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HB 788 & Recent Banwave

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Troll detected. Easy as that.

Nothing but the truth besides the fact that it was instant and didn't take an hour.

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my first post so Hello everyone.


At the begining sorry for my english:)


So I use HB for 1 month every day for about 6-8h , last night it was 14h. I did not get any ban, I did not update HB for last time and I use routine for mech mag which I found at this forum.

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my first post so Hello everyone.


At the begining sorry for my english:)


So I use HB for 1 month every day for about 6-8h , last night it was 14h. I did not get any ban, I did not update HB for last time and I use routine for mech mag which I found at this forum.

Are you talking about Hearthstone?

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yes I do.


and the topic is to WOW only?  :headbang:

This page? Yes. :P

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Not the proper thread young sir.

When you guys update the CDPatcher for the new version of Hearthstone ?


[email protected]

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I support HB and suspense's decision. Yes CR's shouldn't be allowed. HB surely thought of this really thoroughly and a no didn't come up from nothing. It will most probably affect other botters in a negative way. Please don't change your mind!

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Leave PvP CR's disabled, It only pulls more attention to the less-"destructive" bots. The fact that you can do it is great, but it doesn't mean it should be done.

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Enable them, like it was so obvious when I used a combat rotation... Ive been using it in arenas for 2 years (2200+) never been called out maybe people should stop using Singular rotation xDDDDD!

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I have just update Heartbuddy to the newest version and i get the following

Please login or register to see this link.

. What can i do to work this properly?

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I have just update Heartbuddy to the newest version and i get the following

Please login or register to see this link.

. What can i do to work this properly?

 i have the same problem

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I have just update Heartbuddy to the newest version and i get the following

Please login or register to see this link.

. What can i do to work this properly?

Is this the right place for this? Read forum rules...

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Enable them, like it was so obvious when I used a combat rotation... Ive been using it in arenas for 2 years (2200+) never been called out maybe people should stop using Singular rotation xDDDDD!



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cant use 788 because it say release has blocked from usage ?

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Just to throw my 2 cents in here...


I think disabling the bot in any PvP area is a super smart move.  The odds of another player seeing you epic kill some random mob and report is always a possibility...  But epic killing that player is MUCH more likely to have them go whining to Blizz about the big bully botter who cheated in order to kill him...


Second, Unless you're a die-hard PvE'er like me, the PvP IS the game for you, so learn to play it effectively. ^_^  Bot your heart out to get to 100, then get some finger exercise actually playing the game.  :P


Just my thoughts. :)


I dont.  I think it changes absolutely nothing.  Not to mention other bots still work in the arena and the non botting players arent going to differentiate between which bot is being ran nor is blizzard.  It will still draw negative attention and people will still get hit.


not to mention the arena is only a small fraction of the botting population and botting farm mobs is all the same to the players in general and to blizzard and to its detriment of the game.


TLDR - axing arena changes nothing.   And no, i dont and never have played much in the arena.  Certainly even less appealing since knowing people dont play legitimately though.


To be frank, between bots and blizzard in general, what used to be an amazing captivating genre is now trash.   I guess i should add todays generation as a cause as well, but todays generation wouldnt be there had blizzard not taken the genre and straight up turned it out. 


anyways, getting off topic. 

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yeah I am going to have to agree with Klepp0906, it doesn't matter if you disable it because rebot is in the process of adding arena to their bot. With that being said tuanha, gladiator, and vitalic are going with them. So in the end we are going to have arena since we have rebot. Might as well just re-enable it on Honorbuddy, it's not going to make any difference.. Honorbuddy is the first botting website I've seen grow a vagina and feel bad for one on one play.. yet their whole bot defeats the purpose of that.. they should just shut their whole website down.

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I think it's worth noting that there have been bot-specific banwaves.  HB got hit, then ReBot got hit.  If you want arena, go with ReBot.  If you don't like Bossland or HB, stop using it.  You're getting it for free due to our gracious hosts.  Just stop complaining!

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i get it regardless. I have a paid HB too, I just use codedeception because HB pissed me off

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With the next patch HB enables the Arena Routines^^

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Hi, I'm new to your forum, I was brought here from, when I try to use the CD-key generated, I get an invalid product key error

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Hi, I'm new to your forum, I was brought here from, when I try to use the CD-key generated, I get an invalid product key error

Read rules how to create support thread and make one in support forum.

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