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Bot always shutting down randomly


My bot often shutdown and logout my char to loginscreen without any sign random times, pls help me :(

I connected any server and bot alway say the error: "Connection: Connecting to China ("

Error log:

2016-01-12 15:53:19,082 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Infested Crab (863) at {640, 496}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,084 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Infested Crab (865) at {627, 483}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,088 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Infested Crab (866) at {637, 463}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,484 [10] ERROR CustomLogger (null) - Authentication Server Response: 
2016-01-12 15:53:19,486 [10] ERROR CustomLogger (null) - Connection: Connecting to China (
2016-01-12 15:53:19,486 [10] ERROR CustomLogger (null) - SID: SfSpgZTHGbwJDcmiHrfhcSICMOMnhzlg54edaf3820c275b08047a7b0091fa742
2016-01-12 15:53:19,679 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TagWaypointTask] A waypoint is not in range. Now moving to a location where it should come into view.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,777 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Rhoa Scavenger (752) at {603, 556}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,779 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Rhoa Scavenger (754) at {611, 532}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,783 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Oak's Devoted (748) at {619, 404}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,784 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Infested Crab (756) at {608, 444}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,785 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Infested Crab (759) at {617, 455}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,785 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Infested Crab (757) at {617, 464}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,786 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Infested Crab (755) at {601, 482}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,786 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Rhoa Scavenger (751) at {608, 525}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,787 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Oak's Devoted (746) at {608, 409}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,788 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Oak's Devoted (747) at {614, 430}.
2016-01-12 15:53:19,789 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Rhoa Scavenger (753) at {609, 556}.
2016-01-12 15:53:20,942 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Tormented Rogue (872) at {580, 433}.
2016-01-12 15:53:20,943 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TrackMoreMobs] Now adding Infested Crab (758) at {595, 453}.
2016-01-12 15:53:21,176 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [TagWaypointTask] A waypoint is not in range. Now moving to a location where it should come into view.
2016-01-12 15:53:21,365 [20] INFO  CustomLogger (null) - [Logic] Now moving towards {701, 500} because [dist (67) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
2016-01-12 15:53:21,526 [20] INFO  CustomLogger (null) - [Logic] Now moving towards {704, 503} because [dist (58) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
2016-01-12 15:53:21,571 [10] INFO  CustomLogger (null) - The bot is now logging out the client due to an auth issue.
2016-01-12 15:53:21,575 [10] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ActivateEscapeState] !IsEscapeStateActive. Attempting to open it.
2016-01-12 15:53:25,302 [10] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - LogoutToTitleScreen returned None.
2016-01-12 15:53:25,309 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AutoLogin] DelayBeforeLoginAttempt | LoginAttemptDelay: 00:00:05.4030000.
2016-01-12 15:53:25,309 [20] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AutoLogin] The bot will wait 00:00:06.3750000 before logging in.

Pls help me, THANKS SO MUCH !!!

Sry for my English...

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