their forum, mostly because they say they never supported arenas, yet they meshed them, like how does that even make sense?.
Their reasoning being an attempt to reduce the irritation level of HB in an attempt to limit upcoming banwaves due to the fact that they dont know what caught them in the first place, is a very desperate but probably nessecary reason. Now we could put effort into removing this limitation for the gain of the users here, but would that be fair to the users on thebuddyforum?
If in fact the use of HB in a competitive invironment such as arena and rbgs has even a slight chance of causing a banwave, us enabling this feature despite Bosslands judgement, would have the potential chance of a wider detection of HB and a new banwave, hurting not just you guys, but also users on thebuddyforum, and i personally find it very difficult to find a reasonable arguement for us to justify hurting everyone in this fashion, to satisfy a few here. 
Anyway, thats how we see it currently.


tl;dr: There is no complete opinion, right now its a no, but it may not be a no forever



HB 788 and You


We are opening 788 to the public with this post.

As you should know, this is the first official bot release since the banwave.

This means that this release could very well still be detected, as seen in the prologue.


As always, use HB at your own risk. Don't bot an account you couldn't stand to lose!

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I think we're ready for ban complaints!

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Im probably thinking too into what you said but, do you have the capability of turning off the Arena detection make it possible for Cracked users to actually use the bot in Arenas?

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Im probably thinking too into what you said but, do you have the capability of turning off the Arena detection make it possible for Cracked users to actually use the bot in Arenas?

Yes, its possible.

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I have exactly the same thoughts as u, suspense. I lost some accs to the wave, too - and most likely that massive botting (not by me) in the arenas and the battleground brings the problem more to blizzs attention than a few garrison or questing botter that don`t harm any "legit" player.


Its a smart move to stay *under the radar* for a while - and if Bossland decides to deactivate CRs in Arena and maybe even in Battlegrounds to achieve that, its even smarter if CD supports that.

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Perfect timing. My honorbuddy doesnt start up, and i think its ok. So if it still working o got now banned. :D

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I will see what is out there in 6 months from now LOL! I do not paying a penny for a new account :)

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If I had a WoW itch I'd be playing but most likely not botting for a few months or so.

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Hi, i've activated GarrisonBoss on CDStore but i can't select it on Honorbuddy. I can see profile i've activated on CD Store but not Botbase (i see botbases i have with my official BuddyStore account)...


Can you help me ? Thanks

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Hi, i've activated GarrisonBoss on CDStore but i can't select it on Honorbuddy. I can see profile i've activated on CD Store but not Botbase (i see botbases i have with my official BuddyStore account)...


Can you help me ? Thanks

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i bot with hb during banwave, it was leveling alts did not get banned. i think i only use it to level bot alts i did not use cr or garrison buddy. i am lucky. 

but probably will not bot again maybe in a month or so i feel like i got lucky and did not get ban on my account. dont want to push my luck.


i did not get 6 month ban like all those accounts and i have botted for alt leveling only. 

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Well my view on it at least from a CD standpoint... it's a double edged sword. Do it and risk gaining a lot of users who don't understand the risks and getting banned. Thus bringing the attention to blizzard and then we are out honorbuddy completely at some point. Getting community spam about bans and blaming CD. Also a flood of users from TBF who want to use arena CR's. Doing it would also open up an opportunity to flow more VIP users in here. But sometimes thats a bad thing. Plus pissing off bossland to that degree might bring some unwanted attention. 


Don't do it and every one moans. Bitches complains. and spams about that. 


I just feel that the reversing you guys do is all about pushing the limit. I would love to see a bypass but at the same time I don't want to see the stress from it. You guys already do amazing work. If you bot you bot all in thats at least my point of view.

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HB 788



--> Summary <--

Bossland acknowledges banwave.

Bossland removes combat rotation ability inside arenas.

CodeDeception remains undecided on whether we will re-enable this function.

CodeDeception updated CDPatcher with support for HB 788, with due warning.


If the Code was removed you are not able to reenable this ! 

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If the Code was removed you are not able to reenable this ! 

Not true. The code wasn't removed at all; there is an argument checking if the user is in an arena and using a combat routine.

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the 788 with vitalic is not working anymore?

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the 788 with vitalic is not working anymore?

It should be, try making a support post with your problem..

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It should be, try making a support post with your problem..

found out i just need the 788 but all links seems giving me 789

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Here's a link that seemed to work for me. 

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Just don't let it update.

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banned every time 10/10 bann and now i test a test account was about 1hour banned 6months wtf 

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banned every time 10/10 bann and now i test a test account was about 1hour banned 6months wtf 

proof? since im using HB and Rebot for like 2 weeks no ban at all...

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Just to throw my 2 cents in here...


I think disabling the bot in any PvP area is a super smart move.  The odds of another player seeing you epic kill some random mob and report is always a possibility...  But epic killing that player is MUCH more likely to have them go whining to Blizz about the big bully botter who cheated in order to kill him...


Second, Unless you're a die-hard PvE'er like me, the PvP IS the game for you, so learn to play it effectively. ^_^  Bot your heart out to get to 100, then get some finger exercise actually playing the game.  :P


Just my thoughts. :)

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Just to throw my 2 cents in here...


I think disabling the bot in any PvP area is a super smart move.  The odds of another player seeing you epic kill some random mob and report is always a possibility...  But epic killing that player is MUCH more likely to have them go whining to Blizz about the big bully botter who cheated in order to kill him...


Second, Unless you're a die-hard PvE'er like me, the PvP IS the game for you, so learn to play it effectively. ^_^  Bot your heart out to get to 100, then get some finger exercise actually playing the game.  :P


Just my thoughts. :)

I guess it kind of makes sense, especially since people will just instantly report you if you were better than them and say you're a bot.

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banned every time 10/10 bann and now i test a test account was about 1hour banned 6months wtf 

Troll detected. Easy as that.

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