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Everything posted by uhlme

  1. hey cylae can i have an invite? username is uhlme
  2. i dont know how people can not see this???
  3. Very nice and fast seller! I will definitely buy again
  4. yes, probably 7 or 8
  5. +25
  6. -5
  7. -3 please nerf ocrion
  8. -3
  9. +1
  10. +4
  11. +4
  12. +15
  13. +5
  14. thanks, your solution fixed my problem <3 thread can be closed.
  15. Program: HB Version: 774 Issue: Hang on loading products from buddystore. Log: http://pastebin.com/96uR1hVb "legit" version does work.
  16. with cyberghost vpn (romania server) it works. now with sstp vpn (luxembourg) it doesnt work. wtf?! can someone please help me? with skype and teamviewer? EDIT: open vpn (sweden) does work... can someone explain this to me? S i dont get it.
  17. Program: HB Version: v2.5.12600.764 Issue: Hang on "Logging in..." Log: http://pastebin.com/zBQKAUWM Combat Routine: Can't select one Botbase: Can't select one Screen Shot: http://prntscr.com/5s2t5v
  18. just doesn't work... i'll try a fresh windows installation, maybe this helps. stuck at "Logging in...". the fact that i use vmwareplayer is not the problem, right?!
  19. where do i see which version is supported by the cd patcher?
  20. which old version?.763 does also not work for me
  21. latest version of cd patcher no av activated, firewall also deactivated run both with admin rights (hb and cdpatcher) no success other solutions?
  22. nope... doesn't work don't know what to do...
  23. okay. i'll try this
  24. tried already with reboot and reinstall all the things...