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About sercankd

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  1. Help mi create emulator Wrobot offline nejde spustit help mi jinak cracked

    1. pepanek


      Please Update Server Wrobot (sercankd)




  2. Hello, I found a cracked version 3.3.5a Wrobot
    but there is a problem of all the time it connects to the server
    It would update Wrobot emulator to create or Autoit emulator server Http://

    link: cracked Wrobot 3.3.5a


    problem of Internet video offline 


  3. this is probably dead
  4. Yes
  5. did you read the title?
  6. you downloaded what? you are supposed to use 4.9.7 version of the bot, its in the first post. ignore the update alerts. 5.0.2 is for the retail wow.
  7. just download file run TheNoobBot_ServerEmu as Admin, then run bot.
  8. at first i didn't think they store offsets in the remote server >.< When i change bot version it uses different query string for script.php, checked the code it uses random function so i thought revision qs is meaningless I have decrypted script.php and i got this, you are right this thing pulls offsets from server So i faked version with 5.0.2 it changes sCurMgr like this Addresses.ObjectManagerClass.sCurMgr = 0xC9D530; this is the cursor for as i found in this website and default one is public static uint sCurMgr = 0xda6a20; and this one seems the right cursor for 6.2.3 20799 as i see here in the bot executable. I am still new and learning this kind of stuff so i need to find a way to prevent sCurMgr offset being changed :< edit: i have solved this but cant find clientConnection offset now, its hardcoded as zero in executable edit2: yay it works now! injected a function to call script.php from my website instead of bot's own
  9. I just changed bot version string in nManager.dll to latest one on the server, i dont think it interrupts any packet transfer.
  10. Download link: Credits goes to mammon // amped for the crack and me for making bot bypass force update. ps. i do not know how to mute sound.
  11. You'll be able to see the hidden content once you reply to this topic. >.<
  12. Anyone have download link for this thing? i don't want to went through lame forum like/post/thanks stuff.
  13. roBot is retarded, if put a piece of weight on my W button it will do better unfortunately no alternative..
  14. Application Name: File Juggler Application Description: folders monitor and file managing automatically Application Download Link:
  15. You need latest .net framework, try it maybe it solves your problem.