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About beden

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  1. Need a good fishbot for 2.4.3 where there is no interackt whit target. so only click loot like the first pirox fishbot fish by color. very much appriciatet beden
  2. thx 4 the release keep up the good work.
  3. any other han me got prob whit the new release bgbuddy now i dont work at alle even specifec battlegrounds I know i´t not the cm team that cause the prob but still like to know if other have the same isssue
  4. try where all the other release have bin. or you can read all threat in this forum and i´m sure you will find it
  5. great work cm team fast relase after hb
  6. just give blizz sometime to get this game going. then the staff of cm can take some time off but untill then keep up the gooooooood work maybe we get bgbuddy to work fully this
  7. thx great job by ppl behind this relase i think more relases will come in the future cuz off the new isle and easter coming up soon