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About Malaki2030

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  1. Alright thanks for your responses! Is it expected that the CDPatcher doesn't seem to function atm? I'm using a newly generated one along with my new CD Key provided by you guys, and HB sits on Logging In... for a bit then closes.
  2. You are misinformed. SBR Memory reads AND injects (writes). Legionbuddy will only READ memory and respond properly using simulated keypresses instead of directly injecting and unlocking LUA to perform actions. Only READING MEMORY is not going to get you banned, because as I've said, many processes read memory, such as anti viruses and diagnostic software. Imagine if Blizz banned you because your anti virus was running while playing WoW. They aren't stupid.
  3. I'm sure you guys are probably aware of it and stuff, but certain areas of the site are redirecting to the old url. In particular on the Auth Page if you click return to forums it redirects incorrectly, and clicking the Code Deception logo at the top no the Auth Page also redirects incorrectly. Slightly off topic: Do I need to donate to use the shoutbox? I've never had permission.